/** @jsx React.DOM */ (function($) { // Console-polyfill. MIT license. // https://github.com/paulmillr/console-polyfill // Make it safe to do console.log() always. var console = (function (con) { 'use strict'; var prop, method; var empty = {}; var dummy = function() {}; var properties = 'memory'.split(','); var methods = ('assert,count,debug,dir,dirxml,error,exception,group,' + 'groupCollapsed,groupEnd,info,log,markTimeline,profile,profileEnd,' + 'time,timeEnd,trace,warn').split(','); while (prop = properties.pop()) con[prop] = con[prop] || empty; while (method = methods.pop()) con[method] = con[method] || dummy; return con; })(window.console || {}); var Neopia = { User: { get: function(id) { return $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: Neopia.API_URL + "/users/" + id, useCSRFProtection: false }).then(function(response) { return response.users[0]; }); } }, Customization: { request: function(petId, type) { return $.ajax({ dataType: "json", type: type, url: Neopia.API_URL + "/pets/" + petId + "/customization", useCSRFProtection: false }); }, get: function(petId) { return this.request(petId, "GET"); }, post: function(petId) { return this.request(petId, "POST"); } }, init: function() { var hostEl = $('meta[name=neopia-host]'); if (!hostEl.length) { throw "missing neopia-host meta tag"; } var host = hostEl.attr('content'); if (!host) { throw "neopia-host meta tag exists, but is empty"; } Neopia.API_URL = "http://" + host + "/api/1"; } }; var ImpressUser = (function() { var userSignedIn = ($('meta[name=user-signed-in]').attr('content') === 'true'); if (userSignedIn) { var currentUserId = $('meta[name=current-user-id').attr('content'); return { addNeopetsUsername: function(username) { return $.ajax({ url: '/user/' + currentUserId + '/neopets-connections', type: 'POST', data: {neopets_connection: {neopets_username: username}} }); }, removeNeopetsUsername: function(username) { return $.ajax({ url: '/user/' + currentUserId + '/neopets-connections/' + encodeURIComponent(username), type: 'POST', data: {_method: 'DELETE'} }); }, getNeopetsUsernames: function() { return JSON.parse($('#modeling-neopets-users').attr('data-usernames')); } }; } else { return { _key: "guestNeopetsUsernames", _setNeopetsUsernames: function(usernames) { localStorage.setItem(this._key, JSON.stringify(usernames)); }, addNeopetsUsername: function(username) { this._setNeopetsUsernames(this.getNeopetsUsernames().concat([username])); }, removeNeopetsUsername: function(username) { this._setNeopetsUsernames(this.getNeopetsUsernames().filter(function(u) { return u !== username; })); }, getNeopetsUsernames: function() { return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this._key)) || []; } }; } })(); var Modeling = { _customizationsByPetId: {}, _customizations: [], _itemsById: {}, _items: [], _usersComponent: {setState: function() {}}, _neopetsUsernamesPresenceMap: {}, _addCustomization: function(customization) { // Set all equipped, interesting items' statuses as success and cross // them off the list. var itemsById = this._itemsById; var equippedByZone = customization.custom_pet.equipped_by_zone; var closetItems = customization.closet_items; Object.keys(equippedByZone).forEach(function(zoneId) { var equippedClosetId = equippedByZone[zoneId].closet_obj_id; var equippedObjectId = closetItems[equippedClosetId].obj_info_id; if (itemsById.hasOwnProperty(equippedObjectId)) { // TODO: i18n title customization.statusByItemId[equippedObjectId] = "success"; itemsById[equippedObjectId].el.find("span[data-body-id=" + customization.custom_pet.body_id + "]").addClass("modeled") .attr("title", "You just finished modeling this—thanks so much!"); } }); this._customizationsByPetId[customization.custom_pet.name] = customization; this._customizations = this._buildCustomizations(); this._updateCustomizations(); }, _addNewCustomization: function(customization) { customization.loadingForItemId = null; customization.statusByItemId = {}; this._addCustomization(customization); }, _buildCustomizations: function() { var modelCustomizationsByPetId = this._customizationsByPetId; return Object.keys(modelCustomizationsByPetId).map(function(petId) { return modelCustomizationsByPetId[petId]; }); }, _createItems: function($) { var itemsById = this._itemsById; this._items = $('#newest-unmodeled-items li').map(function() { var el = $(this); var item = { el: el, id: el.attr('data-item-id'), name: el.find('h2').text(), missingBodyIdsPresenceMap: el.find('span[data-body-id]').toArray().reduce(function(map, node) { map[$(node).attr('data-body-id')] = true; return map; }, {}) }; item.component = React.renderComponent(, el.find('.models').get(0)); itemsById[item.id] = item; return item; }).toArray(); }, _loadPetCustomization: function(neopiaPetId) { return Neopia.Customization.get(neopiaPetId) .done(this._addNewCustomization.bind(this)) .fail(function() { console.error("couldn't load pet %s", neopiaPetId); }); }, _loadManyPetsCustomizations: function(neopiaPetIds) { return neopiaPetIds.map(this._loadPetCustomization.bind(this)); }, _loadUserCustomizations: function(neopiaUserId) { return Neopia.User.get(neopiaUserId).then(function(neopiaUser) { return