import React from "react"; import { css } from "emotion"; import { Box, Skeleton, Tooltip, useColorModeValue, useToken, } from "@chakra-ui/core"; import gql from "graphql-tag"; import { useQuery } from "@apollo/client"; import { Link, useHistory, useParams } from "react-router-dom"; import { Heading2, usePageTitle } from "./util"; import ItemPageLayout from "./ItemPageLayout"; export function ItemTradesOfferingPage() { return ( ); } export function ItemTradesSeekingPage() { return ( ); } function ItemTradesPage({ title, userHeading, compareListHeading, tradesQuery, }) { const { itemId } = useParams(); const { error, data } = useQuery( gql` query ItemTradesPage($itemId: ID!) { item(id: $itemId) { id name isNc isPb thumbnailUrl description createdAt } } `, { variables: { itemId }, returnPartialData: true } ); usePageTitle(`${data?.item?.name} | ${title}`, { skip: !data?.item?.name }); if (error) { return {error.message}; } return ( {title} ); } function ItemTradesTable({ itemId, userHeading, compareListHeading, tradesQuery, }) { const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(tradesQuery, { variables: { itemId }, }); if (error) { return {error.message}; } // HACK: I'm pretty much hiding this for now, because it's not ready. But /// it's visible at #show-compare-column! const shouldShowCompareColumn = window.location.href.includes( "show-compare-column" ); const minorColumnWidth = { base: shouldShowCompareColumn ? "23%" : "30%", md: "18ex", }; const trades = [...(data?.item?.trades || [])].sort( (a, b) => new Date(b.user.lastTradeActivity) - new Date(a.user.lastTradeActivity) ); return ( {/* A small wording tweak to fit better on the xsmall screens! */} Last active Active at {userHeading} {shouldShowCompareColumn && ( Compare )} List {loading && ( <> )} {!loading && trades.length > 0 && => ( ))} {!loading && trades.length === 0 && ( No trades yet! )} ); } function ItemTradesTableRow({ compareListHeading, href, username, listName, lastTradeActivity, shouldShowCompareColumn, }) { const history = useHistory(); const onClick = React.useCallback(() => history.push(href), [history, href]); const focusBackground = useColorModeValue("gray.100", "gray.600"); return ( {new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en", { month: "short", year: "numeric", }).format(new Date(lastTradeActivity))} {username} {shouldShowCompareColumn && ( {compareListHeading}: Adorable Freckles Constellation Dress (WIP: This is placeholder data!) } > 2 match 2 matches )} {listName} ); } function ItemTradesTableRowSkeleton({ shouldShowCompareColumn }) { return ( X X X {shouldShowCompareColumn && ( X )} ); } function ItemTradesTableCell({ children, as = "td", ...props }) { const borderColor = useColorModeValue("gray.300", "gray.400"); const borderColorCss = useToken("colors", borderColor); const borderRadiusCss = useToken("radii", "md"); return ( {children} ); }