I don't know how reliably people actually know that we support NC
Styles, because the token items aren't searchable.
In this change, we add a little message to teach people about this
feature, if they search for words that match known styles, or the
colloquial word "token" (even though style token items aren't actually
called that on-site).
I haven't been running Prettier consistently on things in this project.
Now, it's quick-runnable, and I've got it on everything!
Also, I just think tabs are the right default for this kind of thing,
and I'm glad to get to switch over to it! (In `package.json`.)
It'd be nice to customize the message a bit, but this should be rare
and I'd prefer the simplicity of just going with the default text.
I ran into this when I made a mistake in how I process the return value
of search results, so React Query caught and raised the error via
React, as intended! And I was annoyed that it wasn't logged anywhere,
so that's my motivation for this change—but also, the old message is
pretty meh and has some layout problems anyway.
Ok cool, I have just not been running any of this since moving out of
impress-2020, but now that we're doing serious JS work in here it's time
to turn it back on!!
1. Install eslint and the plugins we use
2. Set up a `yarn lint` command
3. Set up a git hook via husky to lint on pre-commit
4. Fix/disable all the lint errors!
Looks like the version of Prettier I just installed is v3, whereas our
last run in the impress-2020 repo was with v2. I don't think we had any
special config in that project, I think these are just changes to
Prettier's defaults, and I'm comfortable accepting them! (Mostly seems
like a lot of trailing commas.)
We add jsbuilding-rails to get esbuild running in the app, and then we copy-paste the files we need from impress-2020 into here!
I stopped at the point where it was building successfully, but it's not running correctly: it's not sure about `process.env` in `next`, and I think the right next step is to delete the NextJS deps altogether and use React Router instead.