const beeline = require("honeycomb-beeline"); const fetch = require("node-fetch"); function capitalize(str) { return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } function getEmotion(pose) { if (["HAPPY_MASC", "HAPPY_FEM"].includes(pose)) { return "HAPPY"; } else if (["SAD_MASC", "SAD_FEM"].includes(pose)) { return "SAD"; } else if (["SICK_MASC", "SICK_FEM"].includes(pose)) { return "SICK"; } else if (["UNCONVERTED", "UNKNOWN"].includes(pose)) { return null; } else { throw new Error(`unrecognized pose ${JSON.stringify(pose)}`); } } function getGenderPresentation(pose) { if (["HAPPY_MASC", "SAD_MASC", "SICK_MASC"].includes(pose)) { return "MASC"; } else if (["HAPPY_FEM", "SAD_FEM", "SICK_FEM"].includes(pose)) { return "FEM"; } else if (["UNCONVERTED", "UNKNOWN"].includes(pose)) { return null; } else { throw new Error(`unrecognized pose ${JSON.stringify(pose)}`); } } function getPoseFromPetState(petState) { const { moodId, female, unconverted } = petState; if (unconverted) { return "UNCONVERTED"; } else if (moodId == null || female == null) { return "UNKNOWN"; } else if (String(moodId) === "1" && String(female) === "0") { return "HAPPY_MASC"; } else if (String(moodId) === "1" && String(female) === "1") { return "HAPPY_FEM"; } else if (String(moodId) === "2" && String(female) === "0") { return "SAD_MASC"; } else if (String(moodId) === "2" && String(female) === "1") { return "SAD_FEM"; } else if (String(moodId) === "4" && String(female) === "0") { return "SICK_MASC"; } else if (String(moodId) === "4" && String(female) === "1") { return "SICK_FEM"; } else { throw new Error( `could not identify pose: ` + `moodId=${moodId}, ` + `female=${female}, ` + `unconverted=${unconverted}` ); } } function getPetStateFieldsFromPose(pose) { if (pose === "UNCONVERTED") { return { moodId: null, female: null, unconverted: true }; } else if (pose === "UNKNOWN") { return { moodId: null, female: null, unconverted: false }; } else if (pose === "HAPPY_MASC") { return { moodId: "1", female: false, unconverted: false }; } else if (pose === "HAPPY_FEM") { return { moodId: "1", female: true, unconverted: false }; } else if (pose === "SAD_MASC") { return { moodId: "2", female: false, unconverted: false }; } else if (pose === "SAD_FEM") { return { moodId: "2", female: true, unconverted: false }; } else if (pose === "SICK_MASC") { return { moodId: "4", female: false, unconverted: false }; } else if (pose === "SICK_FEM") { return { moodId: "4", female: true, unconverted: false }; } else { throw new Error(`unexpected pose ${pose}`); } } function getPoseFromPetData(petMetaData, petCustomData) { // TODO: Use custom data to decide if Unconverted. const moodId = petMetaData.mood; const genderId = petMetaData.gender; if (String(moodId) === "1" && String(genderId) === "1") { return "HAPPY_MASC"; } else if (String(moodId) === "1" && String(genderId) === "2") { return "HAPPY_FEM"; } else if (String(moodId) === "2" && String(genderId) === "1") { return "SAD_MASC"; } else if (String(moodId) === "2" && String(genderId) === "2") { return "SAD_FEM"; } else if (String(moodId) === "4" && String(genderId) === "1") { return "SICK_MASC"; } else if (String(moodId) === "4" && String(genderId) === "2") { return "SICK_FEM"; } else { throw new Error( `could not identify pose: ` + `moodId=${moodId}, ` + `genderId=${genderId}` ); } } const POSE_NAMES = { HAPPY_MASC: "Happy Masc", SAD_MASC: "Sad Masc", SICK_MASC: "Sick Masc", HAPPY_FEM: "Happy Fem", SAD_FEM: "Sad Fem", SICK_FEM: "Sick Fem", UNCONVERTED: "Unconverted", UNKNOWN: "Unknown", }; function getPoseName(pose) { return POSE_NAMES[pose]; } function getRestrictedZoneIds(zonesRestrict) { const restrictedZoneIds = []; for (const [i, bit] of Array.from(zonesRestrict).entries()) { if (bit === "1") { restrictedZoneIds.push(i + 1); } } return restrictedZoneIds; } async function loadBodyName(bodyId, db) { if (String(bodyId) === "0") { return "All bodies"; } const [rows] = await db.execute( `SELECT pt.body_id, AS species_name, AS color_name, c.standard FROM pet_types pt INNER JOIN species_translations st ON pt.species_id = st.species_id AND st.locale = "en" INNER JOIN color_translations ct ON pt.color_id = ct.color_id AND ct.locale = "en" INNER JOIN colors c ON = pt.color_id WHERE pt.body_id = ? ORDER BY c.standard DESC,, LIMIT 1;`, [bodyId] ); const row = normalizeRow(rows[0]); const speciesName = capitalize(row.speciesName); const colorName = row.standard ? "Standard" : capitalize(row.colorName); return `${colorName} ${speciesName}`; } async function logToDiscord(body) { const span = beeline.startSpan({ name: "logToDiscord" }); try { const res = await fetch(process.env["SUPPORT_TOOLS_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL"], { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(body), }); if (!res.ok) { const resText = await res.text(); throw new Error( `Discord returned ${res.status} ${res.statusText}: ` + `${resText}` ); } } finally { beeline.finishSpan(span); } } function normalizeRow(row) { const normalizedRow = {}; for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(row)) { key = key.replace(/_([a-z])/gi, (m) => m[1].toUpperCase()); if ((key === "id" || key.endsWith("Id")) && typeof value === "number") { value = String(value); } normalizedRow[key] = value; } return normalizedRow; } module.exports = { capitalize, getEmotion, getGenderPresentation, getPoseFromPetState, getPetStateFieldsFromPose, getPoseFromPetData, getPoseName, getRestrictedZoneIds, loadBodyName, logToDiscord, normalizeRow, };