require 'timeout' module RocketAMFExtensions class RemoteGateway class Request ERROR_CODE = 'AMFPHP_RUNTIME_ERROR' def initialize(action, params) @action = action @params = params end def post(options={}) uri = @action.service.gateway.uri data = envelope.serialize req = req.body = data headers = options[:headers] || {} headers.each do |key, value| req[key] = value end res = nil if options[:timeout] Timeout.timeout(options[:timeout], ConnectionError) do res = send_request(uri, req) end else res = send_request(uri, req) end if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) response_body = res.body else error = nil begin res.error! rescue Exception => scoped_error error = scoped_error end raise ConnectionError, error.message end begin result = rescue Exception => e raise ConnectionError, e.message, e.backtrace end first_message_data =[0].data) if first_message_data.respond_to?(:[]) && first_message_data[:code] == ERROR_CODE raise end # HACK: It seems to me that these messages come back with Windows-1250 # (or similar) encoding on the strings? I'm basing this on the # Patchwork Staff item, whose description arrives as: # # "That staff is cute, but dont use it as a walking stick \x96 I " + # "dont think it will hold you up!" # # And the `\x96` is meant to represent an endash, which it doesn't in # UTF-8 or in most extended ASCII encodings, but *does* in Windows's # specific extended ASCII. # # Idk if this is something to do with the AMFPHP spec or how the AMFPHP # server code they use serializes strings (I couldn't find any # reference to it?), or just their internal database encoding being # passed along as-is, or what? But this seems to be the most correct # interpretation I know how to do, so, let's do it! result.messages[0].data.body.tap do |body| reencode_strings! body, "Windows-1250", "UTF-8" end end private def envelope output = output.messages << wrapper_message output end def wrapper_message message = 'null', '/1', [remoting_message] end def remoting_message message = message.source = message.operation = message.body = @params message end def send_request(uri, req) begin http =, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true if uri.instance_of? URI::HTTPS return http.request(req) rescue Exception => e raise ConnectionError, e.message end end def reencode_strings!(target, from, to) if target.is_a? String target.force_encoding(from).encode!(to) elsif target.is_a? Array target.each { |x| reencode_strings!(x, from, to) } elsif target.is_a? Hash target.values.each { |x| reencode_strings!(x, from, to) } end end end class ConnectionError < RuntimeError def initialize(message) @message = message end def message "Error connecting to gateway: #{@message}" end end class AMFError < RuntimeError DATA_KEYS = [:details, :line, :code] attr_reader *DATA_KEYS attr_reader :message def initialize(data) DATA_KEYS.each do |key| instance_variable_set "@#{key}", data[key] end @message = data[:description] end end end end