/** * /api/allNCTradeValues returns all the NC trade values OWLS has! * * NOTE: We no longer use API endpoint as a caching layer for individual item * data requests. See `nc-trade-values.js` for the new system we use! * This endpoint is therefore deprecated and might vanish. */ const beeline = require("honeycomb-beeline")({ writeKey: process.env["HONEYCOMB_WRITE_KEY"], dataset: process.env["NODE_ENV"] === "production" ? "Dress to Impress (2020)" : "Dress to Impress (2020, dev)", serviceName: "impress-2020-gql-server", }); import fetch from "node-fetch"; import connectToDb from "../../src/server/db"; async function handle(req, res) { const allNcItemNamesAndIdsPromise = loadAllNcItemNamesAndIds(); let itemValuesByIdOrName; try { itemValuesByIdOrName = await loadOWLSValuesByIdOrName(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf8"); res.status(500).send("Error loading OWLS Pricer data"); return; } // Restructure the value data to use IDs as keys, instead of names. const allNcItemNamesAndIds = await allNcItemNamesAndIdsPromise; const itemValues = {}; for (const { name, id } of allNcItemNamesAndIds) { if (id in itemValuesByIdOrName) { itemValues[id] = itemValuesByIdOrName[id]; } else if (name in itemValuesByIdOrName) { itemValues[id] = itemValuesByIdOrName[name]; } } // Cache for 1 minute, and immediately serve stale data for a day after. // This should keep it fast and responsive, and stay well within our API key // limits. (This will cause the client to send more requests than necessary, // but the CDN cache should generally respond quickly with a small 304 Not // Modified, unless the data really did change.) res.setHeader( "Cache-Control", "public, max-age=3600, stale-while-revalidate=86400" ); return res.send(itemValues); } async function loadAllNcItemNamesAndIds() { const db = await connectToDb(); const [rows] = await db.query(` SELECT items.id, item_translations.name FROM items INNER JOIN item_translations ON item_translations.item_id = items.id WHERE (items.rarity_index IN (0, 500) OR is_manually_nc = 1) AND item_translations.locale = "en" `); return rows.map(({ id, name }) => ({ id, name: normalizeItemName(name) })); } /** * Load all OWLS Pricer values from the spreadsheet. Returns an object keyed by * ID or name - that is, if the item ID is provided, we use that as the key; or * if not, we use the name as the key. */ async function loadOWLSValuesByIdOrName() { const res = await fetch( `https://neo-owls.herokuapp.com/itemdata/owls_script/` ); const json = await res.json(); if (!res.ok) { throw new Error( `Could not load OWLS Pricer data: ${res.status} ${res.statusText}` ); } const itemValuesByIdOrName = {}; for (const [itemName, valueText] of Object.entries(json)) { // OWLS returns an empty string for NC Mall items they don't have a trade // value for, to allow the script to distinguish between NP items vs // no-data NC items. We omit it from our data instead, because our UI is // already aware of whether the item is NP or NC. if (valueText.trim() === "") { continue; } // TODO: OWLS doesn't currently provide item IDs ever. Add support for it // if it does! (I'm keeping the rest of the code the same because I // think that might happen for disambiguation, like Waka did.) Until // then, we just always key by name. // HACK: With the exception of the Butterfly Dress, which has a special // name in the OWLS database! We hardcodily disambiguate it here. But // if they start serving item IDs, that would resolve it too! let nameOrId; if (itemName === "Butterfly Dress") { nameOrId = 44775; } else if (itemName === "Butterfly Dress (from Faerie Festival event)") { nameOrId = 76073; } else { nameOrId = normalizeItemName(itemName); } // We wrap it in an object with the key `valueText`, just to not break // potential external consumers of this endpoint if we add more fields. // (This is kinda silly and unnecessary, but it should get gzipped out and // shouldn't add substantial time to building or parsing, so like w/e!) itemValuesByIdOrName[nameOrId] = { valueText }; } return itemValuesByIdOrName; } function normalizeItemName(name) { return ( name // Remove all spaces, they're a common source of inconsistency .replace(/\s+/g, "") // Lower case, because capitalization is another common source .toLowerCase() // Remove diacritics: https://stackoverflow.com/a/37511463/107415 .normalize("NFD") .replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "") ); } async function handleWithBeeline(req, res) { beeline.withTrace( { name: "api/allNCTradeValues", operation_name: "api/allNCTradeValues" }, () => handle(req, res) ); } export default handleWithBeeline;