window.log = window.SWFLog = $.noop; function arraysMatch(array1, array2) { // var temp; if(!$.isArray(array1)|| !$.isArray(array2)) { return array1 == array2; } temp = []; if ( (!array1[0]) || (!array2[0]) ) { return false; } if (array1.length != array2.length) { return false; } for (var i=0; i<array1.length; i++) { key = (typeof array1[i]) + "~" + array1[i]; if (temp[key]) { temp[key]++; } else { temp[key] = 1; } } for (var i=0; i<array2.length; i++) { key = (typeof array2[i]) + "~" + array2[i]; if (temp[key]) { if (temp[key] == 0) { return false; } else { temp[key]--; } } else { return false; } } return true; } = function (property) { return $.map(this, function (element) { return element[property]; }); } function DeepObject() {} DeepObject.prototype.deepGet = function () { var scope = this, i; $.each(arguments, function () { scope = scope[this]; if(typeof scope == 'undefined') return false; }); return scope; } DeepObject.prototype.deepSet = function () { var pop = $.proxy(Array.prototype.pop, 'apply'), value = pop(arguments), final_key = pop(arguments), scope = this; $.each(arguments, function () { if(typeof scope[this] == 'undefined') { scope[this] = {}; } scope = scope[this]; }); scope[final_key] = value; } function Wardrobe() { var wardrobe = this, BiologyAsset, ItemAsset; /* * * Models * */ function determineRestrictedZones() { var i, zone; this.restricted_zones = []; while((zone = this.zones_restrict.indexOf(1, zone) + 1) != 0) { this.restricted_zones.push(zone); } } function Asset(newData) { var asset = this; this.imageURL = function (size) { return Wardrobe.IMAGE_CONFIG.base_url + this.s3_path + "/" + size[0] + "x" + size[1] + ".png"; } this.update = function (data) { for(var key in data) { if(data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { asset[key] = data[key]; } } } this.update(newData); } function BiologyAsset(data) { Asset.apply(this, [data]); determineRestrictedZones.apply(this); } function ItemAsset(data) { Asset.apply(this, [data]); } function Item(id) { var item = this; = id; this.assets_by_body_id = {}; this.load_started = false; this.loaded = false; this.getAssetsFitting = function (pet_type) { return this.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id] || []; } this.hasAssetsFitting = function (pet_type) { return typeof item.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id] != 'undefined' && item.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id].length > 0; } this.couldNotLoadAssetsFitting = function (pet_type) { return typeof item.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id] != 'undefined' && item.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id].length == 0; } this.update = function (data) { for(var key in data) { if(data.hasOwnProperty(key) && key != 'id') { // do not replace ID with string item[key] = data[key]; } } determineRestrictedZones.apply(this); this.loaded = true; } function getNameForSlug() { return /g, '-').replace(/[^a-z0-9\-]/i, ''); } function getSlug() { var slug =; if(item.hasOwnProperty('name')) { slug += '-' + getNameForSlug(); } return slug; } this.getURL = function() { return "/items/" + getSlug(); } Item.cache[id] = this; } Item.find = function (id) { var item = Item.cache[id]; if(!item) { item = new Item(id); } return item; } var item_load_callbacks = []; Item.loadByIds = function (ids, success) { var ids_to_load = [], ids_not_loaded = [], items = $.map(ids, function (id) { var item = Item.find(id); if(!item.load_started) { ids_to_load.push(id); item.load_started = true; } if(!item.loaded) { ids_not_loaded.push(id); } return item; }); if(ids_to_load.length) { $.getJSON('/items.json', {ids: ids_to_load}, function (data) { var set, set_items, set_ids, set_callback, run_callback, ids_from_data = []; $.each(data, function () { ids_from_data.push(; Item.find(; }); for(var i = 0; i < item_load_callbacks.length; i++) { set = item_load_callbacks[i]; set_items = set[0]; set_ids = set[1]; set_callback = set[2]; run_callback = true; for(var j = 0; j < set_ids.length; j++) { if($.inArray(set_ids[j], ids_from_data) == -1) { run_callback = false; break; } } if(run_callback) set_callback(set_items); } success(items); }); } else