const gql = require("graphql-tag"); const { query, getDbCalls, logInAsTestUser } = require("./setup.js"); describe("User", () => { it("looks up a user", async () => { // TODO: I'm not sure why this is taking extra time, maybe the db conn? jest.setTimeout(20000); const res = await query({ query: gql` query { user(id: "6") { id username } } `, }); expect(res).toHaveNoErrors(); expect(` Object { "user": Object { "id": "6", "username": "matchu", }, } `); expect(getDbCalls()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Array [ Array [ "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (?)", Array [ "6", ], ], ] `); }); it("returns null when user not found", async () => { const res = await query({ query: gql` query { user(id: "") { id username } } `, }); expect(res).toHaveNoErrors(); expect({ user: null }); expect(getDbCalls()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Array [ Array [ "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (?)", Array [ "", ], ], ] `); }); it("gets current user, if logged in", async () => { await logInAsTestUser(); const res = await query({ query: gql` query { currentUser { id username } } `, }); expect(res).toHaveNoErrors(); expect(` Object { "currentUser": Object { "id": "44743", "username": "dti-test", }, } `); expect(getDbCalls()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Array [ Array [ "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (?)", Array [ "44743", ], ], ] `); }); it("gets no user, if logged out", async () => { const res = await query({ query: gql` query { currentUser { id username } } `, }); expect(res).toHaveNoErrors(); expect({ currentUser: null }); expect(getDbCalls()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`Array []`); }); it("gets private items they own for current user", async () => { await logInAsTestUser(); const res = await query({ query: gql` query { user(id: "44743") { id username itemsTheyOwn { id name } } } `, }); expect(res).toHaveNoErrors(); expect(` Object { "user": Object { "id": "44743", "itemsTheyOwn": Array [ Object { "id": "74967", "name": "17th Birthday Party Hat", }, Object { "id": "49026", "name": "Abominable Snowman Hat", }, Object { "id": "39948", "name": "Altador Cup Background - Lost Desert", }, Object { "id": "39955", "name": "Altador Cup Background - Virtupets", }, Object { "id": "40319", "name": "Blue Jelly Tiara", }, ], "username": "dti-test", }, } `); expect(getDbCalls()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Array [ Array [ "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (?)", Array [ "44743", ], ], Array [ "SELECT closet_hangers.*, as item_name FROM closet_hangers INNER JOIN items ON = closet_hangers.item_id INNER JOIN item_translations ON item_translations.item_id = AND locale = \\"en\\" WHERE user_id IN (?) AND owned = 1 ORDER BY item_name", Array [ "44743", ], ], Array [ "SELECT * FROM closet_lists WHERE user_id IN (?) ORDER BY name", Array [ "44743", ], ], ] `); }); it("hides private items they own from other users", async () => { const res = await query({ query: gql` query { user(id: "44743") { id username itemsTheyOwn { id name } } } `, }); expect(res).toHaveNoErrors(); expect(` Object { "user": Object { "id": "44743", "itemsTheyOwn": Array [ Object { "id": "39955", "name": "Altador Cup Background - Virtupets", }, ], "username": "dti-test", }, } `); expect(getDbCalls()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Array [ Array [ "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (?)", Array [ "44743", ], ], Array [ "SELECT closet_hangers.*, as item_name FROM closet_hangers INNER JOIN items ON = closet_hangers.item_id INNER JOIN item_translations ON item_translations.item_id = AND locale = \\"en\\" WHERE user_id IN (?) AND owned = 1 ORDER BY item_name", Array [ "44743", ], ], Array [ "SELECT * FROM closet_lists WHERE user_id IN (?) ORDER BY name", Array [ "44743", ], ], ] `); }); });