import React from "react"; import { Tooltip, useColorModeValue, Flex, Icon } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { CheckCircleIcon, WarningTwoIcon } from "@chakra-ui/icons"; function HTML5Badge({ usesHTML5, isLoading, tooltipLabel }) { // `delayedUsesHTML5` stores the last known value of `usesHTML5`, when // `isLoading` was `false`. This enables us to keep showing the badge, even // when loading a new appearance - because it's unlikely the badge will // change between different appearances for the same item, and the flicker is // annoying! const [delayedUsesHTML5, setDelayedUsesHTML5] = React.useState(null); React.useEffect(() => { if (!isLoading) { setDelayedUsesHTML5(usesHTML5); } }, [usesHTML5, isLoading]); if (delayedUsesHTML5 === true) { return ( <GlitchBadgeLayout hasGlitches={false} aria-label="HTML5 supported!" tooltipLabel={ tooltipLabel || "This item is converted to HTML5, and ready to use on!" } > <CheckCircleIcon fontSize="xs" /> <Icon viewBox="0 0 36 36" fontSize="xl" // Visual re-balancing, there's too much visual right-padding here! marginRight="-1" > {/* From Twemoji Keycap 5 */} <path fill="currentColor" d="M16.389 14.489c.744-.155 1.551-.31 2.326-.31 3.752 0 6.418 2.977 6.418 6.604 0 5.178-2.851 8.589-8.216 8.589-2.201 0-6.821-1.427-6.821-4.155 0-1.147.961-2.107 2.108-2.107 1.24 0 2.729 1.984 4.806 1.984 2.17 0 3.288-2.109 3.288-4.062 0-1.86-1.055-3.131-2.977-3.131-1.799 0-2.078 1.023-3.659 1.023-1.209 0-1.829-.93-1.829-1.457 0-.403.062-.713.093-1.054l.774-6.544c.341-2.418.93-2.945 2.418-2.945h7.472c1.428 0 2.264.837 2.264 1.953 0 2.14-1.611 2.326-2.17 2.326h-5.829l-.466 3.286z" /> </Icon> </GlitchBadgeLayout> ); } else if (delayedUsesHTML5 === false) { return ( <GlitchBadgeLayout hasGlitches={true} aria-label="HTML5 not supported" tooltipLabel={ tooltipLabel || ( <> This item isn't converted to HTML5 yet, so it might not appear in customization yet. Once it's ready, it could look a bit different than our temporary preview here. It might even be animated! </> ) } > <WarningTwoIcon fontSize="xs" marginRight="1" /> <Icon viewBox="0 0 36 36" fontSize="xl"> {/* From Twemoji Keycap 5 */} <path fill="currentColor" d="M16.389 14.489c.744-.155 1.551-.31 2.326-.31 3.752 0 6.418 2.977 6.418 6.604 0 5.178-2.851 8.589-8.216 8.589-2.201 0-6.821-1.427-6.821-4.155 0-1.147.961-2.107 2.108-2.107 1.24 0 2.729 1.984 4.806 1.984 2.17 0 3.288-2.109 3.288-4.062 0-1.86-1.055-3.131-2.977-3.131-1.799 0-2.078 1.023-3.659 1.023-1.209 0-1.829-.93-1.829-1.457 0-.403.062-.713.093-1.054l.774-6.544c.341-2.418.93-2.945 2.418-2.945h7.472c1.428 0 2.264.837 2.264 1.953 0 2.14-1.611 2.326-2.17 2.326h-5.829l-.466 3.286z" /> {/* From Twemoji Not Allowed */} <path fill="#DD2E44" opacity="0.75" d="M18 0C8.059 0 0 8.059 0 18s8.059 18 18 18 18-8.059 18-18S27.941 0 18 0zm13 18c0 2.565-.753 4.95-2.035 6.965L11.036 7.036C13.05 5.753 15.435 5 18 5c7.18 0 13 5.821 13 13zM5 18c0-2.565.753-4.95 2.036-6.964l17.929 17.929C22.95 30.247 20.565 31 18 31c-7.179 0-13-5.82-13-13z" /> </Icon> </GlitchBadgeLayout> ); } else { // If no `usesHTML5` value has been provided yet, we're empty for now! return null; } } export function GlitchBadgeLayout({ hasGlitches = true, children, tooltipLabel, ...props }) { const [isHovered, setIsHovered] = React.useState(false); const [isFocused, setIsFocused] = React.useState(false); const greenBackground = useColorModeValue("green.100", "green.900"); const greenBorderColor = useColorModeValue("green.600", "green.500"); const greenTextColor = useColorModeValue("green.700", "white"); const yellowBackground = useColorModeValue("yellow.100", "yellow.900"); const yellowBorderColor = useColorModeValue("yellow.600", "yellow.500"); const yellowTextColor = useColorModeValue("yellow.700", "white"); return ( <Tooltip textAlign="center" fontSize="xs" placement="bottom" label={tooltipLabel} // HACK: Chakra tooltips seem inconsistent about staying open when focus // comes from touch events. But I really want this one to work on // mobile! isOpen={isHovered || isFocused} > <Flex align="center" backgroundColor={hasGlitches ? yellowBackground : greenBackground} borderColor={hasGlitches ? yellowBorderColor : greenBorderColor} color={hasGlitches ? yellowTextColor : greenTextColor} border="1px solid" borderRadius="md" boxShadow="md" paddingX="2" paddingY="1" transition="all 0.2s" tabIndex="0" _focus={{ outline: "none", boxShadow: "outline" }} // For consistency between the HTML5Badge & OutfitKnownGlitchesBadge minHeight="30px" onMouseEnter={() => setIsHovered(true)} onMouseLeave={() => setIsHovered(false)} onFocus={() => setIsFocused(true)} onBlur={() => setIsFocused(false)} {...props} > {children} </Flex> </Tooltip> ); } export function layerUsesHTML5(layer) { return Boolean( layer.svgUrl || layer.canvasMovieLibraryUrl || // If this glitch is applied, then `svgUrl` will be null, but there's still // an HTML5 manifest that the official player can render. (layer.knownGlitches || []).includes("OFFICIAL_SVG_IS_INCORRECT"), ); } export default HTML5Badge;