i18n for outfits#edit base template - dynamic content in outfits/edit.js still needs examined

This commit is contained in:
Emi Matchu 2013-01-04 20:28:00 -05:00
parent b346bcc6d9
commit 2b1cb2fe7f
8 changed files with 453 additions and 258 deletions

View file

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ module ApplicationHelper
def localized_cache(key, &block)
def localized_cache(key={}, &block)
localized_key = localize_fragment_key(key, locale)
cache(localized_key, &block)
@ -162,6 +162,12 @@ module ApplicationHelper
content_for :title, value
def translate_markdown(key, options={})
RDiscount.new(translate(key, options)).to_html.html_safe
alias_method :tmd, :translate_markdown
def translate_with_links(key, options={})
nonlink_options = {}
link_urls = {}

View file

@ -25,6 +25,24 @@ module OutfitsHelper
link_to content, wardrobe_path(:anchor => query), options
def search_helper(filter)
key = translate("#{filter}.key")
default_value = translate("#{filter}.default_value")
content_tag :span, default_value, :class => 'search-helper',
'data-search-filter' => key
def search_query_description(base)
translate "#{base}.description_html",
:default_value => search_helper("#{base}.filter")
def search_query_with_helper(base)
translate "#{base}.query_html",
:filter_key => content_tag(:span, translate("#{base}.filter.key")),
:filter_value => search_helper("#{base}.filter")
def outfit_creation_summary(outfit)
user = outfit.user
user_link = link_to(user.name, user_contributions_path(user))

View file

@ -289,8 +289,6 @@ body.outfits-edit
@extend .error
display: none
display: none
$fullscreen-search-border: 1px 1px 0
height: 100%
@ -302,8 +300,6 @@ body.outfits-edit
padding-top: 2.5em
position: relative
width: 80%
display: none
position: static