if(ids_not_loaded.length) { item_load_callbacks.push([items, ids_not_loaded, success]); } else { success(items); } return items; } Item.PER_PAGE = 21; Item.loadByQuery = function (query, offset, success, error) { var page = Math.round(offset / Item.PER_PAGE) + 1; $.getJSON('/items.json', {q: query, per_page: Item.PER_PAGE, page: page}, function (data) { var items = [], item, item_data; if(data.items) { for(var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) { item_data = data.items[i]; item = Item.find(; item.update(item_data); items.push(item); } success(items, data.total_pages, page); } else if(data.error) { error(data.error); } }); } Item.cache = {}; function ItemZoneSet(name) { = name; } ItemZoneSet.loadAll = function (success) { $.getJSON('/item_zone_sets.json', function (data) { for(var i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) { ItemZoneSet.all.push(new ItemZoneSet(data[i])); } success(ItemZoneSet.all); }); } ItemZoneSet.all = []; function Outfit(data) { var outfit = this, previous_pet_type, worn_item_ids = [], closet_item_ids = [], new_record = true; this.setWornAndUnwornItemIds = function (new_ids) { this.worn_and_unworn_item_ids = new_ids; worn_item_ids = new_ids.worn; closet_item_ids = new_ids.unworn.concat(new_ids.worn); } if(typeof data != 'undefined') { this.color_id = data.color_id; =; =; this.pet_state_id = data.pet_state_id; this.starred = data.starred; this.species_id = data.species_id; this.setWornAndUnwornItemIds(data.worn_and_unworn_item_ids); new_record = false; } this.closet_items = []; this.worn_items = []; this.anonymous = false; this.getWornItemIds = function () { // TODO just expose the worn_item_ids return worn_item_ids; } this.getClosetItemIds = function () { // TODO just expose the closet_item_ids return closet_item_ids; } function getAttributes() { var outfit_data = {}; =; outfit_data.starred = outfit.starred; outfit_data.worn_and_unworn_item_ids = outfit.getWornAndUnwornItemIds(); if(outfit.pet_state) outfit_data.pet_state_id =; outfit_data.anonymous = outfit.anonymous; return outfit_data; } function getRestrictedZones() { // note: may contain duplicates - loop through assets, not these, for // best performance var restricted_zones = [], restrictors = outfit.worn_items; if(outfit.pet_state) restrictors = restrictors.concat(outfit.pet_state.assets); $.each(restrictors, function () { restricted_zones = restricted_zones.concat(this.restricted_zones); }); return restricted_zones; } function hasItemInCloset(item) { return $.inArray(item, outfit.closet_items) != -1; } function isWearingItem(item) { return $.inArray(item, outfit.worn_items) != -1; } function itemAssetsOnLoad(added_item, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback) { var item_zones, item_zones_length, existing_item, existing_item_zones, passed, new_items = [], new_worn_item_ids = []; if(added_item) { // now that we've loaded, check for conflicts on the added item item_zones = added_item.getAssetsFitting(outfit.pet_type).map('zone_id'); item_zones_length = item_zones.length; for(var i = 0; i < outfit.worn_items.length; i++) { existing_item = outfit.worn_items[i]; existing_item_zones = existing_item.getAssetsFitting(outfit.pet_type).map('zone_id'); passed = true; if(existing_item != added_item) { for(var j = 0; j < item_zones_length; j++) { if($.inArray(item_zones[j], existing_item_zones) != -1) { passed = false; break; } } } if(passed) { new_items.push(existing_item); new_worn_item_ids.push(; } } outfit.worn_items = new_items; worn_item_ids = new_worn_item_ids; updateItemsCallback(outfit.worn_items); } updateItemAssetsCallback(); } function petTypeOnLoad(pet_type, petTypeLoadedCallback, updatePetStateCallback, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback) { if(!outfit.pet_state || !pet_type.ownsPetState(outfit.pet_state)) { outfit.setPetStateById(null, updatePetStateCallback); } petTypeLoadedCallback(pet_type); updateItemAssets(null, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback); } function updateItemAssets(added_item, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback) { if(outfit.pet_type && outfit.pet_type.loaded && worn_item_ids.length) { outfit.pet_type.loadItemAssets(worn_item_ids, function () { itemAssetsOnLoad(added_item, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback) }); } } function sendUpdate(outfit_data, success, failure) { $.ajax({ url: '/outfits/' +, type: 'post', data: {'_method': 'put', outfit: outfit_data}, success: function () { Outfit.cache[] = outfit; success(outfit); }, error: function (xhr) { if(typeof failure !