Meta tags are a bit tricky in apps built with `create-react-app`! While some bots like Google are able to render the full page when crawling, not all bots are. Most will just see the empty-ish index.html that would normally load up the application. But we want outfit sharing to work! And be cool! And use our new outfit thumbnails! In this change, we add a new server-side rendering API route to handle `/outfits/:id`. It's very weak server-side rendering: it just loads index.html, and makes a few small tweaks inside the `<head>` tag. But it should be enough for sharing to work in clients that support the basics of Open Graph, which I think most major providers respect! (I know Twitter has their own tags, but it also respects the basics of OG, so let's see whether there's anything we end up _wanting_ to tweak or not!)
140 lines
5.3 KiB
140 lines
5.3 KiB
"name": "impress-2020-app",
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"download-mysql-schema": "yarn --silent mysqldump --no-data openneo_impress closet_hangers closet_lists items item_translations modeling_logs parents_swf_assets pet_types pet_states swf_assets users | sed 's/ AUTO_INCREMENT=[0-9]*//g' > scripts/setup-mysql-dev-schema.sql && yarn --silent mysqldump openneo_impress species species_translations colors color_translations zones zone_translations > scripts/setup-mysql-dev-constants.sql",
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"setup-mysql-dev": "yarn mysql-dev < scripts/setup-mysql-dev-constants.sql && yarn mysql-dev < scripts/setup-mysql-dev-schema.sql",
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