View file

@ -1,162 +1,126 @@
- add_body_class 'fullscreen'
- cache :action_suffix => "image_mode_#{can_use_image_mode?}" do
%a#home-link{:href => "/"}
%span Dress to Impress
%h1#title Planning an outfit
- localized_cache do
We haven't seen that combination before. Have you?
Submit the pet's name if you have!
= t '.pet_type.not_found'
%select{:name => "color"}
%select{:name => "species"}
%input{:type => "submit", :value => "Go"}/
%input{:type => "submit", :value => t('.pet_type.form.submit')}
= t '.pet_state_form.header'
%a#current-outfit-permalink{:target => '_blank'}
= image_tag 'link_go.png', :alt => 'Permalink', :title => 'Permalink to current outfit'
%button#save-outfit Save outfit
%button#save-outfit-not-signed-in Log in to save
%button#save-outfit-copy Save as…
%button#save-current-outfit Save &quot;<span>current outfit</span>&quot;
= image_tag 'link_go.png', :alt => t('.outfit.permalink.name'),
:title => t('.outfit.permalink.description')
%button#save-outfit= t '.outfit.save'
%button#save-outfit-not-signed-in= t '.outfit.sign_in_to_save'
%button#save-outfit-copy= t '.outfit.save_copy'
= t '.outfit.save_current_outfit.main_html',
:outfit_name => content_tag(:span, t('.outfit.save_current_outfit.default_outfit_name'))
%input#save-outfit-name{:type => 'text', :placeholder => 'Outfit name'}
%button#save-outfit-finish{:type => 'submit'} Save
%button#save-outfit-cancel{:type => 'button'} Cancel
%input#save-outfit-name{:type => 'text', :placeholder => t('.outfit.form.name_placeholder')}
%button#save-outfit-finish{:type => 'submit'}= t '.outfit.form.submit'
%button#save-outfit-cancel{:type => 'button'}= t '.outfit.form.cancel'
%p Flash and Javascript (but not Java!) are required to preview outfits.
%p If this message stays after the page is done loading, check those first.
%p= t '.preview.requirements'
%li#preview-mode-flash.active Flash
- if can_use_image_mode?
%li#preview-mode-image Image
- if can_use_image_mode?
= link_to 'Image mode FAQ', image_mode_path,
%li#preview-mode-flash.active= t '.preview.mode.flash.name'
%li#preview-mode-image= t '.preview.mode.image.name'
= link_to t('.preview.mode.image.faq'), image_mode_path,
:id => 'preview-mode-note', :target => '_blank'
= link_to 'Broken image?', '#', :id => 'report-broken-image',
:target => '_blank', 'data-base-url' => new_broken_image_report_path
%h3 Download
%button{'data-download-size' => 'small'} Small
%button{'data-download-size' => 'medium'} Medium
%button{'data-download-size' => 'large'} Large
- else
= link_to(donate_path, :id => 'preview-mode-note', :target => '_blank') do
%strong Image mode
is available for early beta testing to users who
%em donate
at least $5 to help upgrade the server. Thanks!
= link_to t('.preview.mode.image.report_broken'), '#',
:id => 'report-broken-image', :target => '_blank', 'data-base-url' => new_broken_image_report_path
#preview-sidebar-navbar-closet Closet
#preview-sidebar-navbar-sharing Sharing
#preview-sidebar-navbar-outfits Outfits
#preview-sidebar-navbar-closet= t '.sidebar.nav.closet'
#preview-sidebar-navbar-sharing= t '.sidebar.nav.sharing'
#preview-sidebar-navbar-outfits= t '.sidebar.nav.outfits'
#outfit-not-found Outfit not found
#save-success Outfit successfully saved
#outfit-not-found= t '.sidebar.notifications.outfits.not_found'
#save-success= t '.sidebar.notifications.outfits.save.success'
Images © 2000-2010 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Used With Permission
= image_tag 'outfits_welcome.png'
%figcaption Ready to become a pro designer?
We know how hard it can be to keep track of your ideas,
especially if you end up having a lot of them.
**But Dress to Impress makes it easy.**
Once you have an idea for an outfit, you can **build it,
save it, and view it again later**, either to update your
design or finally make your dream a reality.
**Thousands of users have already saved tens of thousands of
outfits &mdash; will you be next?**
= link_to 'Log in to save this outfit', login_path_with_return_to, :id => 'preview-outfits-log-in'
%figcaption= t '.sidebar.outfits.not_signed_in.header'
= tmd '.sidebar.outfits.not_signed_in.pitch_markdown'
= link_to t('.sidebar.outfits.not_signed_in.sign_in'),
login_path_with_return_to, :id => 'preview-outfits-log-in'
= image_tag 'outfits/small_loading.gif'
%span#preview-sharing-thumbnail-saving Saving&hellip;
%span#preview-sharing-thumbnail-generating Generating&hellip;
