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239 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
551e8941f3 Add OWLS values to non-NC-Mall NC items in Item Getting Guide
Note that there's a known performance issue here: we should try to
fetch all the OWLS values at once, instead of doing them in sequence
while rendering the page!
2024-05-27 15:53:08 -07:00
c49cf52939 Remove CSS reset that removes focus outline from all elements by default
Oh jeez, idk why this was ever in here, but yeah no, I want to be using
default browser focus outlines unless specifically overridden otherwise.
Will help keyboard navigation a lot! Yikes!!
2024-05-27 15:49:12 -07:00
4e11ee4da7 Add paint brush images to Item Getting Guide
In the previous change, we started grouping PB items by color. But I
wanted to better express that the grouping itself *is* an item, and the
items below it are secondary!

The main change we make here is to leverage DTI's existing design
language that "thumbnail image means item", and record thumbnail URLs
as well as paint brush names now, too!

We're still not leveraging the full Item system here, just fields on
Color. Keeping it simple for now!

Here's the script I ran to add the paint brush images to all the
existing colors!

Color.find_by_name("Baby").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/babypaintbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Biscuit").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_biscuit.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Blue").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/bluepntbrsh.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Brown").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/brownpntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Camouflage").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_camo.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Candy").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_candy.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Checkered").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/checkeredpntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Christmas").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/xmaspaintbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Cloud").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/cloudpntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Darigan").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/pb_darigan.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Dimensional").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_dimensional.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Disco").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/discopntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Electric").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/electricbluepntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Eventide").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/eventidepaintbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Faerie").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/faeriepntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Fire").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/firepntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Elderlyboy").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/pb_elderly.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Elderlygirl").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/pb_elderly.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Ghost").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/ghostpntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Glowing").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/glowingpntbrsh.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Gold").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/gold_pntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Green").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/greenpntbrsh.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Grey").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/greypntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Halloween").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/halloweenpntbrsh.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Invisible").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/invisiblepntbrsh.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Desert").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/desertpaintbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Maractite").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/maractitepaintbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Maraquan").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/maraquanpntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Marble").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_marble.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Island").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/islandpntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Oil Paint").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/oilpaintingpntbrsh.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Orange").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/orange_paint_brush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Origami").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_origami.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Pastel").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_pastel.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Pink").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/pink_paint_brush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Pirate").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/piratepntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Plushie").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/plushiepaintbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Polka Dot").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_polkadot.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Purple").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/purplepntbrsh.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Rainbow").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/rainbowpntbrsh.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Red").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/redpntbrsh.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Relic").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/relic_pntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Royalboy").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_royal.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Royalgirl").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_royal.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Sketch").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/sketchpntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Shadow").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/shadowpntbrsh.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Silver").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/silverpntbrsh.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Skunk").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/skunkpntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Snow").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_snowman.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Speckled").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/greenwhitedotspntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Split").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/halfandhalfpntbrsh.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Spotted").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/spottedpntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Starry").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/starspntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Stealthy").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/pb_stealthy.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Steampunk").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_steampunk.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Strawberry").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/strawberrypntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Striped").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/stripedpntbrsh.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Swamp Gas").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/newpbsg2011color.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Toy").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_toy.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Transparent").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/transparentpaintbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Tyrannian").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/tyrannianpntbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Usuki Boy").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/usukipaintbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Usuki Girl").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/usukipaintbrush.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Valentine").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_valentine.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Water").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_water.gif")
Color.find_by_name("White").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/whitepntbrsh.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Woodland").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_woodland.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Wraith").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_wraith.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Yellow").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/yellowpntbrsh.gif")
Color.find_by_name("Zombie").update!(pb_item_thumbnail_url: "https://images.neopets.com/items/paintbrush_zombie.gif")
2024-05-22 16:59:36 -07:00
1a76923ce6 Group PB items by color in Item Getting Guide
Ohh yeah, this helps communicate the process much better, especially
for what the Shops/Trades links mean.

