// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP

exports[`Item loads appearance data 1`] = `
Object {
  "items": Array [
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      "appearanceOn": Object {
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            "svgUrl": null,
            "zone": Object {
              "depth": 30,
              "id": "26",
              "label": "Jacket",
        "restrictedZones": Array [
          Object {
            "id": "20",
          Object {
            "id": "22",
      "id": "38912",
      "name": "Zafara Agent Robe",
    Object {
      "appearanceOn": Object {
        "layers": Array [
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            "id": "37129",
            "imageUrl": "https://impress-asset-images.s3.amazonaws.com/object/000/000/014/14857/600x600.png?v2-0",
            "svgUrl": null,
            "zone": Object {
              "depth": 44,
              "id": "40",
              "label": "Hat",
        "restrictedZones": Array [
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            "id": "37",
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            "id": "38",
      "id": "38911",
      "name": "Zafara Agent Hood",
    Object {
      "appearanceOn": Object {
        "layers": Array [
          Object {
            "id": "30203",
            "imageUrl": "https://impress-asset-images.s3.amazonaws.com/object/000/000/006/6829/600x600.png?v2-0",
            "svgUrl": null,
            "zone": Object {
              "depth": 3,
              "id": "3",
              "label": "Background",
        "restrictedZones": Array [],
      "id": "37375",
      "name": "Moon and Stars Background",

exports[`Item loads metadata 1`] = `
Object {
  "items": Array [
    Object {
      "description": "Dont leave any trace that you were there with these gloves.",
      "id": "38913",
      "isNc": false,
      "name": "Zafara Agent Gloves",
      "rarityIndex": 88,
      "thumbnailUrl": "http://images.neopets.com/items/clo_zafara_agent_gloves.gif",
    Object {
      "description": "Hide your face and hair so no one can recognise you.",
      "id": "38911",
      "isNc": false,
      "name": "Zafara Agent Hood",
      "rarityIndex": 92,
      "thumbnailUrl": "http://images.neopets.com/items/clo_zafara_agent_hood.gif",
    Object {
      "description": "This robe is great for being stealthy.",
      "id": "38912",
      "isNc": false,
      "name": "Zafara Agent Robe",
      "rarityIndex": 90,
      "thumbnailUrl": "http://images.neopets.com/items/clo_zafara_agent_robe.gif",
    Object {
      "description": "You truly are the number one fan of Altador Cup, and your room reflects this!",
      "id": "78104",
      "isNc": true,
      "name": "#1 Fan Room Background",
      "rarityIndex": 500,
      "thumbnailUrl": "http://images.neopets.com/items/mall_bg_numberonefanbg.gif",

exports[`Item skips appearance data for audio assets 1`] = `
Object {
  "items": Array [
    Object {
      "appearanceOn": Object {
        "layers": Array [],
        "restrictedZones": Array [],
      "id": "42829",
      "name": "Time Tunnel Music Track",