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Ensure rails public_data:pull doesn't use SSL for localhost

I upgraded our local MariaDB for compatibility with the latest server
dumps (https://mariadb.org/mariadb-dump-file-compatibility-change/),
and I thiiiink what I'm seeing is that, also in this version of
MariaDB, the default value for the `ssl` option is `true`? That is,
command-line clients will try to connect over SSL by default—which
isn't generally supported on development servers, where this task runs.

I could probably fix this with a change to my local config? But I
figure I can't really picture a scenario where this option being set in
the task would be *wrong*, but I *can* see it saving future people time
if they're working in a similar environment. So, let's just set it!
This commit is contained in:
Emi Matchu 2024-07-07 17:21:54 -07:00
parent a37dda6af7
commit d79b6b6c33

View file

@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ namespace :public_data do
# The connection details for our database!
config = ApplicationRecord.connection_db_config.configuration_hash
args << "--host=#{config[:host]}" if config[:host]
args << "--ssl=false" # SSL is the default for recent MariaDB; override!
args << "--user=#{config[:username]}" if config[:username]
args << "--password=#{config[:password]}" if config[:password]
args << "--database=#{config.fetch(:database)}"