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#!/usr/bin/env node
* A test NeoPass server! This is a very lean, hacky implementation, designed
* to just see the basic OAuth interactions Work At All.
* First, we have a "backing server", which is a `oauth2-mock-server` instance
* that's easy to spin up and have perform OAuth for us. We give it a hardcoded
* development-only key, and it just auto-grants permissions!
* We also have a "main server", which obeys the actual NeoPass API: the
* backing server isn't configurable with stuff like paths, so we use the main
* server to proxy from the paths in the NeoPass spec to the paths the backing
* server uses.
const fs = require("node:fs/promises");
const pathLib = require("node:path");
const { spawn } = require("node:child_process");
const urlLib = require("node:url");
const { OAuth2Server } = require("oauth2-mock-server");
const express = require("express");
const certPath = pathLib.join(__dirname, "..", "tmp", "localhost.pem");
const keyPath = pathLib.join(__dirname, "..", "tmp", "localhost-key.pem");
async function fileExists(path) {
try {
await fs.stat(path);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === "ENOENT") {
return false;
throw error;
return true;
async function ensureCertsExist() {
if (!(await fileExists(certPath)) || !(await fileExists(keyPath))) {
"Using mkcert to create localhost.pem and localhost-key.pem in " +
"the Rails tmp dir, to serve over HTTPS.",
const mkcertProc = spawn("mkcert", [
], {stdio: ["ignore", process.stdout, process.stderr]});
// Wait for the process to finish, raising an error if it fails.
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
mkcertProc.on("close", (code) => {
if (code === 0) {
} else {
reject(new Error(`mkcert returned status ${code}`));
mkcertProc.on("error", (error) => {
async function startBackingServer(port) {
const server = new OAuth2Server(
await server.issuer.keys.add({
// A key we generated for the NeoPass test server. It's okay for its
// "secret" info to be here, because it's for development only!
p: "50btwsJlPbGLUFnCSBZzddyMX_oRQ8nz4lMrpAd4umPLqMUmS0NbBZNf6DI7s8PkRUxtV8KdvZh3OYWavFnbk55GDG4Y_J_wA4XlHU3d5KIfSNaIdbtVp4CFOq1lovho4sYX_26vcGgYb2Azeg7nz_gDpqNmIdJdKuZxzsrboK8",
kty: "RSA",
q: "xha0i9_lbOMQhmmni02Dtpocil26GI7W8xbOFyOvceBCRNf-XOA_-W_Xk9ItJRHnAWM1TML36PN0l864d4QAXbBo64FHu2cjdFKnXJNliJaPcOPAMQB_D8GSylU1gTwSpP_vVe8t232LeF1oBwbOoBIS-6NsOpLmL8Sezv6Fpac",
d: "WSUNeEd_EyaELK7wqT6GJJK_RfYjaE5h6USe9rD9cd_tQE2PaZWXMyZ4OCk5Z5hdG2ryZY7NYsOI2CPs8HCFBqMoKd0z0A0EgB8Dq2fe_-t5Rm0Zq1ZnI5tnBcZeQmw0hDT98Wg00FA53SSUqfnOgI_VuLvquM6f18_XQOKRRfTcwh1a4teDAH0g0s8FVOS5DANtg71mTdq5fEkWmQMD3qKC6SNrx3WXXHezDs0MWdeFqn9Dg7gssSqB7PnqB-hlC_fHnu4gm9nDqPTMzsJC2i8d3adm0AeORRCulGLe7hU-_TgTbZzgIYCgOK_asaewW-6Qk9qFj-J4djBaKIee-Q",
e: "AQAB",
use: "sig",
qi: "WNiwCcAk2x7e0KvuupL2DNU-JUjLEF9Onee5T9u9ihbgGSDIyP04_96TzCIK3wsY6lct64oOo0Er-z5cf_5eOBPD3n0eEL-JuKIgn0mEKrazJOnGQzlyeZPzk4dUO2J7D42ObopfYsoBIcJx-Y_43a6WORDMGSVCiURmKavTHUU",
dp: "p1_wj-Npq3VDElpzPQJqeuCrAoaSWhHcm21_hs0VdSbl6_UJ2qwbQnS-kudPx7A8El7WPw4MZHrjxdBIBImvXCzOGw7OrHz_ET2ka0nADUe7BlakGTgDLB7ZzHZSuNe36G5eTbCH7PyYunnPp0UERMEDu2RDdLSuUm7F7FdpDOc",
alg: "RS256",
dq: "purLCHKKKM7NRfYRsFiI_H2wPwfroHX8uqokz2rKk_Kc5NX9CNYOEmokBfO9BtenCIxIhX5k2G8NeD5BQrSAenIEdy5g-5FVVtevH1s023vDMyU29hOs_eHnh4d1poiwTUk8q_T3d1S7CZnr5r_drRSN2m1C7biLLwVHrLTceVE",
n: "svVfGU4NGcfBCmQiIOW5uzg5SAN2CWSIQSstnhqZoCdjy5OoKpKVR8O9TbDvxixrvkFyAav90Q0Xse8iFTcjfCKuqINYiuYMXhCvfBlc_DVVOQca9pMpN03LaDofd5Ll4_BFTtt1nSPahwWU7xDM-Bkkh_TcS2qS4N2xbpEGi0q0ZkrJN4WyiDBC2k9WbK-YHr4Rj4JKypFVSeBIrjxVPmlPzgfqlLGGIB0l92SnJDXDMlkWcCCTyLgqSBM04nkxGDSykq_ei76qCdRd7b10wMBaoS9DeBThAyHpur2LoPdH3gxbcwoWExi-jPlNP1LdKVZD8b95OY3CRyMAAMGdKQ",
await server.start(port, "localhost");
console.log(`Started NeoPass backing server at: ${server.issuer.url}`);
async function startMainServer(port) {
const fetch = (await import("node-fetch")).default;
const app = express();
app.use(express.text({ type: "*/*" }));
app.get("/", (req, res) => res.end("NeoPass development server for DTI!"));
app.get("/oauth2/auth", (req, res) => {
const query = urlLib.parse(req.url).query;
});"/oauth2/token", async (req, res) => {
try {
// For POST requests, the HTTP spec doesn't allow a redirect to a
// POST, so we proxy the request instead.
const backingRes = await fetch("http://localhost:8686/token", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": req.get("Content-Type"),
body: req.body,
if (!backingRes.ok) {
throw new Error(`backing server returned status ${res.status}`);
res.set("Content-Type", backingRes.headers.get("Content-Type"));
return res.end(await backingRes.text());
} catch (error) {
return res.end(error.message);
await new Promise((resolve) => app.listen(port, resolve));
console.log(`Started NeoPass main server at: http://localhost:${port}`);
async function main() {
await ensureCertsExist();
await startBackingServer(8686);
await startMainServer(8585);
main().catch((error) => {