I think I'm gonna also go get the paint brush thumbnail images and add
them to the database too, to help better communicate that this is a
paint brush item situation.
2024-05-22 16:34:48 -07:00
1b03c2caed Add more PB item info and links to Item Getting Guide
I add some infrastructural support for inferring an item's paintbrush
color (if any), and a field to the database to manually track an item's
paint brush item name! This is both useful for tracking which colors
are even *available* via paint brush, and also for working with colors
with unusual paint brush names, like the "Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush"
(for Elderly pets).

Here's the script I ran to backfill this for current colors and their
paint brushes!

Color.find_by_name("Baby").update!(pb_item_name: "Baby Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Biscuit").update!(pb_item_name: "Biscuit Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Blue").update!(pb_item_name: "Blue Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Brown").update!(pb_item_name: "Brown Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Camouflage").update!(pb_item_name: "Camouflage Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Candy").update!(pb_item_name: "Candy Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Checkered").update!(pb_item_name: "Checkered Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Christmas").update!(pb_item_name: "Christmas Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Cloud").update!(pb_item_name: "Cloud Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Darigan").update!(pb_item_name: "Darigan Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Dimensional").update!(pb_item_name: "Dimensional Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Disco").update!(pb_item_name: "Disco Fever Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Electric").update!(pb_item_name: "Electric Blue Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Eventide").update!(pb_item_name: "Eventide Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Faerie").update!(pb_item_name: "Faerie Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Fire").update!(pb_item_name: "Fire, Fire, Your Pants On Fire Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Elderlyboy").update!(pb_item_name: "Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Elderlygirl").update!(pb_item_name: "Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Ghost").update!(pb_item_name: "Ghost Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Glowing").update!(pb_item_name: "Glowing Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Gold").update!(pb_item_name: "Golden Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Green").update!(pb_item_name: "Green Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Grey").update!(pb_item_name: "Grey Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Halloween").update!(pb_item_name: "Halloween Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Invisible").update!(pb_item_name: "Invisible Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Desert").update!(pb_item_name: "Lost Desert Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Maractite").update!(pb_item_name: "Maractite Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Maraquan").update!(pb_item_name: "Maraquan Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Marble").update!(pb_item_name: "Marble Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Island").update!(pb_item_name: "Mystery Island Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Oil Paint").update!(pb_item_name: "Oil Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Orange").update!(pb_item_name: "Orange Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Origami").update!(pb_item_name: "Origami Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Pastel").update!(pb_item_name: "Pastel Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Pink").update!(pb_item_name: "Pink Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Pirate").update!(pb_item_name: "Pirate Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Plushie").update!(pb_item_name: "Plushie Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Polka Dot").update!(pb_item_name: "Polka Dot Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Purple").update!(pb_item_name: "Purple Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Rainbow").update!(pb_item_name: "Rainbow Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Red").update!(pb_item_name: "Red Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Relic").update!(pb_item_name: "Relic Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Royalboy").update!(pb_item_name: "Royal Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Royalgirl").update!(pb_item_name: "Royal Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Sketch").update!(pb_item_name: "Scritchy Sketchy Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Shadow").update!(pb_item_name: "Shadow Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Silver").update!(pb_item_name: "Silver Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Skunk").update!(pb_item_name: "Skunk Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Snow").update!(pb_item_name: "Snow Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Speckled").update!(pb_item_name: "Speckled Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Split").update!(pb_item_name: "Split Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Spotted").update!(pb_item_name: "Spotted Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Starry").update!(pb_item_name: "Starry Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Stealthy").update!(pb_item_name: "Stealth Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Steampunk").update!(pb_item_name: "Steampunk Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Strawberry").update!(pb_item_name: "Strawberry Fields Forever Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Striped").update!(pb_item_name: "Striped Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Swamp Gas").update!(pb_item_name: "Swamp Gas Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Toy").update!(pb_item_name: "Toy Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Transparent").update!(pb_item_name: "Transparent Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Tyrannian").update!(pb_item_name: "Tyrannian Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Usuki Boy").update!(pb_item_name: "Usuki Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Usuki Girl").update!(pb_item_name: "Usuki Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Valentine").update!(pb_item_name: "Valentine Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Water").update!(pb_item_name: "Water Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("White").update!(pb_item_name: "White Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Woodland").update!(pb_item_name: "Woodland Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Wraith").update!(pb_item_name: "Wraith Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Yellow").update!(pb_item_name: "Yellow Paint Brush")
Color.find_by_name("Zombie").update!(pb_item_name: "Zombie Paint Brush")

