class PetState < ActiveRecord::Base SwfAssetType = 'biology' has_many :contributions, :as => :contributed, :inverse_of => :contributed # in case of duplicates being merged has_many :outfits has_many :parent_swf_asset_relationships, :as => :parent, :autosave => false has_many :swf_assets, :through => :parent_swf_asset_relationships belongs_to :pet_type delegate :color, to: :pet_type alias_method :swf_asset_ids_from_association, :swf_asset_ids attr_writer :parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update # Our ideal order is: happy, sad, sick, UC, any+effects, glitched, with male # before female within those groups for consistency. We therefore order as # follows, listed in order of priority: # * Send glitched states to the back # * Bring known happy states to the front (we don't want to sort by mood_id # DESC first because then labeled sad will appear before unlabeled happy) # * Send states with effect assets to the back # * Bring state with more assets forward (that is, send UC near the back) # * Bring males forward # * Bring states with a lower asset ID sum forward (the idea being that # sad/female states are usually created after a happy/male base, but that's # becoming increasingly untrue over time - this is a very last resort) # # Maybe someday, when most states are labeled, we can depend exclusively on # their labels - or at least use more than is-happy and is-female. For now, # though, this strikes a good balance of bringing default to the front for # many pet types (the highest priority!) and otherwise doing decent sorting. bio_effect_zone_id = 4 scope :emotion_order, joins(:parent_swf_asset_relationships). joins("LEFT JOIN swf_assets effect_assets ON = parents_swf_assets.swf_asset_id AND effect_assets.zone_id = #{bio_effect_zone_id}"). group(""). order("glitched ASC, (mood_id = 1) DESC, COUNT(effect_assets.remote_id) ASC, COUNT(parents_swf_assets.swf_asset_id) DESC, female ASC, SUM(parents_swf_assets.swf_asset_id) ASC") def as_json(options={}) { id: id, gender_mood_description: gender_mood_description, swf_asset_ids: swf_asset_ids_array, artist_name: artist_name, artist_url: artist_url } end def reassign_children_to!(main_pet_state) self.contributions.each do |contribution| contribution.contributed = main_pet_state end self.outfits.each do |outfit| outfit.pet_state = main_pet_state end ParentSwfAssetRelationship.where(ParentSwfAssetRelationship.arel_table[:parent_id].eq( end def reassign_duplicates! raise "This may only be applied to pet states that represent many duplicate entries" unless duplicate_ids pet_states = duplicate_ids.split(',').map do |id| PetState.find(id.to_i) end main_pet_state = pet_states.shift pet_states.each do |pet_state| pet_state.reassign_children_to!(main_pet_state) pet_state.destroy end end def sort_swf_asset_ids! self.swf_asset_ids = swf_asset_ids_array.sort.join(',') end def swf_asset_ids self['swf_asset_ids'] end def swf_asset_ids_array swf_asset_ids.split(',').map(&:to_i) end def swf_asset_ids=(ids) self['swf_asset_ids'] = ids end def handle_assets! @parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update.each do |rel|!! end end def label_by_pet(pet, username) # If this pet is already labeled with a gender/mood, or it's unconverted # and therefore has none, skip. return false if self.labeled? || self.unconverted? # Find this pet on the owner's userlookup, where we can get both its gender # and its mood. begin user_pet = find { |user_pet| == } self.female = user_pet.female? self.mood_id = self.labeled = true rescue Neopets::User::Error # If there's an error loading the userlookup data (e.g. account is # frozen), no big deal; we just won't label the pet right now. Proceed # as usual. end true end def mood Neopets::Pet::Mood.find(self.mood_id) end def gender_name if female? I18n.translate("pet_states.description.gender.female") else I18n.translate("pet_states.description.gender.male") end end def mood_name I18n.translate("pet_states.description.mood.#{}") end def gender_mood_description if glitched? I18n.translate('pet_states.description.glitched') elsif unconverted? I18n.translate('pet_states.description.unconverted') elsif labeled? I18n.translate('pet_states.description.main', :gender => gender_name, :mood => mood_name) else I18n.translate('pet_states.description.unlabeled') end end def replace_with(other) PetState.transaction do count = outfits.count outfits.find_each { |outfit| outfit.pet_state = other! } destroy end count end def artist_name artist_neopets_username || I18n.translate("pet_states.default_artist_name") end def artist_url if artist_neopets_username "{artist_neopets_username}" else nil end end def self.from_pet_type_and_biology_info(pet_type, info) swf_asset_ids = [] info.each do |zone_id, asset_info| if zone_id.present? && asset_info swf_asset_ids << asset_info[:part_id].to_i end end swf_asset_ids_str = swf_asset_ids.sort.join(',') if pet_type.new_record? pet_state = :swf_asset_ids => swf_asset_ids_str else pet_state = self.find_or_initialize_by_pet_type_id_and_swf_asset_ids(, swf_asset_ids_str ) end existing_swf_assets = SwfAsset.biology_assets.includes(:zone). find_all_by_remote_id(swf_asset_ids) existing_swf_assets_by_id = {} existing_swf_assets.each do |swf_asset| existing_swf_assets_by_id[swf_asset.remote_id] = swf_asset end existing_relationships_by_swf_asset_id = {} unless pet_state.new_record? pet_state.parent_swf_asset_relationships.each do |relationship| existing_relationships_by_swf_asset_id[relationship.swf_asset_id] = relationship end end pet_state.pet_type = pet_type # save the second case from having to look it up by ID relationships = [] info.each do |zone_id, asset_info| if zone_id.present? && asset_info swf_asset_id = asset_info[:part_id].to_i swf_asset = existing_swf_assets_by_id[swf_asset_id] unless swf_asset swf_asset = swf_asset.remote_id = swf_asset_id end swf_asset.origin_biology_data = asset_info swf_asset.origin_pet_type = pet_type relationship = existing_relationships_by_swf_asset_id[] unless relationship relationship ||= relationship.parent = pet_state relationship.swf_asset_id = end relationship.swf_asset = swf_asset relationships << relationship end end pet_state.parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update = relationships pet_state.unconverted = (relationships.size == 1) pet_state end def self.repair_all! self.transaction do self.all.each do |pet_state| pet_state.sort_swf_asset_ids! end self. select('pet_states.pet_type_id, pet_states.swf_asset_ids, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT AS duplicate_ids'). joins('INNER JOIN pet_states ps2 ON pet_states.pet_type_id = ps2.pet_type_id AND pet_states.swf_asset_ids = ps2.swf_asset_ids'). group('pet_states.pet_type_id, pet_states.swf_asset_ids'). having('count(*) > 1'). all. each do |pet_state| pet_state.reassign_duplicates! end end end end