import React from "react"; import { ApolloProvider } from "@apollo/client"; import { Auth0Provider } from "@auth0/auth0-react"; import { CSSReset, ChakraProvider, extendTheme } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { mode } from "@chakra-ui/theme-tools"; import { BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, Route, useLocation, } from "react-router-dom"; import loadable from "@loadable/component"; import { useAuth0 } from "@auth0/auth0-react"; import buildApolloClient from "./apolloClient"; import PageLayout from "./PageLayout"; import WardrobePageLayout from "./WardrobePage/WardrobePageLayout"; const HomePage = loadable(() => import("./HomePage")); const ItemPage = loadable(() => import("./ItemPage")); const ItemTradesOfferingPage = loadable(() => import("./ItemTradesPage").then((m) => m.ItemTradesOfferingPage) ); const ItemTradesSeekingPage = loadable(() => import("./ItemTradesPage").then((m) => m.ItemTradesSeekingPage) ); const ModelingPage = loadable(() => import("./ModelingPage")); const PrivacyPolicyPage = loadable(() => import("./PrivacyPolicyPage")); const UserItemsPage = loadable(() => import("./UserItemsPage")); const WardrobePage = loadable(() => import("./WardrobePage"), { fallback: , }); const theme = extendTheme({ styles: { global: (props) => ({ html: { // HACK: Chakra sets body as the relative position element, which is // fine, except its `min-height: 100%` doesn't actually work // unless paired with height on the root element too! height: "100%", }, body: { color: mode("green.800", "green.50")(props), transition: "all 0.25s", }, }), }, }); /** * App is the entry point of our application. There's not a ton of exciting * stuff happening here, mostly just setting up some globals and theming! * * To really dive into the code, try going down into a page component! */ function App() { return ( ); } /** * ScrollToTop scrolls to the top of the page when you navigate. * Copied from */ function ScrollToTop() { const { pathname } = useLocation(); React.useEffect(() => window.scrollTo(0, 0), [pathname]); return null; } function ApolloProviderWithAuth0({ children }) { const auth0 = useAuth0(); const auth0Ref = React.useRef(auth0); React.useEffect(() => { auth0Ref.current = auth0; }, [auth0]); const client = React.useMemo( () => buildApolloClient(() => auth0Ref.current), [] ); return {children}; } export default App;