Matchu 17a7e2de81 [WIP] Refactor to renderWithLayout function
Okay, when I saw the recipe in the Next.js docs with `getLayout`, I was like "psh this API is so confusing, this should just be a component"

anyway now we see why it wasn't a component: the _whole point_ of it was to circumvent the usual React diffing algorithm's belief that two different components _can't_ ever share UI. But here we were, making different `layoutComponent`s that were meant to share UI, lol!

Anyway, if you just _return JSX in a function_, the React diffing algorithm never sees that it came from a different place, so it's generous when diffing them. Neat!

But I still changed the recipe's `getLayout` name to `renderWithLayout`, because it just confused me so much at first lol, I thought it was going to like, return a layout function? This is much clearer verbing to me imo
2022-09-14 22:50:56 -07:00

19 lines
565 B

import ItemSearchPageToolbar from "../../../src/app/components/ItemSearchPageToolbar";
import ItemSearchPage from "../../../src/app/ItemSearchPage";
import PageLayout from "../../../src/app/PageLayout";
import type { NextPageWithLayout } from "../../_app";
const ItemSearchPageWrapper: NextPageWithLayout = () => {
return <ItemSearchPage />;
ItemSearchPageWrapper.renderWithLayout = (children) => {
return (
<ItemSearchPageToolbar marginBottom="6" />
export default ItemSearchPageWrapper;