= content_tag "support-outfit-viewer", **html_options do = turbo_frame_tag "support-outfit-viewer-preview" do %div -# Render an outfit viewer in a magnifier. Use SVG by default for clarity, -# but also offer an option to switch to PNG if it looks wrong. %magic-magnifier = outfit_viewer outfit, preferred_image_format: params[:preferred_image_format] == "png" ? :png : :svg = form_with method: :get, class: "outfit-viewer-controls" do |f| %fieldset %legend Format %label = f.radio_button "preferred_image_format", "svg", checked: params[:preferred_image_format] != "png" SVG %label = f.radio_button "preferred_image_format", "png", checked: params[:preferred_image_format] == "png" PNG = f.submit "Update" %table %thead %tr %th{scope: "col"} DTI ID %th{scope: "col"} Zone %th{scope: "col"} Links %tbody - outfit.visible_layers.each do |swf_asset| %tr %th{scope: "row", "data-field": "id"} = swf_asset.id %td = swf_asset.zone.label (##{swf_asset.zone.id}) %td{"data-field": "links"} %ul - if swf_asset.image_url? %li= link_to "PNG", swf_asset.image_url, target: "_blank" - if swf_asset.svg_url? %li= link_to "SVG", swf_asset.svg_url, target: "_blank" %li= link_to "SWF", swf_asset.url, target: "_blank" - if swf_asset.manifest_url? %li= link_to "Manifest", swf_asset.manifest_url, target: "_blank"