var DEBUG =, 6) == "?debug"; /* Needed items form */ (function () { var UI = {}; UI.form = $("#needed-items-form"); UI.alert = $("#needed-items-alert"); UI.pet_name_field = $("#needed-items-pet-name-field"); UI.pet_thumbnail = $("#needed-items-pet-thumbnail"); UI.pet_header = $("#needed-items-pet-header"); UI.reload = $("#needed-items-reload"); UI.pet_items = $("#needed-items-pet-items"); UI.item_template = $("#item-template"); var current_request = { abort: function () {} }; function sendRequest(options) { current_request = $.ajax(options); } function cancelRequest() { if (DEBUG) console.log("Canceling request", current_request); current_request.abort(); } /* Pet */ var last_successful_pet_name = null; function loadPet(pet_name) { // If there is a request in progress, kill it. Our new pet request takes // priority, and, if I submit a name while the previous name is loading, I // don't want to process both responses. cancelRequest(); sendRequest({ url: UI.form.attr("action") + ".json", dataType: "json", data: { name: pet_name }, error: petError, success: function (data) { petSuccess(data, pet_name); }, complete: petComplete, }); UI.form.removeClass("failed").addClass("loading-pet"); } function petComplete() { UI.form.removeClass("loading-pet"); } function petError(xhr) { UI.alert.text(xhr.responseText); UI.form.addClass("failed"); } function petSuccess(data, pet_name) { last_successful_pet_name = pet_name; UI.pet_thumbnail.attr("src", petThumbnailUrl(pet_name)); UI.pet_header.empty(); $("#needed-items-pet-header-template") .tmpl({ pet_name: pet_name }) .appendTo(UI.pet_header); loadItems(data.query); } function petThumbnailUrl(pet_name) { return "" + pet_name + "/1/1.png"; } /* Items */ function loadItems(query) { UI.form.addClass("loading-items"); sendRequest({ url: "/items/needed.json", dataType: "json", data: query, success: itemsSuccess, }); } function itemsSuccess(items) { if (DEBUG) { // The dev server is missing lots of data, so sends me 2000+ needed // items. We don't need that many for styling, so limit it to 100 to make // my browser happier. items = items.slice(0, 100); } UI.pet_items.empty(); UI.item_template.tmpl(items).appendTo(UI.pet_items); UI.form.removeClass("loading-items").addClass("loaded"); } UI.form.submit(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); loadPet(UI.pet_name_field.val()); }); (e) { e.preventDefault(); loadPet(last_successful_pet_name); }); })(); /* Bulk pets form */ (function () { var form = $("#bulk-pets-form"), queue_el = form.find("ul"), names_el = form.find("textarea"), add_el = $("#bulk-pets-form-add"), clear_el = $("#bulk-pets-form-clear"), bulk_load_queue; $(document.body).addClass("js"); bulk_load_queue = new (function BulkLoadQueue() { var RECENTLY_SENT_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS = 30; var RECENTLY_SENT_MAX = 3; var pets = [], url = form.attr("action") + ".json", recently_sent_count = 0, loading = false; function Pet(name) { var el = $("#bulk-pets-submission-template") .tmpl({ pet_name: name }) .appendTo(queue_el); this.load = function () { el.removeClass("waiting").addClass("loading"); var response_el = el.find("span.response"); pets.shift(); loading = true; $.ajax({ complete: function (data) { loading = false; loadNextIfReady(); }, data: { name: name }, dataType: "json", error: function (xhr) { el.removeClass("loading").addClass("failed"); response_el.text(xhr.responseText); }, success: function (data) { var points = data.points; el.removeClass("loading").addClass("loaded"); $("#bulk-pets-submission-success-template") .tmpl({ points: points }) .appendTo(response_el); }, type: "post", url: url, }); recently_sent_count++; setTimeout(function () { recently_sent_count--; loadNextIfReady(); }, RECENTLY_SENT_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS * 1000); }; } this.add = function (name) { name = name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); if (name.length) { var pet = new Pet(name); pets.push(pet); if (pets.length == 1) loadNextIfReady(); } }; function loadNextIfReady() { if (!loading && recently_sent_count < RECENTLY_SENT_MAX && pets.length) { pets[0].load(); } } })(); names_el.keyup(function () { var names = this.value.split("\n"), x = names.length - 1, i, name; for (i = 0; i < x; i++) { bulk_load_queue.add(names[i]); } this.value = x >= 0 ? names[x] : ""; }); () { bulk_load_queue.add(names_el.val()); names_el.val(""); }); () { queue_el.children("li.loaded, li.failed").remove(); }); })();