Hey cool, we can use this API now! I prefer this a lot to my (granted, very cool) HTML injection hacks lol
19 lines
738 B
19 lines
738 B
// This is just a copy of our higher-level catch-all page.
// That way, /outfits/new renders as normal, but /outfits/:slug
// does the SSR thing!
// import NextIndexWrapper from '../../src'
// next/dynamic is used to prevent breaking incompatibilities
// with SSR from window.SOME_VAR usage, if this is not used
// next/dynamic can be removed to take advantage of SSR/prerendering
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
// try changing "ssr" to true below to test for incompatibilities, if
// no errors occur the above static import can be used instead and the
// below removed
const NextIndexWrapper = dynamic(() => import("../../src"), { ssr: false });
export default function Page(props) {
return <NextIndexWrapper {...props} />;