require "open-uri" require "open3" desc "Tools to save and import DTI's public modeling data" namespace :public_data do desc "Save the local database's public data to a local file" task :commit, [:name] => :environment do |_, args| if Rails.env.development? puts "NOTE: The `public_data:commit` task is primarily meant to be " + "run in production, to create public data files we can copy to our " + "development machines via `public_data:pull`. I'll still run it " + "locally and save to #{Rails.configuration.public_data_root}, though!" end # Generate a filename from the current time, and the option name argument # provided to the command (e.g. `rails public_data:commit[scheduled]`). timestamp =':', '_') name = args.fetch(:name, "manual") filename = "#{timestamp}-#{name}.sql.gz" dest_path = Rails.configuration.public_data_root / filename args = [] # The connection details for our database! config = ApplicationRecord.connection_db_config.configuration_hash args << "--host=#{config[:host]}" if config[:host] args << "--user=#{config[:username]}" if config[:username] args << "--password=#{config[:password]}" if config[:password] # Don't lock the database to do it! args << "--single-transaction" # Dump the public data tables from the primary database. args << config.fetch(:database) args += %w(species colors zones) # manual constants args += %w(alt_styles items parents_swf_assets pet_states pet_types swf_assets) # from modeling # Set up a shell, and register the commands we need. Shell.def_system_command("mysqldump") Shell.def_system_command("gzip") sh = # Ensure the output directory exists. dest_path.dirname.mkpath # Run mysqldump, pipe it into gzip, and output to the destination file. sh.transact do sh.mysqldump(*args) | sh.gzip("-c") > dest_path.to_s end puts "Saved dump to #{dest_path}" # Link this latest dump as `latest.sql.gz`. latest_path = Rails.configuration.public_data_root / "latest.sql.gz" File.unlink(latest_path) if File.exist?(latest_path) File.symlink(dest_path, latest_path) puts "Linked dump to #{latest_path}" end desc "Pull and import the latest public data from production (dev only)" task :pull => :environment do unless Rails.env.development? raise "Can only pull public data in development mode! This helps us " + "ensure we won't overwrite the production database accidentally." end args = [] # The connection details for our database! config = ApplicationRecord.connection_db_config.configuration_hash args << "--host=#{config[:host]}" if config[:host] args << "--user=#{config[:username]}" if config[:username] args << "--password=#{config[:password]}" if config[:password] args << "--database=#{config.fetch(:database)}" # Set up a shell, and register the commands we need. Shell.def_system_command("mysql") Shell.def_system_command("gunzip") sh ="") do |file| # Pipe the latest public data SQL into `gunzip` to unpack it, then pipe # it into mysql to execute it. # # NOTE: We need `open(file)` to wrap it in a plain `File` object, so the # `Shell` will recognize it correctly! It doesn't accept `Tempfile`. sh.transact do (sh.gunzip("-c") < open(file)) | sh.mysql(*args) end end end end