== 'undefined') { failure(outfit, $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText)); } } }); } this.closetItem = function (item, updateClosetItemsCallback) { if(!hasItemInCloset(item)) { this.closet_items.push(item); closet_item_ids.push(; updateClosetItemsCallback(this.closet_items); } } this.getPetStateId = function () { if(typeof outfit.pet_state_id === 'undefined') { outfit.pet_state_id =; } return outfit.pet_state_id; } this.getVisibleAssets = function () { var assets, restricted_zones = getRestrictedZones(), visible_assets = []; assets = this.pet_state ? this.pet_state.assets : []; for(var i = 0; i < outfit.worn_items.length; i++) { assets = assets.concat(outfit.worn_items[i].getAssetsFitting(outfit.pet_type)); } $.each(assets, function () { if($.inArray(this.zone_id, restricted_zones) == -1) { visible_assets.push(this); } }); return visible_assets; } this.rename = function (new_name, success, failure) { this.updateAttributes({name: new_name}, success, failure); } this.setClosetItemsByIds = function (ids, updateItemsCallback) { if(ids) closet_item_ids = ids; if(ids && ids.length) { Item.loadByIds(ids, function (items) { outfit.closet_items = items; updateItemsCallback(items); }); } else { this.closet_items = []; updateItemsCallback(this.closet_items); } } this.setPetStateById = function (id, petStateOnLoad) { if(!id && this.pet_type) { id = this.pet_type.pet_state_ids[0]; } if(id) { this.pet_state = PetState.find(id); this.pet_state_id = id; this.pet_state.loadAssets(petStateOnLoad); } } this.setPetTypeByColorAndSpecies = function (color_id, species_id, updatePetTypeCallback, petTypeLoadedCallback, petTypeNotFoundCallback, updatePetStateCallback, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback) { this.pet_type = PetType.findOrCreateByColorAndSpecies(color_id, species_id); this.color_id = color_id; this.species_id = species_id; updatePetTypeCallback(this.pet_type); this.pet_type.load(function (pet_type) { petTypeOnLoad(pet_type, petTypeLoadedCallback, updatePetStateCallback, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback) }, petTypeNotFoundCallback); } this.setWornItemsByIds = function (ids, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback) { if(ids) worn_item_ids = ids; if(ids && ids.length) { this.worn_items = Item.loadByIds(ids, updateItemsCallback); } else { this.worn_items = []; updateItemsCallback(this.worn_items); } updateItemAssets(null, updateItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback); } this.toggleStar = function (success) { this.updateAttributes({starred: !outfit.starred}, success); } this.unclosetItem = function (item, updateClosetItemsCallback, updateWornItemsCallback) { var i = $.inArray(item, this.closet_items), id_i; if(i != -1) { this.closet_items.splice(i, 1); id_i = $.inArray(, closet_item_ids); closet_item_ids.splice(id_i, 1); updateClosetItemsCallback(this.closet_items); this.unwearItem(item, updateWornItemsCallback); } } this.unwearItem = function (item, updateWornItemsCallback) { var i = $.inArray(item, this.worn_items), id_i; if(i != -1) { this.worn_items.splice(i, 1); id_i = $.inArray(, worn_item_ids); worn_item_ids.splice(id_i, 1); updateWornItemsCallback(this.worn_items); } } this.update = function (success, failure) { sendUpdate(getAttributes(), success, failure); } this.wearItem = function (item, updateWornItemsCallback, updateClosetItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback) { if(!isWearingItem(item)) { this.worn_items.push(item); worn_item_ids.push(; this.closetItem(item, updateClosetItemsCallback); if(updateItemAssetsCallback) { updateItemAssets(item, updateWornItemsCallback, updateItemAssetsCallback); } updateWornItemsCallback(this.worn_items); } } this.getWornAndUnwornItemIds = function () { var unworn_item_ids = [], id; for(var i = 0; i < closet_item_ids.length; i++) { id = closet_item_ids[i]; if($.inArray(id, worn_item_ids) === -1) { unworn_item_ids.push(id); } } outfit.worn_and_unworn_item_ids = {worn: worn_item_ids, unworn: unworn_item_ids}; return outfit.worn_and_unworn_item_ids; } this.clone = function () { var new_outfit = new Outfit; new_outfit.cloneAttributesFrom(outfit); =; =; new_outfit.starred = outfit.starred; return new_outfit; } this.cloneAttributesFrom = function (base_outfit) { var base_ids = base_outfit.getWornAndUnwornItemIds(), new_ids = {}; outfit.color_id = base_outfit.color_id outfit.species_id = base_outfit.species_id; outfit.pet_state_id = base_outfit.getPetStateId(); outfit.pet_state = base_outfit.pet_state; outfit.pet_type = base_outfit.pet_type; outfit.closet_items = base_outfit.closet_items.slice(0); outfit.worn_items = base_outfit.worn_items.slice(0); new_ids.worn = base_ids.worn.slice(0); new_ids.unworn = base_ids.unworn.slice(0); outfit.setWornAndUnwornItemIds(new_ids); } this.destroy = function (success) { $.ajax({ url: '/outfits/' + + '.json', type: 'post', data: {'_method': 'delete'}, success: function () { success(outfit) } }); } this.create = function (success, error) { $.ajax({ url: '/outfits', type: 'post', data: {outfit: getAttributes()}, success: function (data) { new_record = false; = data; Outfit.cache[data] = outfit; success(outfit); }, error: function (xhr) { error(outfit, $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText)); } }); } this.updateAttributes = function (attributes, success, failure) { var outfit_data = {}; for(var key in attributes) { if(attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { outfit_data[key] = outfit[key] = attributes[key]; } } sendUpdate(outfit_data, success, failure); } } Outfit.cache = {}; Outfit.find = function (id, callback) { if(typeof Outfit.cache[id] !== 'undefined') { callback(Outfit.cache[id]); } else { $.ajax({ url: '/outfits/' + id + '.json', success: function (data) { var outfit = new Outfit(data); Outfit.cache[id] = outfit; callback(outfit); }, error: function () { callback(null); } }); } } Outfit.loadForCurrentUser = function (success) { var outfits = []; $.getJSON('/users/current-user/outfits.json', function (data) { var outfit_data, outfit, i; for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { outfit_data = data[i]; outfit = new Outfit(outfit_data); outfits.push(outfit); Outfit.cache[] = outfit; } success(outfits); }); } function PetAttribute() {} PetAttribute.loadAll = function (success) { $.getJSON('/pet_attributes.json', function (data) { success(data); }); } function PetState(id) { var pet_state = this, loaded = false; = id; this.assets = []; this.loadAssets = function (success) { var params; if(loaded) { success(pet_state); } else { $.getJSON('/pet_states/' + + '/swf_assets.json', function (data) { pet_state.assets = $.map(data, function (obj) { return new BiologyAsset(obj) }); loaded = true; success(pet_state); }); } } PetState.cache[id] = this; } PetState.find = function (id) { var pet_state = PetState.cache[id]; if(!pet_state) { pet_state = new PetState(id); } return pet_state; } PetState.cache = {}; function PetType() { var pet_type = this; this.loaded = false; this.pet_states = []; this.load = function (success, error) { if(pet_type.loaded) { success(pet_type); } else { $.getJSON('/species/' + pet_type.species_id + '/color/' + pet_type.color_id + '/pet_type.json', { 'for': 'wardrobe' }, function (data) { if(data) { for(var key in data) { if(data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { pet_type[key] = data[key]; } } for(var i = 0; i < pet_type.pet_state_ids.length; i++) { pet_type.pet_states.push(PetState.find(pet_type.pet_state_ids[i])); } PetType.cache_by_color_and_species.deepSet( pet_type.color_id, pet_type.species_id, pet_type ); pet_type.loaded = true; success(pet_type); } else { error(pet_type); } }); } } this.loadItemAssets = function (item_ids, success) { var item_ids_needed = []; for(var i = 0; i < item_ids.length; i++) { var id = item_ids[i], item = Item.find(id); if(!item.hasAssetsFitting(pet_type)) item_ids_needed.push(id); } if(item_ids_needed.length) { $.getJSON('/bodies/' + pet_type.body_id + '/swf_assets.json', { item_ids: item_ids_needed }, function (data) { var item; $.each(data, function () { var item = Item.find(this.parent_id), asset = new ItemAsset(this); if(typeof item.