This shouldn't ever be an issue in practice? I just noticed it because
something funny is going on with the `#userbar` element specifically
not using the Delicious font, and so I figured, hey, this simulates a
very real possible scenario, I'd rather use our consistent sans font
in this case!
I was just scrolling our CSS and surprised to find we use Google Fonts
embeds! I don't like depending on external hosts like that.
Google Fonts doesn't offer the Droid fonts for download anymore,
though—looks like the Noto fonts are their spiritual successor. The
Droid Serif and Noto Serif fonts look visually identical to me, but the
Sans ones are a bit different… I kinda like the charm of the Droid Sans
better, but ah well! I'd rather be moving forward with a more modern
font with more reliable glyph support etc for now.