
132 lines
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2010-11-30 13:52:38 -08:00
- hide_home_link
= advertise_campaign_progress @campaign
2014-04-04 13:53:53 -07:00
%p#pet-not-found.alert= t 'pets.load.not_found'
- if show_announcement?
= image_tag "about/announcement.png", width: 70, height: 70,
srcset: {"about/announcement@2x.png": "2x"}
= link_to "This week in DTI: Performance upgrades!",
If you saw the site stutter, whoops, you weren't imagining it! We've
dug into our past and made three changes to speed up the site for
everyone, whew!
Also, in case you can help:
= succeed "," do
= link_to "I'm job-hunting right now",
looking for
full-time software roles!
%em (You gotta ask, right?)
2010-11-05 15:45:05 -07:00
= image_tag 'default_preview.png', :alt => ''
%h1= t 'app_name'
%h2= t '.tagline'
= form_tag load_pet_path, method: 'POST', class: 'primary load-pet-to-wardrobe' do
= hidden_field_tag 'destination', 'wardrobe'
%legend= t '.load_pet'
= pet_name_tag class: 'main-pet-name'
%button{:type => "submit"}
= t '.submit.primary'
= form_tag wardrobe_path, method: 'GET', class: 'secondary start-from-scratch', authenticity_token: false do
%legend= t '.start_from_scratch'
= pet_attribute_select 'color', @colors, 8
= pet_attribute_select 'species', @species
%button{:type => "submit"}
= t('.submit.secondary')
%h3= link_to t('your_items'), your_items_path
= link_to image_tag('your_items.png'), your_items_path
%strong= t '.your_items.tagline'
%p= t '.your_items.description'
= form_tag users_path, :method => 'get' do
= text_field_tag 'name', '', :type => 'search',
:placeholder => t('.your_items.user_search.placeholder')
= submit_tag t('.your_items.user_search.submit')
2011-07-31 15:45:53 -07:00
%h3= link_to t('infinite_closet'), items_path
= link_to image_tag('items.png'), items_path
%strong= t '.infinite_closet.tagline'
%p= t '.infinite_closet.description'
= form_tag items_path, :method => 'get' do
= text_field_tag 'q', '', :type => 'search',
:placeholder => t('.infinite_closet.item_search.placeholder')
= submit_tag t('.infinite_closet.item_search.submit')
%h3= link_to t('modeling_hub'), bulk_pets_path
= link_to bulk_pets_path do
= image_tag ''
%strong= t '.modeling_hub.tagline'
2013-01-09 16:40:35 -08:00
%p= t '.modeling_hub.description'
= form_tag load_pet_path, method: 'POST' do
= pet_name_tag placeholder: t('.modeling_hub.load_pet.placeholder'),
required: true
= submit_tag t('.modeling_hub.load_pet.submit')
- if @latest_contribution # will be nil for a fresh copy of the site ;P
= link_to t('.latest_contribution.header'), contributions_path, :id => 'recent-contributions-link'
= latest_contribution_description(@latest_contribution)
%abbr#latest-contribution-created-at{:title => @latest_contribution.created_at.getutc.iso8601}
- if @newest_unmodeled_items.present?
%h3= t '.newest_items.unmodeled.header'
- @newest_unmodeled_items.each do |item|
%li{'data-item-id' =>}
= link_to image_tag(item.thumbnail_url), item, :class => 'image-link'
= link_to item, :class => 'header' do
%span.meter{style: "width: #{@newest_unmodeled_items_predicted_modeled_ratio[item]*100}%"}
= render_predicted_missing_species_by_color(@newest_unmodeled_items_predicted_missing_species_by_color[item])
- if @newest_modeled_items.present?
%h3= t '.newest_items.modeled.header'
- @newest_modeled_items.each do |item|
= link_to item, title:, alt: do
= image_tag item.thumbnail_url
= nc_icon_for(item)
%script#pet-query-notice-template{:type => 'text/x-jquery-tmpl'}
%img.inline-image{:src => '${pet_image_url}'}
= t '.pet_query.notice_html', :pet_name => '${pet_name}'
%script#preview-pet-type-not-found-template{:type => 'text/x-jquery-tmpl'}
= t '.preview.pet_type_not_found', :color_name => '${color_name}',
:species_name => '${species_name}'
%script#preview-pet-not-found-template{:type => 'text/x-jquery-tmpl'}
= t '.preview.pet_not_found'
2013-01-10 14:47:46 -08:00
- content_for :javascripts do
= javascript_include_tag 'jquery', 'jquery.tmpl', 'jquery.timeago',
defer: true
- content_for :javascripts_body do
= javascript_include_tag 'outfits/new', defer: true