- add_body_class 'fullscreen' %a#home-link{:href => "/"} %span Dress to Impress %h1#title Planning an outfit #pet-type-not-found.possible-error We haven't seen that combination before. Have you? Submit the pet's name if you have! #preview-toolbar %form#pet-type-form %select{:name => "color"} %select{:name => "species"} %input{:type => "submit", :value => "Go"}/ %form#pet-state-form Gender/Emotions: %ul #save-outfit-wrapper %button#save-outfit Save outfit #preview #preview-swf #preview-swf-container %p Flash and Javascript (but not Java!) are required to preview outfits. %p If this message stays after the page is done loading, check those first. #preview-sidebar #save-success Outfit successfully saved #save-error #preview-closet %a#preview-sidebar-nav-outfits.preview-sidebar-nav{:href => '#'} Your outfits %h2 Closet %ul %p#fullscreen-copyright Images © 2000-2010 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission #preview-outfits %a#preview-sidebar-nav-closet.preview-sidebar-nav{:href => "#"} ← Back to Closet %h2 Your outfits %ul %li.starred %div %header %button.outfit-delete × .outfit-star %h4 Pretty in Pink %input.outfit-url{:type => 'text', :value => 'http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/qW2l4o'} .outfit-delete-confirmation %span Delete forever? %a.outfit-delete-confirmation-yes{:href => '#'} yes \/ %a.outfit-delete-confirmation-no{:href => '#'} no, thanks %li.starred %div %header %button.outfit-delete × .outfit-star %h4 The Little Mermaid %input.outfit-url{:type => 'text', :value => 'http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/qW2l4o'} .outfit-delete-confirmation %span Delete forever? %a.outfit-delete-confirmation-yes{:href => '#'} yes \/ %a.outfit-delete-confirmation-no{:href => '#'} no, thanks %li %div %header %button.outfit-delete × .outfit-star %h4 Autumn is Here %input.outfit-url{:type => 'text', :value => 'http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/qW2l4o'} .outfit-delete-confirmation %span Delete forever? %a.outfit-delete-confirmation-yes{:href => '#'} yes \/ %a.outfit-delete-confirmation-no{:href => '#'} no, thanks %li %div %header %button.outfit-delete × .outfit-star %h4 Super Mysterious Secret Agent %input.outfit-url{:type => 'text', :value => 'http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/qW2l4o'} .outfit-delete-confirmation %span Delete forever? %a.outfit-delete-confirmation-yes{:href => '#'} yes \/ %a.outfit-delete-confirmation-no{:href => '#'} no, thanks #preview-saving-outfit %a#preview-sidebar-nav-cancel-save.preview-sidebar-nav{:href => '#'} ← Cancel %h2 Saving new outfit #new-outfit %form#new-outfit-form %header .outfit-star %h4 %input#new-outfit-name{:type => 'text', :placeholder => 'Outfit name'} %button{:type => 'submit'} Save %form#preview-search-form %header %h2 Add an item %input{:name => "query", :placeholder => "Search items...", :type => "search"}/ %input{:type => "submit", :value => "Go"}/ #preview-search-form-pagination %a#preview-search-form-clear{:href => "#"} clear %dl#preview-search-form-help %div %dt kreludor "altador cup" -background %dd returns any item with the word "kreludor" and the phrase "altador cup" in it, but not the word "background" %div %dt collar -is:nc -is:pb %dd returns any item with the word "collar" in it, but is not from the NC mall, and is not from a deluxe paint brush set %div %dt %span species: %span.search-helper{"data-search-filter" => "species"} Acara %dd returns any item a %span.search-helper{"data-search-filter" => "species"} Acara can wear %div %dt %span type: %span.search-helper{"data-search-filter" => "type"} background %dd returns any item that fills a %span.search-helper{"data-search-filter" => "type"} background zone #preview-search-form-loading Loading... #preview-search-form-error.possible-error #preview-search-form-no-results No results for "" %ul #no-assets-full-message We haven't seen this item on this body type before. Have you? Submit its name on the home page if you have! - content_for :javascripts do /[if IE] = include_javascript_libraries :html5 = include_javascript_libraries :jquery, :swfobject = include_javascripts :edit_outfit_package