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id] == 'undefined') { item.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id] = []; } item.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id].push(asset); }); for(var i = 0, l = item_ids.length; i < l; i++) { item = Item.find(item_ids[i]); if(!item.hasAssetsFitting(pet_type)) { item.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id] = []; } } success(); }); } else { success(); } } this.toString = function () { return 'PetType{color_id: ' + this.color_id + ', species_id: ' + this.species_id + '}'; } this.ownsPetState = function (pet_state) { for(var i = 0; i < this.pet_states.length; i++) { if(this.pet_states[i] == pet_state) return true; } return false; } } PetType.cache_by_color_and_species = new DeepObject(); PetType.findOrCreateByColorAndSpecies = function (color_id, species_id) { var pet_type = PetType.cache_by_color_and_species.deepGet(color_id, species_id); if(!pet_type) { pet_type = new PetType(); pet_type.color_id = color_id; pet_type.species_id = species_id; } return pet_type; } /* * * Controllers * */ function Controller() { var controller = this; = {}; function fireEvent(event_name, subarguments) { var events =[event_name]; if(typeof events !== 'undefined') { for(var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { events[i].apply(controller, subarguments); } } } this.bind = function (event, callback) { if(typeof[event] == 'undefined') {[event] = []; }[event].push(callback); } this.event = function (event_name) { return function () { fireEvent(event_name, arguments); } } = function (event_name) { var subarguments, event; if([event_name]) { subarguments = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, [1]); fireEvent(event_name, subarguments); } } } Controller.all = {}; Controller.all.Outfit = function OutfitController() { var controller = this, outfit = new Outfit; this.in_transaction = false; function setFullOutfit(new_outfit) { outfit = new_outfit; controller.in_transaction = true; controller.setPetStateById(outfit.pet_state_id); controller.setPetTypeByColorAndSpecies(outfit.color_id, outfit.species_id); controller.setClosetItemsByIds(outfit.getClosetItemIds()); controller.setWornItemsByIds(outfit.getWornItemIds());'setOutfit', outfit); controller.in_transaction = false;'loadOutfit', outfit); } function setOutfitIdentity(new_outfit) { new_outfit.cloneAttributesFrom(outfit); outfit = new_outfit; } this.closetItem = function (item) { outfit.closetItem( item, controller.event('updateClosetItems') ); } this.getClosetItems = function () { return outfit.closet_items; } this.getId = function () { return; } this.getOutfit = function () { return outfit; } this.getPetState = function () { return outfit.pet_state; } this.getPetType = function () { return outfit.pet_type; } this.getVisibleAssets = function () { return outfit.getVisibleAssets(); } this.getWornItems = function () { return outfit.worn_items; } this.load = function (new_outfit_id) { Outfit.find(new_outfit_id, function (new_outfit) { setFullOutfit(new_outfit.clone()); }); } this.loadData = function (new_outfit_data) { setFullOutfit(new Outfit(new_outfit_data)); } this.create = function (attributes) { if(attributes) { outfit.starred = attributes.starred; =; } outfit.create( function (outfit) {'saveSuccess', outfit);'createSuccess', outfit);'setOutfit', outfit); }, controller.event('saveFailure') ); } this.setClosetItemsByIds = function (item_ids) { outfit.setClosetItemsByIds( item_ids, controller.event('updateClosetItems') ); } this.setId = function (outfit_id) { // Note that this does not load the outfit, but only sets the ID of the // outfit we're supposedly working with. This allows the hash to contain // the outfit ID while still allowing us to change as we go if(outfit_id) { Outfit.find(outfit_id, function (new_outfit) { if(new_outfit) { setOutfitIdentity(new_outfit);'setOutfit', outfit); } else {'outfitNotFound', outfit); } }); } else { setOutfitIdentity(new Outfit);'setOutfit', outfit); } } this.setPetStateById = function (pet_state_id) { outfit.setPetStateById(pet_state_id, controller.event('updatePetState')); } this.setPetTypeByColorAndSpecies = function(color_id, species_id) { outfit.setPetTypeByColorAndSpecies(color_id, species_id, controller.event('updatePetType'), controller.event('petTypeLoaded'), controller.event('petTypeNotFound'), controller.event('updatePetState'), controller.event('updateWornItems'), controller.event('updateItemAssets') ); } this.setWornItemsByIds = function (item_ids) { outfit.setWornItemsByIds( item_ids, controller.event('updateWornItems'), controller.event('updateItemAssets') ); } this.share = function () { var sharedOutfit = outfit.clone(); sharedOutfit.anonymous = true; sharedOutfit.create( controller.event('shareSuccess'), controller.event('shareFailure') ); } this.unclosetItem = function (item) { outfit.unclosetItem( item, controller.event('updateClosetItems'), controller.event('updateWornItems') ); } this.unwearItem = function (item) { outfit.unwearItem(item, controller.event('updateWornItems')); } this.update = function () { outfit.update( function (outfit) {'saveSuccess', outfit),'updateSuccess', outfit) }, controller.event('saveFailure') ); } this.wearItem = function (item) { outfit.wearItem( item, controller.event('updateWornItems'), controller.event('updateClosetItems'), controller.event('updateItemAssets') ); } } Controller.all.BasePet = function BasePetController() { var base_pet = this; this.setName = function (name) { = name;'updateName', name); } } Controller.all.PetAttributes = function PetAttributesController() { var pet_attributes = this; function onLoad(attributes) {'update', attributes); } this.load = function () { PetAttribute.loadAll(onLoad); } } Controller.all.ItemZoneSets = function ItemZoneSetsController() { var item_zone_sets = this; function onLoad(sets) {'update', sets); } this.load = function () { ItemZoneSet.loadAll(onLoad); } } Controller.all.Search = function SearchController() { var search = this; this.request = {}; function itemsOnLoad(items, total_pages, page) {'updateItems', items);'updatePagination', page, total_pages); } function itemsOnError(error) {'error', error); } this.setItemsByQuery = function (query, where) { var offset = (typeof where.offset != 'undefined') ? where.offset : (Item.PER_PAGE * ( - 1)); search.request = { query: query, offset: offset };'updateRequest', search.request); if(query) { Item.loadByQuery(query, offset, itemsOnLoad, itemsOnError);'startRequest'); } else {'updateItems', []);'updatePagination', 0, 0); } } this.setPerPage = function (per_page) { Item.PER_PAGE = per_page; } } Controller.all.User = function UserController() { var controller = this, outfits = [], outfits_loaded = false; function compareOutfits(a, b) { if(a.starred) { if(!b.starred) return -1; } else if(b.starred) { return 1; } if( < return -1; else if( == return 0; else return 1; } function insertOutfit(outfit) { for(var i = 0; i < outfits.length; i++) { if(compareOutfits(outfit, outfits[i]) < 0) { outfits.splice(i, 0, outfit);'addOutfit', outfit, i); return; } }'addOutfit', outfit, outfits.length); outfits.push(outfit); } function sortOutfits(outfits) { outfits.sort(compareOutfits); } function yankOutfit(outfit) { var i; for(i = 0; i < outfits.length; i++) { if( == outfits[i].id) { outfits.splice(i, 1); break; } }'removeOutfit', outfit, i); } this.addOutfit = insertOutfit; this.destroyOutfit = function (outfit) { outfit.destroy(function () { yankOutfit(outfit); }); } this.loadOutfits = function () { if(!outfits_loaded) { Outfit.loadForCurrentUser(function (new_outfits) { outfits = new_outfits; outfits_loaded = true; sortOutfits(outfits);'outfitsLoaded', outfits); }); } } this.renameOutfit = function (outfit, new_name) { var old_name =; outfit.rename(new_name, function () { yankOutfit(outfit); insertOutfit(outfit);'outfitRenamed', outfit); }, function (outfit_copy, response) { = old_name;'saveFailure', outfit_copy, response); }); } this.toggleOutfitStar = function (outfit) { outfit.toggleStar(function () { yankOutfit(outfit); insertOutfit(outfit);'outfitStarToggled', outfit); }); } this.updateOutfit = function (outfit) { for(var i = 0; i < outfits.length; i++) { if(outfits[i].id == { outfits[i] = outfit.clone(); break; } } } } var