= t '.sidebar.sharing.thumbnail.saving'
= t '.sidebar.sharing.thumbnail.generating'
%label{:for => 'preview-sharing-permalink-url'} Outfit page
%label{:for => 'preview-sharing-permalink-url'}
= t '.sidebar.sharing.links.permalink'
%input#preview-sharing-permalink-url.outfit-url{:type => 'text'}
%label{:for => 'preview-sharing-large-image-url'} Large image
%label{:for => 'preview-sharing-large-image-url'}
= t '.sidebar.sharing.links.images.large'
%input#preview-sharing-large-image-url.outfit-url{:type => 'text'}
%label{:for => 'preview-sharing-medium-image-url'} Medium image
%label{:for => 'preview-sharing-medium-image-url'}
= t '.sidebar.sharing.links.images.medium'
%input#preview-sharing-medium-image-url.outfit-url{:type => 'text'}
%label{:for => 'preview-sharing-small-image-url'} Small image
%label{:for => 'preview-sharing-small-image-url'}
= t '.sidebar.sharing.links.images.small'
%input#preview-sharing-small-image-url.outfit-url{:type => 'text'}
%li.active{'data-format' => 'plain'} Plain
%li{'data-format' => 'html'} HTML
%li{'data-format' => 'bbcode'} BBCode
%li.active{'data-format' => 'plain'}
= t '.sidebar.sharing.formats.plain'
%li{'data-format' => 'html'}
= t '.sidebar.sharing.formats.html'
%li{'data-format' => 'bbcode'}
=t '.sidebar.sharing.formats.bbcode'
%h2 Add an item
%input{:name => "query", :placeholder => "Search items...", :type => "search"}/
%input{:type => "submit", :value => "Go"}/
%a.preview-search-form-your-items{:href => '#', 'data-search-value' => 'owns'} Items you own
%a.preview-search-form-your-items{:href => '#', 'data-search-value' => 'wants'} Items you want
%h2= t '.search.header'
%input{:name => "query", :placeholder => t('.search.form.query_placeholder'), :type => "search"}/
%input{:type => "submit", :value => t('.search.form.submit')}/
%a.preview-search-form-your-items{:href => '#', 'data-search-value' => 'owns'}
= closet_lists_group_name :you, true
%a.preview-search-form-your-items{:href => '#', 'data-search-value' => 'wants'}
= closet_lists_group_name :you, false
%a#preview-search-form-clear{:href => "#"} clear
%a#preview-search-form-clear{:href => "#"}= t '.search.form.clear'
%dt kreludor "altador cup" -background
returns any item with the word "kreludor" and the phrase "altador cup"
in it, but not the word "background"
%dt= t '.search.examples.basic.query'
%dd= t '.search.examples.basic.description'
%dt collar -is:nc -is:pb
returns any item with the word "collar" in it, but is not from the NC
mall, and is not from a deluxe paint brush set
%dt= t '.search.examples.flags.query'
%dd= t '.search.examples.flags.description'
%span species:
%span.search-helper{"data-search-filter" => "species"} Acara
returns any item a
%span.search-helper{"data-search-filter" => "species"} Acara
can wear
%dt= search_query_with_helper '.search.examples.species'
%dd= search_query_description '.search.examples.species'
%span type:
%span.search-helper{"data-search-filter" => "type"} background
returns any item that fills a
%span.search-helper{"data-search-filter" => "type"} background
#preview-search-form-loading Loading...
%dt= search_query_with_helper '.search.examples.type'
%dd= search_query_description '.search.examples.type'
#preview-search-form-loading= '.search.loading'
No results for "<span></span>"
= t '.search.no_results_html', :query => content_tag(:span)
We haven't seen this item on this body type before. Have you? Submit its name on the home page if you have!
#no-assets-full-message= t '.sidebar.closet.no_data.description'
%script#outfit-template{:type => 'text/x-jquery-tmpl'}
<li class="outfit-${id}{{if starred}} starred{{/if}}">
@ -165,15 +129,19 @@
%input.outfit-rename-field{:type => 'text'}
%a.outfit-rename-button{:href => '#'} rename
%a.outfit-delete{:href => '#'} delete
%a.outfit-rename-button{:href => '#'}
= t '.sidebar.outfits.outfit.rename'
%a.outfit-delete{:href => '#'}
= t '.sidebar.outfits.outfit.delete'
%span Delete?
%a.outfit-delete-confirmation-yes{:href => '#'} yes
%span= t '.sidebar.outfits.outfit.delete_confirmation.header'
%a.outfit-delete-confirmation-yes{:href => '#'}
= t '.sidebar.outfits.outfit.delete_confirmation.delete'
%a.outfit-delete-confirmation-no{:href => '#'} no
%a.outfit-delete-confirmation-no{:href => '#'}
= t '.sidebar.outfits.outfit.delete_confirmation.cancel'
- content_for :javascripts do
= include_javascript_libraries :jquery, :swfobject, :jquery_tmpl

