update terms

This commit is contained in:
Emi Matchu 2014-08-25 20:57:07 -05:00
parent 2594497434
commit 05841d091b
5 changed files with 45 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -1,44 +1,53 @@
Our policy is short and sweet at this point. And by using our site, you
agree to our Terms of Use. Thanks!
agree to our Terms of Use. Thanks! ("We" here refers to the administrators of
"the site", Dress to Impress.)
If you hit our servers with automated requests in ways which were not
intended, you will be banned at our sole discretion. Public APIs are
intended methods. If a page on our site is not clearly marked as a public
API, it is not an intended method.
Dress to Impress tries to keep its data up-to-date automatically, and usually
does a pretty good job. However, sometimes our data is out of date (like TNT
made an error and then fixed it, but we never saw the fixed copy), and
sometimes the site just makes a mistake. For this reason, we make absolutely
no guarantee that our site behaves correctly or that our data is accurate.
The site is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. In no event shall
we be liable for any claim, damages, or other liability arising from, out of,
or in connection with the site or the use or other dealings in the site.
(For example, if you buy NC because the site said an item would look a
certain way on your pet but it turned out to be wrong: we're very sorry,
please remodel the item for us on your pet, please submit a bug report if
it isn't fixed automatically, and thanks so much for helping us fix the bug,
but we can't afford to reimburse you for your NC. Here's hoping
the NC trading scene can help you get something just as pretty.)
You may look at the code for educational purposes; however, if you
directly use any part of the front-end or back-end code for your own
purposes, you
%strong must
prominently credit its original
== (#{link_to 'OpenNeo', 'http://www.openneo.net/'})
on every single web page on which the code is used, or which the code is used
to produce. If you make improvements to the code, we appreciate, but do not
require, that you submit those improvements to the original codebase. See the
= link_to 'license', 'https://github.com/matchu/openneo-impress/blob/master/LICENSE'
for more information.
We reserve the right to limit or refuse service to any user for any reason.
This includes but is not limited to posting content that we consider
offensive (as a rule of thumb, keep it PG) or making excessive automated
requests to our server.
Attempts to misuse this website are acceptable as long as they are for
the sole purpose of improving this website. All security issues must be
immediately reported to
== #{link_to 'OpenNeo', 'http://www.openneo.net/'},
and may not be used for any malicious purpose. If you inform someone else
of a security hole and he or she abuses it, both of your are considered
The site's
= link_to 'source code', 'https://github.com/matchu/openneo-impress-rails'
is freely available, but its use is restricted by its
#{link_to 'license', 'https://github.com/matchu/openneo-impress-rails/blob/master/LICENSE'}.
The gist is that you're free to read the source code as much as you like, and
even copy parts of it, so long as you clearly indicate that we are the
original authors.
In short, use our website as much as you like, but do no harm. Or you
%strong will
be punished.
However, even though we love to share the source code we wrote, we believe
that the customization data we've received belongs to the community, and we
therefore protect it much more aggressively. Do not copy our data about how
pets and items look or their associated metadata; if you're interested in
using that data, please contact us directly.
Sometimes our users submit original content to the site, including but not
limited to outfits and item lists. By submitting such content to us, you
grant us a license to use it and redistribute it in whatever way we see fit,
now and forever. If you're interested in redistributing content submitted by
other users, you'll have to find the submitter and ask them yourself.
Sometimes these terms change. We'll usually try to draw attention to it when
they do, but, ultimately, it's your responsibility to check the terms
regularly; whenever you use the site, you're agreeing to the version of the
terms posted at that time.
Sorry if that scared you. It's really just to make clear that there are
certain unacceptable behaviors when it comes to accessing a website, but only
those looking to cause trouble are likely to really cause any. If all you
want to do here is dress up your pets, then there's absolutely no need to
%strong Thanks for using Dress to Impress!

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ en-MEEP:
blog: Bleep
source_code: Source Meep
terms: Terms of Meep
terms: Terms of Use (meeped Aug 2014)
contact: Meeptact
suggestions: Suggesteeps
email: Questions, comments, meepits

View file

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ en:
blog: Blog
source_code: Source Code
terms: Terms of Use
terms: Terms of Use (updated Aug 2014)
contact: Contact
suggestions: Suggestions
email: Questions, comments, bugs

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@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ es:
blog: Blog
source_code: Source Code
terms: Términos de uso
contact: Contacto
suggestions: Sugerencias
email: Preguntas, comentarios, errores

View file

@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ pt:
blog: Blog
source_code: Código Fonte
terms: Termos de Uso
contact: Contato
suggestions: Sugestões
email: Perguntas, comentários, erros