Matchu 79258e11b9 Add --skip-unchanged flag to cache-asset-manifests
I'm not getting cron success _or_ cron failure emails for running this script on our Linode box. I was getting failures back when I had the command wrong, though.

My hypothesis is that the script output is too long to email, because of some limit somewhere along the way. I'll update the cron job to use `--skip-unchanged`, in hopes that it helps me get the emails! (I'm not suuure it's running, is the thing... though hey, here's a way to check: as of now, 512,624 of 521,896 assets are converted. If that changes eventually without a manual script run, then the cron is working!)
2021-01-21 10:38:47 -08:00

117 lines
3.7 KiB

// This is a big bulk script to load the asset manifest from
// for every asset, and save it to the database for fast loading!
// The site works fine without this: when it runs into an asset where we don't
// have the manifest cached, it loads it and caches it in real time. But this
// is a nice way to warm things up to get started!
// We shouldn't have to run this regularly in general, but we might want to
// re-run it once Neopets adds more manifests. Right now, we save an empty
// placeholder when no manifest exists, but someday we want to fill it in
// instead!
const { argv } = require("yargs");
const PromisePool = require("es6-promise-pool");
const connectToDb = require("../src/server/db");
const neopetsAssets = require("../src/server/neopets-assets");
async function cacheAssetManifests(db) {
const [rows] = await db.execute(
`SELECT id, url, manifest FROM swf_assets ` +
`WHERE manifest IS NULL OR manifest = "" AND id >= ? ` +
`ORDER BY id`,
[argv.start || 0]
const numRowsTotal = rows.length;
let numRowsStarted = 0;
let numRowsUpdated = 0;
let numRowsDone = 0;
async function cacheAssetManifest(row) {
try {
let manifest = await neopetsAssets.loadAssetManifest(row.url);
// After loading, write the new manifest. We make sure to write an empty
// string if there was no manifest, to signify that it doesn't exist, so
// we don't need to bother looking it up again.
// TODO: Someday the manifests will all exist, right? So we'll want to
// reload all the missing ones at that time.
manifest = manifest || "";
let updated = false;
if (row.manifest !== manifest) {
if (argv.mode === "dump") {
// Make it a JSON string, then escape the string for the query.
// Hacky for sure!
const escapedManifest = JSON.stringify(JSON.stringify(manifest));
`UPDATE swf_assets SET manifest = ${escapedManifest} ` +
`WHERE id = ${} LIMIT 1;`
} else {
const [
] = await db.execute(
`UPDATE swf_assets SET manifest = ? WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1;`,
if (result.affectedRows !== 1) {
throw new Error(
`Expected to affect 1 asset, but affected ${result.affectedRows}`
updated = true;
const percent = Math.floor((numRowsDone / numRowsTotal) * 100);
const shouldSkipLogging = argv.skipUnchanged && !updated;
if (!shouldSkipLogging) {
// write to stderr, to not disrupt the dump
`${percent}% ${numRowsDone}/${numRowsTotal} ` +
`(Exists? ${Boolean(manifest)}. Updated? ${updated}. ` +
`Layer: ${}, ${row.url}.)`
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Error loading layer ${}, ${row.url}.`, e);
function promiseProducer() {
if (numRowsStarted < numRowsTotal) {
const promise = cacheAssetManifest(rows[numRowsStarted]);
return promise;
} else {
return null;
const pool = new PromisePool(promiseProducer, 10);
await pool.start();
// write to stderr, to not disrupt the dump
console.error(`Done! Updated ${numRowsUpdated} of ${numRowsDone} rows.`);
async function main() {
const db = await connectToDb();
try {
await cacheAssetManifests(db);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
main().catch((e) => {
process.exitCode = 1;