View file

@ -441,6 +441,124 @@ en-meep:
success: Outfit "%{outfit_name}" succeessfully demeeped.
We haven't meeped that combination before. Have you?
Meep the pet's name if you have!
submit: Meep
header: "Gender/Emeepshuns:"
name: Permameep
description: Permameep to current outfeet
save: Meep outfit
sign_in_to_save: Log in to meep
save_copy: Meep as…
main_html: Meep "%{outfit_name}"
default_outfit_name: current outfeet
name_placeholder: Outfeet name
submit: Meep
cancel: Unmeep
Flash and Javascript (but not Java!) are required to meep outfeets.
name: Fleesh
name: Imeege
faq: Imeege Mode FAQ
report_broken: Broken imeege?
closet: Closeet
sharing: Sheering
outfits: Outfeets
not_found: Outfeet not found
success: Outfeet successfully meeped
We haven't meeped this item on this body type before. Have you?
Meep it for us on the home page if you have!
header: Ready to become a professional meepit?
pitch_markdown: |
We know how hard it can be to meep track of your ideas,
especially if you end up having a lot of them.
**But Dress to Impress makes it meepy.**
Once you have an idea for an outfit, you can **meep it, meep it,
and meep it again later**, either to update your design or
finally make your dream a reality.
**Thousands of users have already meeped tens of thousands of
outfits. Will you be next?**
sign_in: Log in to meep this outfit
rename: remeep
delete: unmeep
header: Unmeep?
delete: ja
saving: Seeving…
generating: Genereeting…
permalink: Outfeet page
large: Leerge
medium: Meedium
small: Smeell
plain: Pleen
html: HTMeepL
bbcode: BBMeep
header: Meep an item
query_placeholder: Meep items…
submit: Meep
clear: unmeep
loading: Meeping…
no_results_html: No meepits for "%{query}"
query: kreludor "altador cup" -background
meeps any item with the word "kreludor" and the phrase "altador
cup" in it, but not the word "background"
query: collar -is:nc -is:pb
meeps any item with the word "collar" in it, but is not from
the NC mall, and is not from a deluxe paint brush set
key: species
default_value: Acara
query_html: "%{filter_key}:%{filter_value}"
meeps any item a %{default_value} can wear
key: type
default_value: background
query_html: "%{filter_key}:%{filter_value}"
meeps any item that occupies a %{default_value} zone
tagline: Meeps made meepy!
load_pet_legend: Enter your pet's meep

View file

@ -442,6 +442,124 @@ en:
success: Outfit "%{outfit_name}" successfully deleted.
We haven't seen that combination before. Have you?
Submit the pet's name if you have!
submit: Go
header: "Gender/Emotions:"
name: Permalink
description: Permalink to current outfit
save: Save outfit
sign_in_to_save: Log in to save
save_copy: Save as…
main_html: Save "%{outfit_name}"
default_outfit_name: current outfit
name_placeholder: Outfit name
submit: Save
cancel: Cancel
Flash and Javascript (but not Java!) are required to preview outfits.
name: Flash
name: Image
faq: Image mode FAQ
report_broken: Broken image?
closet: Closet
sharing: Sharing
outfits: Outfits
not_found: Outfit not found
success: Outfit successfully saved
We haven't seen this item on this body type before. Have you?
Model it for us on the home page if you have!
header: Ready to become a pro designer?
pitch_markdown: |
We know how hard it can be to keep track of your ideas,
especially if you end up having a lot of them.
**But Dress to Impress makes it easy.**
Once you have an idea for an outfit, you can **build it, save it,
and view it again later**, either to update your design or
finally make your dream a reality.
**Thousands of users have already saved tens of thousands of
outfits. Will you be next?**
sign_in: Log in to save this outfit
rename: rename
delete: delete
header: Delete?
delete: "yes"
cancel: "no"
saving: Saving…
generating: Generating…
permalink: Outfit page
large: Large
medium: Medium
small: Small
plain: Plain
html: HTML
bbcode: BBCode
header: Add an item
query_placeholder: Search items…
submit: Search
clear: clear
loading: Loading…
no_results_html: No results for "%{query}"
query: kreludor "altador cup" -background
returns any item with the word "kreludor" and the phrase "altador
cup" in it, but not the word "background"
query: collar -is:nc -is:pb
returns any item with the word "collar" in it, but is not from
the NC mall, and is not from a deluxe paint brush set
key: species
default_value: Acara
query_html: "%{filter_key}:%{filter_value}"
returns any item a %{default_value} can wear
key: type
default_value: background
query_html: "%{filter_key}:%{filter_value}"
returns any item that occupies a %{default_value} zone
title: Your Outfits