2024-05-22 16:09:49 -07:00
1bd5598b64 Improve row focus and keyboard nav in Item Getting Guide
Clearer focus states, row changes bg color on hover/focus to help you
track where you are, remove the redundant image thumbnail link from the
tab order (it's the same as the item name link!)
2024-05-22 14:58:02 -07:00
189cb6a132 Set fixed table width for Item Getting Guide tables
We'll need to dig into this more for mobile, but here's my initial
attempt at getting the tables to be consistently-sized and such!
2024-05-22 14:47:43 -07:00
ecde507b60 Add item page links to Item Getting Guide table rows
Just a simple one! Clicking the item image or name takes you to the DTI
item page for it now!
2024-05-21 18:57:32 -07:00
8440a28898 Add cart icon to Item Getting Guide's "Buy" buttons for NC Mall 2024-05-21 18:14:14 -07:00
4a74e5e1a7 Use table layout for Item Getting Guide's NP items section
As part of this, I added a new `search_icon` helper, and a new
`button_link_to` helper, which both styles the link as a button and
accepts an `icon` parameter to make it easier to pass in an icon!
2024-05-21 18:03:00 -07:00
283a5b0479 Refactor and simplify Item Getting Guide item list CSS a bit
Notably, we're renaming `.add-to-cart-cell` to `.actions-cell`, in
preparation for other potential actions in other categories!
2024-05-20 16:15:46 -07:00
19470f74d4 Use table layout for Item Getting Guide item list
This helps us be more efficient with our use of space, keep the CTAs well
aligned, show a clear total, and set up how we might do CTAs for more complex
cases like all the potential Neopoint CTAs like Wiz/Trades/Auction/etc!
2024-05-20 15:23:34 -07:00
8117d976a6 Update some stylesheets to use new page_stylesheet_link_tag helper
Now that we have this helper, we no longer need these stylesheets to
include a `body.controller-action` wrapper to scope all the styles!

Someday we should convert more of our stylesheets to this format,
instead of slamming them all into `application.sass` like we do now.
Ah, well!
2024-05-14 16:10:09 -07:00
e30e25a3f5 Remove unused stylesheet
Huh, guess this got auto-generated long ago! Goodbye!
2024-05-14 16:08:51 -07:00
d8b577aab1 Add more info to NC Mall section of Item Getting Guide
NC prices, some CSS, and also a new application-level helper that adds
a feature I've long wanted and been working around for Turbo: the
ability to specific that a stylesheet is specific to the current page,
and should be unloaded when removed!

I use this to write `sources.sass` without the usual
`body.items-sources` scoping that we've historically used to control
what pages a stylesheet applies to. (In the long past, this was because
a lot of stylesheets were—and still are–routed through the
`application.sass` stylesheet! But even for more recent standalone page
stylesheets, I've done the scoping, to avoid issues with styles leaking
beyond the page they're meant for when Turbo does a navigation.)
2024-05-14 16:04:40 -07:00
9733ceae25 Add bare-bones Item Getting Guide page
TNT requested that we figure out ways to connect the dots between
people's intentions on DTI to their purchases in the NC Mall.

But rather than just slam ad links everywhere, our plan is to design an
actually useful feature about it: the "Item Getting Guide". It'll break
down items by how you can actually get them (NP economy, NC Mall,
retired NC, Dyeworks, etc), and we're planning some cute actions you
can take, like shortcuts for getting them onto trade wishlists or into
your NC Mall cart.

