const beeline = require("honeycomb-beeline")({ writeKey: process.env["HONEYCOMB_WRITE_KEY"], dataset: process.env["NODE_ENV"] === "production" ? "Dress to Impress (2020)" : "Dress to Impress (2020, dev)", serviceName: "impress-2020-gql-server", disableInstrumentationOnLoad: true, }); import connectToDb from "../src/server/db"; import { getPoseFromPetState, normalizeRow } from "../src/server/util"; export async function getValidPetPoses() { const db = await connectToDb(); const numSpeciesPromise = getNumSpecies(db); const numColorsPromise = getNumColors(db); const distinctPetStatesPromise = getDistinctPetStates(db); const [numSpecies, numColors, distinctPetStates] = await Promise.all([ numSpeciesPromise, numColorsPromise, distinctPetStatesPromise, ]); const poseStrs = new Set(); for (const petState of distinctPetStates) { const { speciesId, colorId } = petState; const pose = getPoseFromPetState(petState); const poseStr = `${speciesId}-${colorId}-${pose}`; poseStrs.add(poseStr); } function hasPose(speciesId, colorId, pose) { const poseStr = `${speciesId}-${colorId}-${pose}`; return poseStrs.has(poseStr); } const numPairs = numSpecies * numColors; const buffer = Buffer.alloc(numPairs + 2); buffer.writeUInt8(numSpecies, 0); buffer.writeUInt8(numColors, 1); for (let speciesId = 1; speciesId <= numSpecies; speciesId++) { const speciesIndex = speciesId - 1; for (let colorId = 1; colorId <= numColors; colorId++) { const colorIndex = colorId - 1; // We fill in the high bits first, and shift left as we go! let byte = 0; byte += hasPose(speciesId, colorId, "UNKNOWN") ? 1 : 0; byte <<= 1; byte += hasPose(speciesId, colorId, "UNCONVERTED") ? 1 : 0; byte <<= 1; byte += hasPose(speciesId, colorId, "SICK_FEM") ? 1 : 0; byte <<= 1; byte += hasPose(speciesId, colorId, "SAD_FEM") ? 1 : 0; byte <<= 1; byte += hasPose(speciesId, colorId, "HAPPY_FEM") ? 1 : 0; byte <<= 1; byte += hasPose(speciesId, colorId, "SICK_MASC") ? 1 : 0; byte <<= 1; byte += hasPose(speciesId, colorId, "SAD_MASC") ? 1 : 0; byte <<= 1; byte += hasPose(speciesId, colorId, "HAPPY_MASC") ? 1 : 0; buffer.writeUInt8(byte, speciesIndex * numColors + colorIndex + 2); } } return buffer; } async function getNumSpecies(db) { const [rows] = await db.query(`SELECT count(*) FROM species`); return rows[0]["count(*)"]; } async function getNumColors(db) { const [rows] = await db.query(`SELECT count(*) FROM colors WHERE prank = 0`); return rows[0]["count(*)"]; } async function getDistinctPetStates(db) { const [rows] = await db.query(` SELECT DISTINCT species_id, color_id, mood_id, female, unconverted FROM pet_states INNER JOIN pet_types ON = pet_states.pet_type_id WHERE color_id >= 1`); return; } async function handle(req, res) { const buffer = await getValidPetPoses(); // Cache for 1 hour, and allow the CDN cache to serve copies up to an // additional week older while re-fetching in the background. res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=3600, stale-while-revalidate=604800"); res.status(200).send(buffer); } async function handleWithBeeline(req, res) { beeline.withTrace( { name: "api/validPetPoses", operation_name: "api/validPetPoses" }, () => handle(req, res) ); } export default handleWithBeeline;