neopiaUser.links.pets; }).then(this._loadManyPetsCustomizations.bind(this)).fail(function() { console.error("couldn't load user %s's customizations", neopiaUserId); }); }, _startLoading: function(neopiaPetId, itemId) { var customization = this._customizationsByPetId[neopiaPetId]; customization.loadingForItemId = itemId; customization.statusByItemId[itemId] = "loading"; this._updateCustomizations(); }, _stopLoading: function(neopiaPetId, itemId, status) { var customization = this._customizationsByPetId[neopiaPetId]; customization.loadingForItemId = null; customization.statusByItemId[itemId] = status; this._updateCustomizations(); }, _updateCustomizations: function() { var neopetsUsernamesPresenceMap = this._neopetsUsernamesPresenceMap; var liveCustomizations = this._customizations.filter(function(c) { return neopetsUsernamesPresenceMap[c.custom_pet.owner]; }); this._items.forEach(function(item) { var filteredCustomizations = liveCustomizations.filter(function(c) { return item.missingBodyIdsPresenceMap[c.custom_pet.body_id]; }); item.component.setState({customizations: filteredCustomizations}); }); }, _updateUsernames: function() { var usernames = Object.keys(this._neopetsUsernamesPresenceMap); this._usersComponent.setState({usernames: usernames}); }, init: function($) { Neopia.init(); this._createItems($); var usersEl = $('#modeling-neopets-users'); this._usersComponent = React.renderComponent(, usersEl.get(0)); var usernames = ImpressUser.getNeopetsUsernames(); usernames.forEach(this._registerUsername.bind(this)); this._updateUsernames(); }, model: function(neopiaPetId, itemId) { var oldCustomization = this._customizationsByPetId[neopiaPetId]; var itemsById = this._itemsById; this._startLoading(neopiaPetId, itemId); return Neopia.Customization.post(neopiaPetId) .done(function(newCustomization) { // Add this field as null for consistency. newCustomization.loadingForItemId = null; // Copy previous statuses. newCustomization.statusByItemId = oldCustomization.statusByItemId; // Set the attempted item's status as unworn (to possibly be // overridden by the upcoming loop in _addCustomization). newCustomization.statusByItemId[itemId] = "unworn"; // Now, finally, let's overwrite the old customization with the new. Modeling._addCustomization(newCustomization); }) .fail(function() { Modeling._stopLoading(neopiaPetId, itemId, "error"); }); }, _registerUsername: function(username) { this._neopetsUsernamesPresenceMap[username] = true; this._loadUserCustomizations(username); this._updateUsernames(); }, addUsername: function(username) { if (typeof this._neopetsUsernamesPresenceMap[username] === 'undefined') { ImpressUser.addNeopetsUsername(username); this._registerUsername(username); } }, removeUsername: function(username) { if (this._neopetsUsernamesPresenceMap[username]) { ImpressUser.removeNeopetsUsername(username); delete this._neopetsUsernamesPresenceMap[username]; this._updateCustomizations(); this._updateUsernames(); } } }; var ModelForItem = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {customizations: []}; }, render: function() { var item = this.props.item; function createModelPet(customization) { return ; } var sortedCustomizations = this.state.customizations.slice(0).sort(function(a, b) { var aName = a.custom_pet.name.toLowerCase(); var bName = b.custom_pet.name.toLowerCase(); if (aName < bName) return -1; if (aName > bName) return 1; return 0; }); return
; } }); var ModelPet = React.createClass({ render: function() { var petName = this.props.customization.custom_pet.name; var status = this.props.customization.statusByItemId[this.props.item.id]; var loadingForItemId = this.props.customization.loadingForItemId; var disabled = (status === "loading" || status === "success"); if (loadingForItemId !== null && loadingForItemId !== this.props.item.id) { disabled = true; } var itemName = this.props.item.name; var imageSrc = "http://pets.neopets.com/cpn/" + petName + "/1/1.png"; // TODO: i18n var title = "Submit " + petName + " as a model, especially if they're " + "wearing the " + itemName + "!"; if (status === "success") { var statusMessage = "Thanks! <3"; } else if (status === "unworn") { var statusMessage = "Not wearing this item."; } else if (status === "error") { var statusMessage = "Couldn't load. Try again?"; } else { var statusMessage =""; } return
  • ; }, handleClick: function(e) { Modeling.model(this.props.customization.custom_pet.name, this.props.item.id); } }); var NeopetsUsernamesForm = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {usernames: [], newUsername: ""}; }, render: function() { function buildUsernameItem(username) { return ; } return
    ; }, handleChange: function(e) { this.setState({newUsername: e.target.value}); }, handleSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.state.newUsername = $.trim(this.state.newUsername); if (this.state.newUsername.length) { Modeling.addUsername(this.state.newUsername); this.setState({newUsername: ""}); } } }); var NeopetsUsernameItem = React.createClass({ render: function() { return
  • {this.props.username}
  • }, handleClick: function(e) { Modeling.removeUsername(this.props.username); } }); Modeling.init($); })(jQuery);