Matchu 19f1ec092e Turn on Honeycomb instrumentation again
Well, instrumentation seems to be working fine again! The bug we ran into during commit e5081dab7e is gone. Cool!

I want to be able to see what's making the new box slow. My hypothesis was (and it seems to be right) that communication with the database on the Classic DTI server is slow.

But now that they're on the same Linode account and region, I think I can set up a private VLAN to make them muuuch faster. We'll try it out!
2021-11-26 23:41:22 -08:00

109 lines
3.4 KiB

const beeline = require("honeycomb-beeline")({
writeKey: process.env["HONEYCOMB_WRITE_KEY"],
process.env["NODE_ENV"] === "production"
? "Dress to Impress (2020)"
: "Dress to Impress (2020, dev)",
serviceName: "impress-2020-gql-server",
import connectToDb from "../../src/server/db";
import { getPoseFromPetState, normalizeRow } from "../../src/server/util";
export async function getValidPetPoses() {
const db = await connectToDb();
const numSpeciesPromise = getNumSpecies(db);
const numColorsPromise = getNumColors(db);
const distinctPetStatesPromise = getDistinctPetStates(db);
const [numSpecies, numColors, distinctPetStates] = await Promise.all([
const poseStrs = new Set();
for (const petState of distinctPetStates) {
const { speciesId, colorId } = petState;
const pose = getPoseFromPetState(petState);
const poseStr = `${speciesId}-${colorId}-${pose}`;
function hasPose(speciesId, colorId, pose) {
const poseStr = `${speciesId}-${colorId}-${pose}`;
return poseStrs.has(poseStr);
const numPairs = numSpecies * numColors;
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(numPairs + 2);
buffer.writeUInt8(numSpecies, 0);
buffer.writeUInt8(numColors, 1);
for (let speciesId = 1; speciesId <= numSpecies; speciesId++) {
const speciesIndex = speciesId - 1;
for (let colorId = 1; colorId <= numColors; colorId++) {
const colorIndex = colorId - 1;
// We fill in the high bits first, and shift left as we go!
let byte = 0;
byte += hasPose(speciesId, colorId, "UNKNOWN") ? 1 : 0;
byte <<= 1;
byte += hasPose(speciesId, colorId, "UNCONVERTED") ? 1 : 0;
byte <<= 1;
byte += hasPose(speciesId, colorId, "SICK_FEM") ? 1 : 0;
byte <<= 1;
byte += hasPose(speciesId, colorId, "SAD_FEM") ? 1 : 0;
byte <<= 1;
byte += hasPose(speciesId, colorId, "HAPPY_FEM") ? 1 : 0;
byte <<= 1;
byte += hasPose(speciesId, colorId, "SICK_MASC") ? 1 : 0;
byte <<= 1;
byte += hasPose(speciesId, colorId, "SAD_MASC") ? 1 : 0;
byte <<= 1;
byte += hasPose(speciesId, colorId, "HAPPY_MASC") ? 1 : 0;
buffer.writeUInt8(byte, speciesIndex * numColors + colorIndex + 2);
return buffer;
async function getNumSpecies(db) {
const [rows] = await db.query(`SELECT count(*) FROM species`);
return rows[0]["count(*)"];
async function getNumColors(db) {
const [rows] = await db.query(`SELECT count(*) FROM colors WHERE prank = 0`);
return rows[0]["count(*)"];
async function getDistinctPetStates(db) {
const [rows] = await db.query(`
SELECT DISTINCT species_id, color_id, mood_id, female, unconverted
FROM pet_states
INNER JOIN pet_types ON = pet_states.pet_type_id
WHERE color_id >= 1`);
async function handle(req, res) {
const buffer = await getValidPetPoses();
// Cache for 1 hour, and allow the CDN cache to serve copies up to an
// additional week older while re-fetching in the background.
res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=3600, stale-while-revalidate=604800");
async function handleWithBeeline(req, res) {
{ name: "api/validPetPoses", operation_name: "api/validPetPoses" },
() => handle(req, res)
export default handleWithBeeline;