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Use alias they in specs instead of it, when it reads better

This commit is contained in:
Emi Matchu 2024-10-25 13:38:02 -07:00
parent f3894759d6
commit 7a837edaf6
2 changed files with 19 additions and 15 deletions

View file

@ -39,15 +39,15 @@ RSpec.describe Pet, type: :model do
subject(:biology_assets) { pet_state.swf_assets }
let(:asset_ids) { biology_assets.map(&:remote_id) }
it("are all new") do
they("are all new") do
pending("Currently, pets must be saved before assets are assigned.")
should all be_new_record
it("match the expected IDs") do
they("match the expected IDs") do
expect(asset_ids).to contain_exactly(10083, 11613, 14187, 14189)
it("are saved when saving the pet") { pet.save!; should all be_persisted }
it("have the expected asset metadata") do
they("are saved when saving the pet") { pet.save!; should all be_persisted }
they("have the expected asset metadata") do
expect(pet_state.swf_assets).to contain_exactly(
type: "biology",
@ -127,26 +127,26 @@ RSpec.describe Pet, type: :model do
subject(:biology_assets) { pet.pet_state.swf_assets }
let(:asset_ids) { biology_assets.map(&:remote_id) }
it("are all new") do
they("are all new") do
pending("Currently, pets must be saved before assets are assigned.")
should all be_new_record
it("match the expected IDs") do
they("match the expected IDs") do
expect(asset_ids).to contain_exactly(331, 332, 333, 23760, 23411)
it("are saved when saving the pet") { pet.save!; should all be_persisted }
they("are saved when saving the pet") { pet.save!; should all be_persisted }
describe "its items" do
subject(:items) { pet.items }
let(:item_ids) { items.map(&:id) }
it("are all new") { should all be_new_record }
it("match the expected IDs") do
they("are all new") { should all be_new_record }
they("match the expected IDs") do
expect(item_ids).to contain_exactly(39552, 53874, 71706)
it("are saved when saving the pet") { pet.save! ; should all be_persisted }
it("have the expected item metadata") do
they("are saved when saving the pet") { pet.save! ; should all be_persisted }
they("have the expected item metadata") do
should contain_exactly(
id: 39552,
@ -203,15 +203,15 @@ RSpec.describe Pet, type: :model do
subject(:item_assets) { assets_by_item.values.flatten(1) }
let(:asset_ids) { item_assets.map(&:remote_id) }
it("are all new") do
they("are all new") do
pending("Currently, pets must be saved before assets are assigned.")
should all be_new_record
it("match the expected IDs") do
they("match the expected IDs") do
expect(asset_ids).to contain_exactly(16933, 108567, 410722)
it("are saved when saving the pet") { pet.save! ; should all be_persisted }
it("match the expected metadata") do
they("are saved when saving the pet") { pet.save! ; should all be_persisted }
they("match the expected metadata") do
expect(assets_by_item).to match(
39552 => a_collection_containing_exactly(

View file

@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ RSpec.configure do |config|
mocks.verify_partial_doubles = true
# In our specs, we describe plural collections sometimes, so we add "they"
# as an alias for "it".
config.alias_example_to :they
# This option will default to `:apply_to_host_groups` in RSpec 4 (and will
# have no way to turn it off -- the option exists only for backwards
# compatibility in RSpec 3). It causes shared context metadata to be