View file

@ -1063,22 +1063,6 @@ View.PreviewAdapterForm = function (wardrobe) {
if(preview.usingImageAdapter()) {
activate(imageToggle, 'image', 'flash');
'small': [150, 150],
'medium': [300, 300],
'large': [600, 600]
$('#preview-download-image button').click(function () {
var size = DOWNLOAD_SIZES[this.getAttribute('data-download-size')];
if(document.createElement('canvas').getContext) {
// If browser supports canvas
View.ReportBrokenImage = function (wardrobe) {
@ -1280,13 +1264,14 @@ View.Search = function (wardrobe) {
help_el.find('dt a').live('click', function (e) {
var el = $(this), siblings = el.parent().children(), query;
var el = $(this), siblings = el.parent().contents(), query;
if(siblings.length > 1) {
query = siblings.map(function () {
var el = $(this);
return el[el.is('select') ? 'val' : 'text']();
query = $.trim(query);
} else {
query = el.text();
@ -1324,12 +1309,6 @@ View.Search = function (wardrobe) {
//wardrobe.pet_attributes.bind('update', prepBuildHelper('only', getSpecies));
View.Title = function (wardrobe) {
wardrobe.base_pet.bind('updateName', function (name) {
$('#title').text("Planning " + name + "'s outfit");
var userbar_sessions_link = $('#userbar a:last'),
userbar_message_verb = userbar_sessions_link.text() == 'Log out' ? 'logged out' : 'sent to the login page',
userbar_message_el = $('<span/>', {

