Matchu ffc697b241 Move our loadable wrapper into util
I wanna use it for other loadables, too!
2021-01-21 14:27:05 -08:00

197 lines
6.5 KiB

import React from "react";
import { ApolloProvider } from "@apollo/client";
import { Auth0Provider } from "@auth0/auth0-react";
import { CSSReset, ChakraProvider, extendTheme } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { mode } from "@chakra-ui/theme-tools";
import {
BrowserRouter as Router,
} from "react-router-dom";
import * as Sentry from "@sentry/react";
import { Integrations } from "@sentry/tracing";
import { useAuth0 } from "@auth0/auth0-react";
import buildApolloClient from "./apolloClient";
import PageLayout from "./PageLayout";
import WardrobePageLayout from "./WardrobePage/WardrobePageLayout";
import { loadable } from "./util";
const ConversionPage = loadable(() => import("./ConversionPage"));
const HomePage = loadable(() => import("./HomePage"));
const ItemSearchPage = loadable(() => import("./ItemSearchPage"));
const ItemPage = loadable(() => import("./ItemPage"));
const ItemTradesOfferingPage = loadable(() =>
import("./ItemTradesPage").then((m) => m.ItemTradesOfferingPage)
const ItemTradesSeekingPage = loadable(() =>
import("./ItemTradesPage").then((m) => m.ItemTradesSeekingPage)
const ModelingPage = loadable(() => import("./ModelingPage"));
const PrivacyPolicyPage = loadable(() => import("./PrivacyPolicyPage"));
const UserItemsPage = loadable(() => import("./UserItemsPage"));
const UserOutfitsPage = loadable(() => import("./UserOutfitsPage"));
const WardrobePage = loadable(() => import("./WardrobePage"), {
fallback: <WardrobePageLayout />,
const theme = extendTheme({
styles: {
global: (props) => ({
html: {
// HACK: Chakra sets body as the relative position element, which is
// fine, except its `min-height: 100%` doesn't actually work
// unless paired with height on the root element too!
height: "100%",
body: {
background: mode("gray.50", "gray.800")(props),
color: mode("green.800", "green.50")(props),
transition: "all 0.25s",
autoSessionTracking: true,
integrations: [
new Integrations.BrowserTracing({
beforeNavigate: (context) => ({
// Assume any path segment starting with a digit is an ID, and replace
// it with `:id`. This will help group related routes in Sentry stats.
// NOTE: I'm a bit uncertain about the timing on this for tracking
// client-side navs... but we now only track first-time
// pageloads, and it definitely works correctly for them!
name: window.location.pathname.replaceAll(/\/[0-9][^/]*/g, "/:id"),
// We have a _lot_ of location changes that don't actually signify useful
// navigations, like in the wardrobe page. It could be useful to trace
// them with better filtering someday, but frankly we don't use the perf
// features besides Web Vitals right now, and those only get tracked on
// first-time pageloads, anyway. So, don't track client-side navs!
startTransactionOnLocationChange: false,
// Since we're only tracking first-page loads and not navigations, 100%
// sampling isn't actually so much! Tune down if it becomes a problem, tho.
tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
* App is the entry point of our application. There's not a ton of exciting
* stuff happening here, mostly just setting up some globals and theming!
* To really dive into the code, try going down into a page component!
function App() {
return (
<ScrollToTop />
<ChakraProvider theme={theme}>
<CSSReset />
<Route path="/items/search/:query?">
<ItemSearchPage />
<Route path="/items/:itemId/trades/offering">
<ItemTradesOfferingPage />
<Route path="/items/:itemId/trades/seeking">
<ItemTradesSeekingPage />
<Route path="/items/:itemId">
<ItemPage />
<Route path="/outfits/new">
<WardrobePage />
<Route path="/outfits/:id">
<WardrobePage />
<Route path="/user/:userId/items">
<UserItemsPage />
<Route path="/your-outfits">
<UserOutfitsPage />
<Route path="/modeling">
<ModelingPage />
<Route path="/privacy">
<PrivacyPolicyPage />
<Route path="/conversion">
<ConversionPage />
<Route path="/">
<PageLayout hideHomeLink>
<HomePage />
* ScrollToTop scrolls to the top of the page when you navigate.
* Copied from
function ScrollToTop() {
const { pathname } = useLocation();
React.useEffect(() => window.scrollTo(0, 0), [pathname]);
return null;
function ApolloProviderWithAuth0({ children }) {
const auth0 = useAuth0();
const auth0Ref = React.useRef(auth0);
React.useEffect(() => {
auth0Ref.current = auth0;
}, [auth0]);
const client = React.useMemo(
() => buildApolloClient(() => auth0Ref.current),
return <ApolloProvider client={client}>{children}</ApolloProvider>;
export default App;