import gql from "graphql-tag"; import { useQuery } from "@apollo/client"; import { useDebounce } from "../util"; import { emptySearchQuery } from "./SearchToolbar"; import { itemAppearanceFragment } from "../components/useOutfitAppearance"; import { SEARCH_PER_PAGE } from "./SearchPanel"; /** * useSearchResults manages the actual querying and state management of search! */ export function useSearchResults( query, outfitState, currentPageNumber, { skip = false } = {}, ) { const { speciesId, colorId, altStyleId } = outfitState; // We debounce the search query, so that we don't resend a new query whenever // the user types anything. const debouncedQuery = useDebounce(query, 300, { waitForFirstPause: true, initialValue: emptySearchQuery, }); // NOTE: This query should always load ~instantly, from the client cache. const { data: zoneData } = useQuery(gql` query SearchPanelZones { allZones { id label } } `); const allZones = zoneData?.allZones || []; const filterToZones = query.filterToZoneLabel ? allZones.filter((z) => z.label === query.filterToZoneLabel) : []; const filterToZoneIds = =>; const currentPageIndex = currentPageNumber - 1; const offset = currentPageIndex * SEARCH_PER_PAGE; // Here's the actual GQL query! At the bottom we have more config than usual! const { loading: loadingGQL, error, data, } = useQuery( gql` query SearchPanel( $query: String! $fitsPet: FitsPetSearchFilter $itemKind: ItemKindSearchFilter $currentUserOwnsOrWants: OwnsOrWants $zoneIds: [ID!]! $speciesId: ID! $colorId: ID! $altStyleId: ID $offset: Int! $perPage: Int! ) { itemSearch: itemSearchV2( query: $query fitsPet: $fitsPet itemKind: $itemKind currentUserOwnsOrWants: $currentUserOwnsOrWants zoneIds: $zoneIds ) { id numTotalItems items(offset: $offset, limit: $perPage) { # TODO: De-dupe this from useOutfitState? id name thumbnailUrl isNc isPb currentUserOwnsThis currentUserWantsThis appearanceOn( speciesId: $speciesId colorId: $colorId altStyleId: $altStyleId ) { # This enables us to quickly show the item when the user clicks it! ...ItemAppearanceForOutfitPreview # This is used to group items by zone, and to detect conflicts when # wearing a new item. layers { zone { id label } } restrictedZones { id label isCommonlyUsedByItems } } } } } ${itemAppearanceFragment} `, { variables: { query: debouncedQuery.value, fitsPet: { speciesId, colorId, altStyleId }, itemKind: debouncedQuery.filterToItemKind, currentUserOwnsOrWants: debouncedQuery.filterToCurrentUserOwnsOrWants, zoneIds: filterToZoneIds, speciesId, colorId, altStyleId, offset, perPage: SEARCH_PER_PAGE, }, context: { sendAuth: true }, skip: skip || (!debouncedQuery.value && !debouncedQuery.filterToItemKind && !debouncedQuery.filterToZoneLabel && !debouncedQuery.filterToCurrentUserOwnsOrWants), onError: (e) => { console.error("Error loading search results", e); }, // Return `numTotalItems` from the GQL cache while waiting for next page! returnPartialData: true, }, ); const loading = debouncedQuery !== query || loadingGQL; const items = data?.itemSearch?.items ?? []; const numTotalItems = data?.itemSearch?.numTotalItems ?? null; const numTotalPages = Math.ceil(numTotalItems / SEARCH_PER_PAGE); return { loading, error, items, numTotalPages }; }