View file

@ -2522,14 +2522,10 @@ body.outfits-edit .possible-error {
display: none;
/* line 292, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #fullscreen-copyright {
display: none;
/* line 294, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit.fullscreen {
height: 100%;
/* line 297, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 295, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit.fullscreen #container {
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
@ -2542,31 +2538,27 @@ body.outfits-edit.fullscreen #container {
position: relative;
width: 80%;
/* line 305, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit.fullscreen h1 {
display: none;
/* line 307, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 303, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit.fullscreen #short-url-response {
position: static;
/* line 309, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 305, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit.fullscreen #preview {
width: 100%;
/* line 311, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 307, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit.fullscreen #preview-sidebar {
float: right;
margin: 0;
position: relative;
width: 400px;
/* line 316, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 312, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit.fullscreen #preview-sidebar.viewing-saving-outfit {
height: auto;
max-height: 100%;
/* line 319, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 315, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit.fullscreen #preview-search-form {
bottom: 1.5em;
left: 0;
@ -2575,7 +2567,7 @@ body.outfits-edit.fullscreen #preview-search-form {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
/* line 327, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 323, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit.fullscreen #preview-search-form-help div {
display: -moz-inline-box;
-moz-box-orient: vertical;
@ -2588,27 +2580,27 @@ body.outfits-edit.fullscreen #preview-search-form-help div {
body.outfits-edit.fullscreen #preview-search-form-help div {
*display: inline;
/* line 330, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 326, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit.fullscreen #footer {
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
/* line 335, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 331, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit.fullscreen #footer ul, body.outfits-edit.fullscreen #footer p, body.outfits-edit.fullscreen #footer li {
display: inline;
/* line 337, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 333, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit.fullscreen #footer ul {
margin-right: 2em;
/* line 340, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 336, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit .object {
padding: 6px;
position: relative;
/* line 343, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 339, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit .object ul {
display: none;
left: 0;
@ -2616,11 +2608,11 @@ body.outfits-edit .object ul {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
/* line 349, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 345, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit .object ul li {
margin-bottom: 0.25em;
/* line 351, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 347, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit .object ul li a {
/* http://www.zurb.com/blog_uploads/0000/0617/buttons-03.html */
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
@ -2665,11 +2657,11 @@ body.outfits-edit .object ul li a:active {
body.outfits-edit .object ul li a:hover {
background-color: #999999;
/* line 354, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 350, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit .object:hover ul, body.outfits-edit .object:hover .object-info {
display: block;
/* line 361, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 357, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit .nc-icon {
background: url('/images/nc.png?1344550430') no-repeat;
height: 16px;
@ -2679,14 +2671,14 @@ body.outfits-edit .nc-icon {
top: 64px;
width: 16px;
/* line 369, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 365, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit .nc-icon:hover {
-moz-opacity: 0.5;
-webkit-opacity: 0.5;
-o-opacity: 0.5;
-khtml-opacity: 0.5;
/* line 372, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 368, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit .object-info {
-moz-border-radius: 12px;
-webkit-border-radius: 12px;
@ -2707,26 +2699,26 @@ body.outfits-edit .object-info {
top: 0;
width: 16px;
/* line 383, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 379, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit .object-info span {
font-family: "Droid Serif", Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
font-weight: bold;
position: relative;
top: -2px;
/* line 389, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 385, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit .object-info:hover {
-moz-opacity: 1;
-webkit-opacity: 1;
-o-opacity: 1;
-khtml-opacity: 1;
/* line 392, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 388, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits {
display: none;
text-align: left;
/* line 399, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 395, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul {
font-size: 0;
list-style: none;
@ -2797,23 +2789,23 @@ body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li footer {
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li a {
color: white;
/* line 409, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 405, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul.loaded {
background: transparent;
/* line 412, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 408, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li {
height: 110px;
margin: 1px;
width: 110px;
/* line 422, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 418, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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font-size: 12px;
padding: 2px 4px;
width: 102px;
/* line 427, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 423, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li header {
-moz-opacity: 0.75;
-webkit-opacity: 0.75;
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bottom: 0;
cursor: pointer;
/* line 432, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 428, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li footer, body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li .outfit-delete-confirmation {
display: none;
/* line 435, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 431, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li .outfit-delete-confirmation {
color: white;
left: 0;
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text-align: center;
top: 0;
/* line 441, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 437, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li .outfit-delete-confirmation span {
font-weight: bold;
/* line 447, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 443, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li .outfit-thumbnail-wrapper {
-moz-opacity: 0.5;
-webkit-opacity: 0.5;
@ -2858,61 +2850,61 @@ body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li .outfit-thumbnail-wrapper {
width: 150px;
z-index: 1;
/* line 461, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 457, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li .outfit-thumbnail {
display: none;
/* line 464, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 460, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li .outfit-star {
bottom: 0;
margin-right: 4px;
/* line 468, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 464, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li .outfit-delete {
float: right;
/* line 471, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 467, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li .outfit-rename-button {
float: left;
/* line 474, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 470, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li .outfit-rename-button, body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li .outfit-delete {
font-size: 85%;
text-decoration: none;
/* line 478, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 474, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li .outfit-rename-button:hover, body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li .outfit-delete:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
/* line 481, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 477, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li .outfit-rename-form {
display: none;
/* line 484, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 480, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li .outfit-rename-form input {