underscored_name; for(var name in Controller.all) { if(Controller.all.hasOwnProperty(name)) { // underscoring translated from // underscored_name = name.replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, '$1_$2'). replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g,'$1_$2').toLowerCase(); wardrobe[underscored_name] = new Controller.all[name]; Controller.apply(wardrobe[underscored_name]); } } this.initialize = function () { var view; for(var name in wardrobe.views) { if(wardrobe.views.hasOwnProperty(name)) { view = wardrobe.views[name]; if(typeof view.initialize == 'function') { view.initialize(); } } } } this.registerViews = function (views) { wardrobe.views = {}; $.each(views, function (name) { wardrobe.views[name] = new this(wardrobe); }); } } Wardrobe.IMAGE_CONFIG = { base_url: "", sizes: [ [600, 600], [300, 300], [150, 150] ] } Wardrobe.StandardPreview = { views_by_swf_id: {} }; Wardrobe.getStandardView = function (options) { var StandardView = {}; function requireKeys() { var key, key_stack = [], scope = options; for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { key = arguments[i]; key_stack.push(key); scope = scope[key]; if(typeof scope == "undefined") { throw "Options for Wardrobe.getStandardView must include " + key_stack.join("."); } } } requireKeys('Preview', 'swf_url'); requireKeys('Preview', 'wrapper'); requireKeys('Preview', 'placeholder'); if(, 6) == '?debug') { StandardView.Console = function (wardrobe) { if(typeof console != 'undefined' && typeof console.log == 'function') { window.log = $.proxy(console, 'log'); } this.initialize = function () { log('Welcome to the Wardrobe!'); } var outfit_events = ['updateWornItems', 'updateClosetItems', 'updateItemAssets', 'updatePetType', 'updatePetState']; for(var i = 0; i < outfit_events.length; i++) { (function (event) { wardrobe.outfit.bind(event, function (obj) { log(event, obj); }); })(outfit_events[i]); } wardrobe.outfit.bind('petTypeNotFound', function (pet_type) { log(pet_type.toString() + ' not found'); }); } } StandardView.Preview = function (wardrobe) { var preview = this; var preview_el = $(options.Preview.wrapper), preview_swf_placeholder = $(options.Preview.placeholder); function SWFAdapter() { var preview_swf_id = preview_swf_placeholder.attr('id'), preview_swf, update_pending_flash = false; preview_el.removeClass('image-adapter').addClass('swf-adapter'); swfobject.embedSWF( options.Preview.swf_url, preview_swf_id, '100%', '100%', '9', '/assets/js/swfobject/expressInstall.swf', {'id': preview_swf_id}, {'wmode': 'transparent'} ); Wardrobe.StandardPreview.views_by_swf_id[preview_swf_id] = this; this.previewSWFIsReady = function () { preview_swf = document.getElementById(preview_swf_id); if(update_pending_flash) { update_pending_flash = false; this.updateAssets(); } } this.updateAssets = function () { var assets, assets_for_swf; if(update_pending_flash) return false; if(preview_swf && preview_swf.setAssets) { assets = wardrobe.outfit.getVisibleAssets(); preview_swf.setAssets(assets); } else { update_pending_flash = true; } } } function ImageAdapter() { var pendingAssets = {}, pendingAssetIds = [], pendingInterval, pendingAssetsCount = 0, pendingMessageEl = $('<span/>', {id: 'preview-images-pending'}), previewImageContainer = $(options.Preview.image_container); var ASSET_PING_RATE = 5000; preview_el.removeClass('swf-adapter').addClass('image-adapter'); pendingMessageEl.appendTo(previewImageContainer); var adapter = this; var exportIframe = $('#preview-export-iframe'); if(exportIframe.length == 0) { exportIframe = $('<iframe/>', { id: 'preview-export-iframe', src: 'about:blank', css: { left: -1000, position: 'absolute', top: -1000, width: 300, height: 300 } } ).appendTo(document.body); } this.saveImage = function () { /* Since browser security policy denies access to canvas image data if we include assets from other domains, and our assets are on S3, we pass the job to an HTML file on S3 called preview_export.html. It expects the following query string: ?WIDTH,HEIGHT,IMAGEURL0[,IMAGEURL1,...] It then prompts the user to download a WIDTHxHEIGHT image of the IMAGEURLs layered in order. */ var size = bestSize(); var url = Wardrobe.IMAGE_CONFIG.base_url + "preview_export.html?" + size[0] + "," + size[1]; previewImageContainer.children('img').each(function () { url += "," + encodeURIComponent(this.src); }); exportIframe.attr('src', url); } this.updateAssets = function () { var assets = wardrobe.outfit.getVisibleAssets(), asset, availableAssets = []; pendingAssets = {}; pendingAssetsCount = 0; clearView(); for(var i in assets) { if(!assets.