import React from "react"; import gql from "graphql-tag"; import produce, { enableMapSet } from "immer"; import { useQuery, useApolloClient } from "@apollo/react-hooks"; import { itemAppearanceFragment } from "./OutfitPreview"; enableMapSet(); function useOutfitState() { const apolloClient = useApolloClient(); const [state, dispatchToOutfit] = React.useReducer( outfitStateReducer(apolloClient), { name: "Dress to Impress demo 💖", wornItemIds: new Set(["51054", "35779", "35780", "37830"]), closetedItemIds: new Set([ "76732", "54393", "80087", "75997", "57632", "80052", "67617", "50861", "77778", "51164", "62215", "70660", "74546", "57997", ]), speciesId: "24", // Starry colorId: "62", // Zafara } ); React.useEffect(() => { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; if (urlParams.has("species")) { dispatchToOutfit({ type: "reset", name: urlParams.get("name"), speciesId: urlParams.get("species"), colorId: urlParams.get("color"), wornItemIds: urlParams.getAll("objects[]"), closetedItemIds: urlParams.getAll("closet[]"), }); } window.history.replaceState(null, "", window.location.href.split("?")[0]); }); const { name, speciesId, colorId } = state; // It's more convenient to manage these as a Set in state, but most callers // will find it more convenient to access them as arrays! e.g. for `.map()` const wornItemIds = Array.from(state.wornItemIds); const closetedItemIds = Array.from(state.closetedItemIds); const allItemIds = [...state.wornItemIds, ...state.closetedItemIds]; const { loading, error, data } = useQuery( gql` query($allItemIds: [ID!]!, $speciesId: ID!, $colorId: ID!) { items(ids: $allItemIds) { # TODO: De-dupe this from SearchPanel? id name thumbnailUrl appearanceOn(speciesId: $speciesId, colorId: $colorId) { # This enables us to quickly show the item when the user clicks it! ...AppearanceForOutfitPreview # This is used to group items by zone, and to detect conflicts when # wearing a new item. layers { zone { id label } } } } } ${itemAppearanceFragment} `, { variables: { allItemIds, speciesId, colorId } } ); const items = (data && data.items) || []; const itemsById = {}; for (const item of items) { itemsById[] = item; } const zonesAndItems = getZonesAndItems( itemsById, wornItemIds, closetedItemIds ); const outfitState = { zonesAndItems, name, wornItemIds, closetedItemIds, allItemIds, speciesId, colorId, }; return { loading, error, outfitState, dispatchToOutfit }; } const outfitStateReducer = (apolloClient) => (baseState, action) => { switch (action.type) { case "rename": return { ...baseState, name: action.outfitName }; case "changeColor": return { ...baseState, colorId: action.colorId }; case "changeSpecies": return { ...baseState, speciesId: action.speciesId }; case "wearItem": return produce(baseState, (state) => { // A hack to work around state.wornItemIds.add("fake-id-immer#586").delete("fake-id-immer#586"); const { wornItemIds, closetedItemIds } = state; const { itemId } = action; // Move conflicting items to the closet. // // We do this by looking them up in the Apollo Cache, which is going to // include the relevant item data because the `useOutfitState` hook // queries for it! // // (It could be possible to mess up the timing by taking an action // while worn items are still partially loading, but I think it would // require a pretty weird action sequence to make that happen... like, // doing a search and it loads before the worn item data does? Anyway, // Apollo will throw in that case, which should just essentially reject // the action.) const conflictingIds = findItemConflicts(itemId, state, apolloClient); for (const conflictingId of conflictingIds) { wornItemIds.delete(conflictingId); closetedItemIds.add(conflictingId); } // Move this item from the closet to the worn set. closetedItemIds.delete(itemId); wornItemIds.add(itemId); }); case "unwearItem": return produce(baseState, (state) => { const { wornItemIds, closetedItemIds } = state; const { itemId } = action; // Move this item from the worn set to the closet. wornItemIds.delete(itemId); closetedItemIds.add(itemId); }); case "removeItem": return produce(baseState, (state) => { const { wornItemIds, closetedItemIds } = state; const { itemId } = action; // Remove this item from both the worn set and the closet. wornItemIds.delete(itemId); closetedItemIds.delete(itemId); }); case "reset": const { name, speciesId, colorId, wornItemIds, closetedItemIds } = action; return { name, speciesId: speciesId ? String(speciesId) : baseState.speciesId, colorId: colorId ? String(colorId) : baseState.colorId, wornItemIds: wornItemIds ? new Set( : baseState.wornItemIds, closetedItemIds: closetedItemIds ? new Set( : baseState.closetedItemIds, }; default: throw new Error(`unexpected action ${JSON.stringify(action)}`); } }; function findItemConflicts(itemIdToAdd, state, apolloClient) { const { wornItemIds, speciesId, colorId } = state; const { items } = apolloClient.readQuery({ query: gql` query($itemIds: [ID!]!, $speciesId: ID!, $colorId: ID!) { items(ids: $itemIds) { id appearanceOn(speciesId: $speciesId, colorId: $colorId) { layers { zone { id } } restrictedZones { id } } } } `, variables: { itemIds: [itemIdToAdd, ...wornItemIds], speciesId, colorId, }, }); const itemToAdd = items.find((i) => === itemIdToAdd); if (!itemToAdd.appearanceOn) { return []; } const wornItems = Array.from(wornItemIds).map((id) => items.find((i) => === id) ); const itemToAddZoneSets = getItemZones(itemToAdd); const conflictingIds = []; for (const wornItem of wornItems) { if (!wornItem.appearanceOn) { continue; } const wornItemZoneSets = getItemZones(wornItem); const itemsConflict = setsIntersect( itemToAddZoneSets.occupies, wornItemZoneSets.occupiesOrRestricts ) || setsIntersect( wornItemZoneSets.occupies, itemToAddZoneSets.occupiesOrRestricts ); if (itemsConflict) { conflictingIds.push(; } } return conflictingIds; } function getItemZones(item) { const occupies = new Set( =>; const restricts = new Set( =>; const occupiesOrRestricts = new Set([...occupies, ...restricts]); return { occupies, occupiesOrRestricts }; } function setsIntersect(a, b) { for (const el of a) { if (b.has(el)) { return true; } } return false; } // TODO: Get this out of here, tbh... function getZonesAndItems(itemsById, wornItemIds, closetedItemIds) { const wornItems = => itemsById[id]).filter((i) => i); const closetedItems = closetedItemIds .map((id) => itemsById[id]) .filter((i) => i); // We use zone label here, rather than ID, because some zones have the same // label and we *want* to over-simplify that in this UI. (e.g. there are // multiple Hat zones, and some items occupy different ones, but mostly let's // just group them and if they don't conflict then all the better!) const allItems = [...wornItems, ...closetedItems]; const itemsByZoneLabel = new Map(); for (const item of allItems) { if (!item.appearanceOn) { continue; } for (const layer of item.appearanceOn.layers) { const zoneLabel =; if (!itemsByZoneLabel.has(zoneLabel)) { itemsByZoneLabel.set(zoneLabel, []); } itemsByZoneLabel.get(zoneLabel).push(item); } } const zonesAndItems = Array.from(itemsByZoneLabel.entries()).map( ([zoneLabel, items]) => ({ zoneLabel: zoneLabel, items: [...items].sort((a, b) =>, }) ); zonesAndItems.sort((a, b) => a.zoneLabel.localeCompare(b.zoneLabel)); return zonesAndItems; } export default useOutfitState;