background: transparent;
border: 1px solid white;
width: 6em;
/* line 490, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 486, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li:hover header {
-moz-opacity: 1;
-webkit-opacity: 1;
-o-opacity: 1;
-khtml-opacity: 1;
/* line 493, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 489, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li:hover .outfit-thumbnail-wrapper {
-moz-opacity: 0.75;
-webkit-opacity: 0.75;
-o-opacity: 0.75;
-khtml-opacity: 0.75;
/* line 496, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 492, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li:hover footer {
display: block;
/* line 500, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 496, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li.active header {
-moz-opacity: 1;
-webkit-opacity: 1;
@ -2920,74 +2912,74 @@ body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li.active header {
-khtml-opacity: 1;
font-weight: bold;
/* line 504, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 500, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li.active .outfit-thumbnail-wrapper {
-moz-opacity: 1;
-webkit-opacity: 1;
-o-opacity: 1;
-khtml-opacity: 1;
/* line 508, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 504, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li.confirming-deletion footer {
display: none;
/* line 511, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 507, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li.confirming-deletion .outfit-delete-confirmation {
display: block;
/* line 515, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 511, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li.renaming .outfit-name {
display: none;
/* line 518, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 514, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li.renaming .outfit-rename-form {
display: inline;
/* line 521, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 517, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li.thumbnail-available {
background: transparent;
/* line 524, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 520, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li.thumbnail-available .outfit-thumbnail-wrapper {
background-image: none;
/* line 527, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 523, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li.thumbnail-available .outfit-thumbnail {
display: block;
/* line 531, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 527, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits > ul > li.loading .outfit-star {
background-image: url('/images/loading_outfit_pane.gif?1344550430');
/* line 534, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 530, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits #preview-outfits-not-logged-in {
text-align: center;
overflow-x: hidden;
/* line 538, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 534, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits #preview-outfits-not-logged-in img {
border-color: #006600;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1px 0;
/* line 544, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 540, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits #preview-outfits-not-logged-in figure {
display: block;
margin: 0 0 1em 0;
padding: 0;
/* line 549, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 545, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits #preview-outfits-not-logged-in figcaption {
display: block;
font-weight: bold;
/* line 553, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 549, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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margin-left: 24px;
margin-right: 24px;
font-size: 85%;
/* line 557, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 553, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits #preview-outfits-not-logged-in #preview-outfits-log-in {
/* http://www.zurb.com/blog_uploads/0000/0617/buttons-03.html */
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
@ -3027,11 +3019,11 @@ body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits #preview-outfits-not-logged-in #preview-outfi
body.outfits-edit #preview-outfits #preview-outfits-not-logged-in #preview-outfits-log-in:hover {
background-color: #ee4b00;
/* line 561, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 557, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing {
display: none;
/* line 564, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 560, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-urls {
margin-left: 24px;
margin-right: 24px;
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margin-bottom: 1em;
margin-top: 1em;
/* line 571, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 567, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-urls li {
display: block;
padding: 0.25em 0;
width: 100%;
/* line 576, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 572, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-urls li label {
display: block;
font-weight: bold;
/* line 580, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 576, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-urls li input {
display: block;
width: 100%;
/* line 584, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 580, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-url-formats {
margin-left: 24px;
margin-right: 24px;
@ -3068,7 +3060,7 @@ body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-url-formats {
font-size: 0;
text-align: center;
/* line 592, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 588, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-url-formats li {
display: -moz-inline-box;
-moz-box-orient: vertical;
@ -3087,13 +3079,13 @@ body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-url-formats li {
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-url-formats li {
*display: inline;
/* line 603, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 599, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-url-formats li.active {
background: #eeffee;
color: inherit;
font-weight: bold;
/* line 608, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 604, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-url-formats li:first-child {
-moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;
-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px;
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border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
border-left-width: 1px;
/* line 613, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 609, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-url-formats li:last-child {
-moz-border-radius-topright: 5px;
-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px;
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border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
border-right-color: #006600;
/* line 618, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 614, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-thumbnail-wrapper {
border: 1px solid #aaddaa;
display: block;
@ -3134,7 +3126,7 @@ body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-thumbnail-wrapper {
position: relative;
width: 150px;
/* line 626, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 622, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-thumbnail-loading {
height: 100%;
left: 0;
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top: 0;
width: 100%;
/* line 633, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 629, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-thumbnail-loading span {
color: #448844;
font-size: 85%;
@ -3152,11 +3144,11 @@ body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-thumbnail-loading span {
top: 50%;
width: 100%;
/* line 642, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 638, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-thumbnail, body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-thumbnail-generating {
display: none;
/* line 645, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 641, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-beta-note {
margin-left: 24px;
margin-right: 24px;
@ -3167,59 +3159,59 @@ body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing #preview-sharing-beta-note {
margin-top: 1em;
text-align: center;
/* line 653, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 649, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing.urls-loaded #preview-sharing-thumbnail-saving {
display: none;
/* line 656, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 652, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing.urls-loaded #preview-sharing-urls, body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing.urls-loaded #preview-sharing-url-formats, body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing.urls-loaded #preview-sharing-thumbnail-generating {
display: block;