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; asset = assets[i]; if(asset.has_image) { addToView(asset); } else { pendingAssets[] = asset; pendingAssetsCount++; } } updatePendingStatus(); } function addToView(asset) { /* Instead of sorting these assets by zIndex later when we're putting them on the canvas, we just sort them as they get inserted. Find the first asset with a higher zIndex, then insert the new asset before that one. If there is no asset with a higher zIndex, just put it at the very end. */ var newZIndex = asset.depth, nextHighestAsset; previewImageContainer.children('img').each(function () { var el = $(this); if(el.css('zIndex') > newZIndex) { nextHighestAsset = el; return false; } }); var el = $( '<img/>', { css: { zIndex: newZIndex }, src: asset.imageURL(bestSize()) } ); if(nextHighestAsset) { el.insertBefore(nextHighestAsset); } else { el.appendTo(previewImageContainer); } } // Boring: sorting sizes small to large. var sizes = Wardrobe.IMAGE_CONFIG.sizes; var SIZES_SMALL_TO_LARGE = [], size, inserted; for(var i in sizes) { if(!sizes.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; size = sizes[i]; size[2] = size[0] * size[1]; inserted = false; for(var i in SIZES_SMALL_TO_LARGE) { if(SIZES_SMALL_TO_LARGE[i][2] > size[2]) { SIZES_SMALL_TO_LARGE.splice(i, 0, size); inserted = true; break; } } if(!inserted) SIZES_SMALL_TO_LARGE[SIZES_SMALL_TO_LARGE.length] = size; } var currentBestSize; function bestSize() { var sizes = SIZES_SMALL_TO_LARGE, width = preview_el.width(), height = preview_el.height(); // Choose the first size larger than the space available for(var i in sizes) { if(sizes[i][0] > width && sizes[i][1] > height) { return currentBestSize = sizes[i]; } } return currentBestSize = sizes[sizes.length - 1]; } $(window).resize(function () { if(currentBestSize != bestSize()) { adapter.updateAssets(); } }); function clearView() { previewImageContainer.children('img').remove(); } function loadPendingAssets() { var pendingAssetIds = { biology: [], object: [] }, asset; for(var i in pendingAssets) { if(pendingAssets.hasOwnProperty(i)) { pendingAssetIds[pendingAssets[i].type].push(pendingAssets[i].id); } } $.getJSON( '/swf_assets.json', { ids: pendingAssetIds }, function (assetsData) { var assetData, asset; for(var i in assetsData) { assetData = assetsData[i]; if(assetData.has_image && pendingAssets.hasOwnProperty( { asset = pendingAssets[]; asset.update(assetData); delete pendingAssets[]; pendingAssetsCount--; addToView(asset); } } updatePendingStatus(); } ); } function updatePendingInterval() { if(pendingAssetsCount) { if(pendingInterval == null) { pendingInterval = setInterval(loadPendingAssets, ASSET_PING_RATE); } } else { if(pendingInterval != null) { clearInterval(pendingInterval); pendingInterval = null; } } } function updatePendingMessage() { pendingMessageEl.text("Waiting on " + pendingAssetsCount + " images"). attr("className", "waiting-on-" + pendingAssetsCount); } function updatePendingStatus() { updatePendingInterval(); updatePendingMessage(); } } this.adapter = new SWFAdapter(); function updateAssets() { preview.adapter.updateAssets(); } wardrobe.outfit.bind('updateWornItems', updateAssets); wardrobe.outfit.bind('updateItemAssets', updateAssets); wardrobe.outfit.bind('updatePetState', updateAssets); this.useSWFAdapter = function () { preview.adapter = new SWFAdapter(); updateAssets(); } this.useImageAdapter = function () { preview.adapter = new ImageAdapter(); updateAssets(); } this.toggleAdapter = function () { var nextAdapter = preview.adapter.constructor == SWFAdapter ? ImageAdapter : SWFAdapter; preview.adapter = new nextAdapter(); updateAssets(); } } window.previewSWFIsReady = function (id) { Wardrobe.StandardPreview.views_by_swf_id[id].previewSWFIsReady(); } return StandardView; }