This is just a little demo version of the page, just breaking down
items specified in the URL into NC/NP/PB! Later we'll do more granular
breakdown than this, with more info and actions—and we'll also like,
link to it at all, which isn't the case yet! (The main way we expect
people to get here is by a "Get these items" button we'll add to the
outfit editor, but there might be other paths, too.)
2024-05-06 20:37:59 -07:00
7688f21eeb Tweak the NeoPass announcement box's orange down
Idk, I think the previous text color was a smidge too low-contrast, and
we can afford to decrease the border's loudness, too.
2024-04-27 14:25:58 -07:00
05155507c4 Update NeoPass announcement to link to our new survey
I refresh the image and UI color here to draw attention to the change!
I also delete the `neopass-thumbnail.png` image, since it's no longer
used anywhere anymore, but I would not be surprised if we want it back
someday and need to revive it from history!
2024-04-27 14:19:27 -07:00
1cbcb5bcd6 Add trade warning to closet list form
Just a lil blurb to make sure it's clear that NC sales and stuff are
forbidden! I imagine the people doing it know this, but I want to make
sure we're being explicit, in case there's any element of
2024-04-16 16:53:30 -07:00
2673baa7ff Tweak login page styles some more: page title & Remember Me 2024-04-11 09:48:29 -07:00
8de5591719 Split login page into two columns: password login and NeoPass login
I also wrote up some explainer text for the NeoPass option, too!
2024-04-11 09:12:59 -07:00
724f22e602 Very basic login form polish 2024-04-11 08:54:42 -07:00
2cc6cee542 Style "Log in with NeoPass" button to better match Neopets
Got the icon and background style from Neopets.com! I didn't quite copy
the whole button style, both because getting it to play nice with our
existing styles didn't *immediately* work, but also because I think
this works out as a really good compromise between our two styles
2024-04-11 08:47:19 -07:00
ae2b62956a Eject AuthUsersController from the default Devise controller
I'm getting ready to add handling for "what if you don't *have* a
current password*??", so it seems like the right way to do that is to
just eject the controller and start customizing!
2024-04-08 04:02:54 -07:00
b5e203c0e5 Oops, fix settings page styles when validation fails
Ahh right, when I fixed this for Turbo, I forgot this page can also
render in the `update` action when it fails!
2024-04-07 08:32:38 -07:00
54a052848a Disable disconnecting NeoPass if no password/email is set
Just as a precautionary thing! Seems polite.
2024-04-07 08:27:02 -07:00
66978bf5a0 Oops, fix Settings page styles spreading to other pages via Turbo
Oh right, I made this mistake before too, lol! Once stylesheets are
added, they don't go away!
2024-04-07 08:04:32 -07:00
88a2688ac8 Add form to disconnect NeoPass
Can't connect it back yet! But you can disconnect it! :3
2024-04-07 07:52:23 -07:00
21b967f83d Add some NeoPass info to the Settings page, if you have one
No buttons to change it or anything, or to link if you don't! Just a
basic display and explanation!
2024-04-07 07:17:33 -07:00
82aea20679 Redesign user settings form
Motivation is that I wanna add NeoPass stuff to here! But also like,
it's looked bad for a long time, let's clean it up!! (I just used the
Devise default without any styling at all lol)
2024-04-07 06:43:29 -07:00
3bf3eaac8a Fix scoping on CSS for donate page
Oh right, all these cute overrides should be scoped to the page!

I guess we skipped this because we had pulled this out into a
separate stylesheet. Curiously learning more about how Turbo handles
this kind of thing, like that it doesn't *unload* stylesheets that
*leave* the page when you navigate!
2024-03-13 22:13:16 -07:00
c011e99819 Fix various JS Turbo issues
First one, Turbo reasonably yelled at us in the JS console that we
should put its script tag in the `head` rather than the `body`, because
it re-executes scripts in the `body` and we don't want to spin up Turbo
multiple times!

I also removed some scripts that aren't relevant anymore, fixed a bug
in `outfits/new.js` where failing to load a donation pet would cause
the preview thing to not work when you type (I think this might've
already been an issue?), reworked `item_header.js` to just run once in
the `head`, and split scripts into `:javascripts` (run once in `head`)
vs `:javascripts_body` (run every page load in `body`).
2024-03-13 21:26:22 -07:00
684dcb53ba Add Turbo to speed up the app, and set up for missing UJS features
Oh right, we don't have Rails UJS going on anymore, which is what
handled the confirmation prompts for deleting lists. Turbo is the more
standard modern solution to that, and should speed up certain
pageloads, so let's do it!

Here I install the `turbo-rails` gem, then run `rails turbo:install` to
install the `@hotwired/turbo-rails` npm package. Then I move
`application.js` that's run all on pages but the outfit editor into our
section of JS that gets run through the bundler, and add Turbo to it.

I had to fix a couple tricky things:

1. The outfit editor page doesn't play nice with being swapped into the
   document, so I make it require a full page reload instead.
2. Prefetching the Sign In link can cause the wrong `return_to` address
   to be written to the `session`. (It's a GET request that does, ever
   so slightly, take its own actions, oops!) As a simple hacky answer,
   we disallow prefetching on that link.