/* line 660, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 656, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing.urls-loaded.thumbnail-loaded #preview-sharing-thumbnail-loading {
display: none;
/* line 663, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 659, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing.urls-loaded.thumbnail-loaded #preview-sharing-thumbnail {
display: block;
/* line 667, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 663, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing.urls-loaded.thumbnail-available #preview-sharing-thumbnail-loading {
-moz-opacity: 0.85;
-webkit-opacity: 0.85;
-o-opacity: 0.85;
-khtml-opacity: 0.85;
/* line 670, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 666, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sharing.urls-loaded.thumbnail-available #preview-sharing-thumbnail {
display: block;
/* line 673, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 669, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit .preview-sidebar-nav {
float: right;
font-size: 85%;
margin-right: 24px;
margin-top: 1em;
/* line 685, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 681, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sidebar #preview-sidebar-navbar-closet {
background: white;
border-bottom-color: white;
font-weight: bold;
/* line 689, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 685, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sidebar.viewing-outfits #preview-sidebar-navbar-closet, body.outfits-edit #preview-sidebar.sharing #preview-sidebar-navbar-closet {
background: transparent;
border-bottom: 1px solid #aaddaa;
font-weight: normal;
/* line 692, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 688, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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background: white;
border-bottom-color: white;
font-weight: bold;
/* line 695, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 691, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sidebar-navbar {
-moz-border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0;
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body.outfits-edit #preview-sidebar-navbar {
display: block;
/* line 704, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 700, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sidebar-navbar > div {
background: transparent;
border-bottom: 1px solid #aaddaa;
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text-align: center;
width: 132px;
/* line 713, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 709, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sidebar-navbar > div:first-child {
border-left: 0;
/* line 716, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 712, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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-webkit-border-radius: 0 0 10px 10px;
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height: 300px;
overflow: auto;
/* line 723, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 719, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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margin-left: 24px;
margin-right: 24px;
@ -3276,7 +3268,7 @@ body.outfits-edit #save-success, body.outfits-edit #save-error, body.outfits-edi
margin-top: 1em;
text-align: center;
/* line 730, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 726, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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background: #e6efc2;
border: 1px solid #c6d880;
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font-size: 85%;
padding: 1em;
/* line 735, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 731, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #preview-sidebar-donation-request-no-thanks {
margin-left: 1em;
/* line 738, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 734, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #save-success {
background: #e6efc2;
border: 1px solid #c6d880;
color: #264409;
/* line 741, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 737, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #save-error, body.outfits-edit #outfit-not-found {
background: #fbe3e4;
border: 1px solid #fbc2c4;
color: #8a1f11;
/* line 744, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 740, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #userbar-message {
-moz-opacity: 0.5;
-webkit-opacity: 0.5;
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-khtml-opacity: 0.5;
display: none;
/* line 748, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 744, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #new-outfit-name {
font: inherit;
line-height: 1;
/* line 752, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 748, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit #pet-type-form, body.outfits-edit #pet-state-form, body.outfits-edit #preview-swf, body.outfits-edit #preview-search-form {
position: relative;
/* line 755, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 751, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit .control-overlay {
height: 100%;
left: 0;
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width: 100%;
z-index: 5;
/* line 763, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 759, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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display: none;
/* line 766, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 762, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit form#save-outfit-form {
display: none;
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margin-left: -24px;
margin-right: 0;
/* line 772, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 768, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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display: -moz-inline-box;
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@ -3377,46 +3369,46 @@ body.outfits-edit form#save-outfit-form .outfit-star, body.outfits-edit form#sav
body.outfits-edit form#save-outfit-form .outfit-star, body.outfits-edit form#save-outfit-form input, body.outfits-edit form#save-outfit-form button {
*display: inline;
/* line 777, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 773, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
body.outfits-edit form#save-outfit-form .outfit-star {
margin-top: 0.25em;
/* line 780, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 776, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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font-size: 75%;
/* line 783, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 779, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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color: #8a1f11;
padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
/* line 788, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 784, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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/* line 790, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 786, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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/* line 794, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 790, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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/* line 796, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 792, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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/* line 804, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 800, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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display: block;
/* line 806, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 802, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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/* line 808, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 804, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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body.outfits-edit.user-signed-in .preview-search-form-your-items {
*display: inline;
/* line 810, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 806, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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/* line 812, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 808, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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display: block;
/* line 816, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 812, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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display: inline-block;
/* line 820, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 816, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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/* line 822, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
/* line 818, ../../../app/stylesheets/outfits/_edit.sass */
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