Matchu fc6cb2dfdd Fix Honeycomb trace labels for API endpoints
I'm learning that top-level traces should use operation_name as well as name, because name is the low-level thing that every trace gets (including child traces like db queries and net requests)!

Also there was an incorrect label in one of these, and validPetPoses was missing it altogether
2021-04-23 12:31:50 -07:00

138 lines
4.4 KiB

const beeline = require("honeycomb-beeline")({
writeKey: process.env["HONEYCOMB_WRITE_KEY"],
process.env["NODE_ENV"] === "production"
? "Dress to Impress (2020)"
: "Dress to Impress (2020, dev)",
serviceName: "impress-2020-gql-server",
import fetch from "node-fetch";
import connectToDb from "../src/server/db";
async function handle(req, res) {
const allNcItemNamesAndIdsPromise = loadAllNcItemNamesAndIds();
let itemValuesByIdOrName;
try {
itemValuesByIdOrName = await loadWakaValuesByIdOrName();
} catch (e) {
res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
res.status(500).send("Error loading Waka data from Google Sheets API");
// Restructure the value data to use IDs as keys, instead of names.
const allNcItemNamesAndIds = await allNcItemNamesAndIdsPromise;
const itemValues = {};
for (const { name, id } of allNcItemNamesAndIds) {
if (id in itemValuesByIdOrName) {
itemValues[id] = itemValuesByIdOrName[id];
} else if (name in itemValuesByIdOrName) {
itemValues[id] = itemValuesByIdOrName[name];
// Cache for 1 minute, and immediately serve stale data for a day after.
// This should keep it fast and responsive, and stay well within our API key
// limits. (This will cause the client to send more requests than necessary,
// but the CDN cache should generally respond quickly with a small 304 Not
// Modified, unless the data really did change.)
"public, max-age=3600, stale-while-revalidate=86400"
return res.send(itemValues);
async function loadAllNcItemNamesAndIds() {
const db = await connectToDb();
const [rows] = await db.query(`
INNER JOIN item_translations ON item_translations.item_id =
(items.rarity_index IN (0, 500) OR is_manually_nc = 1)
AND item_translations.locale = "en"
return{ id, name }) => ({ id, name: normalizeItemName(name) }));
* Load all Waka values from the spreadsheet. Returns an object keyed by ID or
* name - that is, if the item ID is provided in the sheet, we use that as the
* key; or if not, we use the name as the key.
async function loadWakaValuesByIdOrName() {
if (!process.env["GOOGLE_API_KEY"]) {
throw new Error(`GOOGLE_API_KEY environment variable must be provided`);
const res = await fetch(
`` +
`1DRMrniTSZP0sgZK6OAFFYqpmbT6xY_Ve_i480zghOX0/values/NC%20Values` +
const json = await res.json();
if (!res.ok) {
if (json.error) {
const { code, status, message } = json.error;
throw new Error(
`Google Sheets API returned error ${code} ${status}: ${message}`
} else {
throw new Error(
`Google Sheets API returned unexpected error: ${res.status} ${res.statusText}`
// Get the rows from the JSON response - skipping the first-row headers.
const rows = json.values.slice(1);
// Reformat the rows as a map from item name to value. We offer the item data
// as an object with a single field `value` for extensibility, but we omit
// the spreadsheet columns that we don't use on DTI, like Notes.
// NOTE: The Sheets API only returns the first non-empty cells of the row.
// That's why we set `""` as the defaults, in case the value/notes/etc
// aren't provided.
const itemValuesByIdOrName = {};
for (const [
value = "",
notes = "",
marks = "",
itemId = "",
] of rows) {
const normalizedItemName = normalizeItemName(itemName);
itemValuesByIdOrName[itemId || normalizedItemName] = { value };
return itemValuesByIdOrName;
function normalizeItemName(name) {
return (
// Remove all spaces, they're a common source of inconsistency
.replace(/\s+/g, "")
// Lower case, because capitalization is another common source
// Remove diacritics:
// Waka has some stray ones in item names, not sure why!
.replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "")
export default async (req, res) => {
{ name: "api/allWakaValues", operation_name: "api/allWakaValues" },
() => handle(req, res)