Haven't fixed up the UJS stuff for confirm prompts to use Turbo yet,
that's next!
2024-03-13 13:43:48 -07:00
b388486676 Add NeoPass announcement banner to homepage 2024-03-13 12:20:38 -07:00
0e7457980f Add NeoPass header image 2024-03-12 18:20:57 -07:00
9156fa7162 Bold the Terms of Use link when it's been changed recently 2024-02-29 11:22:12 -08:00
b7a4bb988b Remove unused static/terms stylesheet
This gets put into the application stylesheet because of our silly way
of doing stylesheets. Let's have it begone!
2024-02-29 10:53:06 -08:00
1a1615e0ad Oops, fix regression of editor features on item lists page
I changed the type of this tag without realizing the JS references it
by both class and `div`!

I think at the time this was a perf suggestion for jQuery, because the
best way to query by class name was to query by tag first then filter?
It's possible our jQuery still does this, but I don't imagine it's very
relevant today, so I'll just remove that for better guarding against
similar bugs in the future instead.
2024-02-22 15:52:40 -08:00
583f3c712f High-level caching for closet lists
Okay, so I still don't know why rendering is just so slow (though
migrating away from item translations did help!), but I can at least
cache entire closet lists as a basic measure.

That way, the first user to see the latest version of a closet list
will still need just as much time to load it… but *only* the ones that
have changed since last time (rather than always the full page), and
then subsequent users get to reuse it too!

Should help a lot for high-traffic lists, which incidentally are likely
to be the big ones belonging to highly active traders!

One big change we needed to make was to extract the `user-owns` and
`user-wants` classes (which we use for trade matches for *the user
viewing the list right now*) out of the cached HTML, and apply them
after with Javascript instead. I always dislike moving stuff to JS, but
the wins here seem. truly very very good, all things considered!
2024-02-20 18:43:39 -08:00
13b92b30d0 Replace old stickUp dependency with position: sticky
From an era when we didn't have that! Now we do!

(My motivation is that I'm trying to add new JS to this page and errors
in stickUp are crashing the page early, womp womp!)
2024-02-20 18:33:23 -08:00
0705f66f6d Add "first seen" timestamps to item pages
Impress 2020 has had this for a while, I've wanted it for reference on
occasion, let's bring it in!

Very similar logic, and Ruby & Rails's date affordances are super
helpful for simplifying how to express it!
2024-02-20 14:32:45 -08:00
7efe795edb Move JS library files into a new lib folder
Just sorting things a bit cleaner!
2024-02-18 20:40:16 -08:00
1e11db93cc Delete unused modeling.js.jsx file
I think I cleared this from the outfits/new template a while ago, but
never cleaned up this file, because I was too anxious that I was
correctly identifying all its call sites. But now I'm more confident!
2024-02-18 20:38:15 -08:00
df4ea967c6 Remove now-unnecessary polyfill for the placeholder attribute
Long unnecessary, in fact!
2024-02-18 20:36:45 -08:00
95ff69ee9a Run Prettier on some of our JS assets
The motivation is that I'm about to change one of them to remove a
reference to an old placeholder library, so I want that change to be
2024-02-18 20:34:55 -08:00
0d23412fba Merge pet_query.js into its only call site 2024-02-18 20:32:24 -08:00
496b517e74 Delete unused Javascript libraries
At least, they seem unused to me on a quick audit! The scriptaculous
stuff has long been replaced by jQuery UI equivalents. (Wow, so many
generations of libraries! lol)
2024-02-18 20:30:08 -08:00
82be7fe301 Move most fundraising files into a Fundraising module
Mostly this is just me testing out what it would look like to
modularize the app more… I've noticed that some concerns, like
fundraising, are just not relevant to most of the app, and being able
to lock them away inside subfolders feels like it'll help tidy up
long folder lists.

Notably, I haven't touched the models case yet, because I worry that
might be a bit more complex, whereas everything else seems pretty
well-isolated? We'll try it out!
2024-02-18 20:12:14 -08:00
6206be6c03 Left-align the alt styles on the page, to flow better with the headers 2024-01-24 08:02:19 -08:00
fd729916d7 Specify width/height for alt style thumbnail image
to avoid reflows!
2024-01-24 07:26:44 -08:00