- secondary_nav do
  = link_to t('.your_items_link'), user_closet_hangers_path(current_user), :class => 'button'

= form_for [@closet_list.user, @closet_list],
  html: {data: {"list-visibility" => @closet_list.visibility}} do |f|
      = f.label :name
      %span.hint= t '.name.hint'
      = f.text_field :name, :required => true
      = f.label :hangers_owned, t('.hangers_owned.label')
      = f.select :hangers_owned, hangers_owned_options
      = f.label :visibility, t('.visibility.label')
      = f.select :visibility, long_closet_visibility_choices(:list)
      = f.label :description
      %span.hint= t '.description.hint'
      = f.text_area :description
      %span.hint= t '.description.markup_hint_html'
        Please use these lists *only* for real NC trades, negotiated on
        Neopets.com! We need to keep users safe, so we'll delete *any* list
        that seems suspicious.

        If you're doing something more creative, please do so in another
        setting, where traders can better manage reputation and trust. Thank
  = f.submit t('.submit')

- content_for :javascripts do
  = javascript_include_tag "closet_lists/form"