Instead of offering a form to request a different format, we just
render both in the HTML, and use CSS to swap between the two. Love to
see the `:has` filter come through for us!
I've known there are bugs in the SVGs pretty often, because they're not
very well attended-to—I noticed pretty quick that the Marble Eyrie, for
example, has its Body asset saved correctly in PNG, but its SVG is just
another copy of the head, oops!
I think SVG is still a nice default for this UI, but I added a little
form to switch to PNG, to give us a debugging method and escape hatch
if it starts to get weird.
I couldn't find a library for this functionality that didn't require
jQuery, and I don't want to be adding *more* jQuery requirements. So, I
decided to throw together my own!
The `<magic-magnifier>` component copies its contents into a "lens"
element, then uses basic JS to track mouse position, then uses CSS to
move the lens and its contents into a helpful position.
One thing I noticed here is that the zoom is a bit crunchy because
we're using PNG images, and it's hard to zoom in even further than we
already are. I might try switching this UI to use the SVG images by
default instead?
When you hover the row for a layer in the table, it highlights the
corresponding layer in the outfit viewer. And when you click anywhere
in the row, it opens the first link (usually the PNG image).