import React from "react"; import { ClassNames } from "@emotion/react"; import { Box, Flex, IconButton, Skeleton, Tooltip, useColorModeValue, useTheme, } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { EditIcon, DeleteIcon, InfoIcon } from "@chakra-ui/icons"; import { loadable } from "../util"; import { ItemCardContent, ItemBadgeList, ItemKindBadge, MaybeAnimatedBadge, YouOwnThisBadge, YouWantThisBadge, getZoneBadges, } from "../components/ItemCard"; import SupportOnly from "./support/SupportOnly"; import useSupport from "./support/useSupport"; const LoadableItemSupportDrawer = loadable( () => import("./support/ItemSupportDrawer"), ); /** * Item show a basic summary of an item, in the context of the current outfit! * * It also responds to the focus state of an `input` as its previous sibling. * This will be an invisible radio/checkbox that controls the actual wear * state. * * In fact, this component can't trigger wear or unwear events! When you click * it in the app, you're actually clicking a <label> that wraps the radio or * checkbox. Similarly, the parent provides the `onRemove` callback for the * Remove button. * * NOTE: This component is memoized with React.memo. It's surpisingly expensive * to re-render, because Chakra components are a lil bit expensive from * their internal complexity, and we have a lot of them here. And it can * add up when there's a lot of Items in the list. This contributes to * wearing/unwearing items being noticeably slower on lower-power * devices. */ function Item({ item, itemNameId, isWorn, isInOutfit, onRemove, isDisabled = false, }) { const [supportDrawerIsOpen, setSupportDrawerIsOpen] = React.useState(false); return ( <> <ItemContainer isDisabled={isDisabled}> <Box flex="1 1 0" minWidth="0"> <ItemCardContent item={item} badges={<ItemBadges item={item} />} itemNameId={itemNameId} isWorn={isWorn} isDiabled={isDisabled} focusSelector={containerHasFocus} /> </Box> <Box flex="0 0 auto" marginTop="5px"> {isInOutfit && ( <ItemActionButton icon={<DeleteIcon />} label="Remove" onClick={(e) => { onRemove(; e.preventDefault(); }} /> )} <SupportOnly> <ItemActionButton icon={<EditIcon />} label="Support" onClick={(e) => { setSupportDrawerIsOpen(true); e.preventDefault(); }} /> </SupportOnly> <ItemActionButton icon={<InfoIcon />} label="More info" to={`/items/${}`} target="_blank" /> </Box> </ItemContainer> <SupportOnly> <LoadableItemSupportDrawer item={item} isOpen={supportDrawerIsOpen} onClose={() => setSupportDrawerIsOpen(false)} /> </SupportOnly> </> ); } /** * ItemSkeleton is a placeholder for when an Item is loading. */ function ItemSkeleton() { return ( <ItemContainer isDisabled> <Skeleton width="50px" height="50px" /> <Box width="3" /> <Skeleton height="1.5rem" width="12rem" alignSelf="center" /> </ItemContainer> ); } /** * ItemContainer is the outermost element of an `Item`. * * It provides spacing, but also is responsible for a number of hover/focus/etc * styles - including for its children, who sometimes reference it as an * .item-container parent! */ function ItemContainer({ children, isDisabled = false }) { const theme = useTheme(); const focusBackgroundColor = useColorModeValue( theme.colors.gray["100"], theme.colors.gray["700"], ); const activeBorderColor = useColorModeValue(["400"],["500"], ); const focusCheckedBorderColor = useColorModeValue(["800"],["300"], ); return ( <ClassNames> {({ css, cx }) => ( <Box p="1" my="1" borderRadius="lg" d="flex" cursor={isDisabled ? undefined : "pointer"} border="1px" borderColor="transparent" className={cx([ "item-container", !isDisabled && css` &:hover, input:focus + & { background-color: ${focusBackgroundColor}; } input:active + & { border-color: ${activeBorderColor}; } input:checked:focus + & { border-color: ${focusCheckedBorderColor}; } `, ])} > {children} </Box> )} </ClassNames> ); } function ItemBadges({ item }) { const { isSupportUser } = useSupport(); const occupiedZones = =>; const restrictedZones = item.appearanceOn.restrictedZones.filter( (z) => z.isCommonlyUsedByItems, ); const isMaybeAnimated = item.appearanceOn.layers.some( (l) => l.canvasMovieLibraryUrl, ); return ( <ItemBadgeList> <ItemKindBadge isNc={item.isNc} isPb={item.isPb} /> { // This badge is unreliable, but it's helpful for looking for animated // items to test, so we show it only to support. We use this form // instead of <SupportOnly />, to avoid adding extra badge list spacing // on the additional empty child. isMaybeAnimated && isSupportUser && <MaybeAnimatedBadge /> } {getZoneBadges(occupiedZones, { variant: "occupies" })} {getZoneBadges(restrictedZones, { variant: "restricts" })} {item.currentUserOwnsThis && <YouOwnThisBadge variant="medium" />} {item.currentUserWantsThis && <YouWantThisBadge variant="medium" />} </ItemBadgeList> ); } /** * ItemActionButton is one of a list of actions a user can take for this item. */ function ItemActionButton({ icon, label, to, onClick, ...props }) { const theme = useTheme(); const focusBackgroundColor = useColorModeValue( theme.colors.gray["300"], theme.colors.gray["800"], ); const focusColor = useColorModeValue( theme.colors.gray["700"], theme.colors.gray["200"], ); return ( <ClassNames> {({ css }) => ( <Tooltip label={label} placement="top"> <LinkOrButton {...props} component={IconButton} href={to} icon={icon} aria-label={label} variant="ghost" color="gray.400" onClick={onClick} className={css` opacity: 0; transition: all 0.2s; ${containerHasFocus} { opacity: 1; } &:focus, &:hover { opacity: 1; background-color: ${focusBackgroundColor}; color: ${focusColor}; } /* On touch devices, always show the buttons! This avoids having to * tap to reveal them (which toggles the item), or worse, * accidentally tapping a hidden button without realizing! */ @media (hover: none) { opacity: 1; } `} /> </Tooltip> )} </ClassNames> ); } function LinkOrButton({ href, component, ...props }) { const ButtonComponent = component; if (href != null) { return <ButtonComponent as="a" href={href} {...props} />; } else { return <ButtonComponent {...props} />; } } /** * ItemListContainer is a container for Item components! Wrap your Item * components in this to ensure a consistent list layout. */ export function ItemListContainer({ children, ...props }) { return ( <Flex direction="column" {...props}> {children} </Flex> ); } /** * ItemListSkeleton is a placeholder for when an ItemListContainer and its * Items are loading. */ export function ItemListSkeleton({ count, ...props }) { return ( <ItemListContainer {...props}> {Array.from({ length: count }).map((_, i) => ( <ItemSkeleton key={i} /> ))} </ItemListContainer> ); } /** * containerHasFocus is a common CSS selector, for the case where our parent * .item-container is hovered or the adjacent hidden radio/checkbox is * focused. */ const containerHasFocus = ".item-container:hover &, input:focus + .item-container &"; export default React.memo(Item);