const { gql } = require("apollo-server"); const connectToDb = require("./db"); const buildLoaders = require("./loaders"); const neopets = require("./neopets"); const { capitalize, getPoseFromPetState, getPoseFromPetData, getEmotion, getGenderPresentation, } = require("./util"); const typeDefs = gql` enum LayerImageSize { SIZE_600 SIZE_300 SIZE_150 } """ The poses a PetAppearance can take! """ enum Pose { HAPPY_MASC SAD_MASC SICK_MASC HAPPY_FEM SAD_FEM SICK_FEM UNCONVERTED UNKNOWN # for when we have the data, but we don't know what it is } """ A pet's gender presentation: masculine or feminine. Neopets calls these "male" and "female", and I think that's silly and not wise to propagate further, especially in the context of a strictly visual app like Dress to Impress! This description isn't altogether correct either, but idk what's better :/ """ enum GenderPresentation { MASCULINE FEMININE } """ A pet's emotion: happy, sad, or sick. Note that we don't ever show the angry emotion on Dress to Impress, because we don't have the data: it's impossible for a pet's passive emotion on the pet lookup to be angry! """ enum Emotion { HAPPY SAD SICK } type Item { id: ID! name: String! description: String! thumbnailUrl: String! rarityIndex: Int! isNc: Boolean! appearanceOn(speciesId: ID!, colorId: ID!): ItemAppearance } type PetAppearance { id: ID! species: Species! color: Color! pose: Pose! bodyId: ID! layers: [AppearanceLayer!]! petStateId: ID! # Convenience field for developers } type ItemAppearance { layers: [AppearanceLayer!]! restrictedZones: [Zone!]! } type AppearanceLayer { id: ID! zone: Zone! imageUrl(size: LayerImageSize): String """ This layer as a single SVG, if available. This might not be available if the asset isn't converted yet by Neopets, or if it's not as simple as a single SVG (e.g. animated). """ svgUrl: String } type Zone { id: ID! depth: Int! label: String! } type ItemSearchResult { query: String! items: [Item!]! } type Color { id: ID! name: String! } type Species { id: ID! name: String! } type SpeciesColorPair { species: Species! color: Color! } type Outfit { id: ID! name: String! petAppearance: PetAppearance! wornItems: [Item!]! closetedItems: [Item!]! species: Species! # to be deprecated? can use petAppearance? 🤔 color: Color! # to be deprecated? can use petAppearance? 🤔 pose: Pose! # to be deprecated? can use petAppearance? 🤔 items: [Item!]! # deprecated alias for wornItems } type Query { allColors: [Color!]! @cacheControl(maxAge: 10800) # Cache for 3 hours allSpecies: [Species!]! @cacheControl(maxAge: 10800) # Cache for 3 hours allValidSpeciesColorPairs: [SpeciesColorPair!]! # deprecated items(ids: [ID!]!): [Item!]! itemSearch(query: String!): ItemSearchResult! itemSearchToFit( query: String! speciesId: ID! colorId: ID! offset: Int limit: Int ): ItemSearchResult! petAppearance(speciesId: ID!, colorId: ID!, pose: Pose!): PetAppearance petAppearances(speciesId: ID!, colorId: ID!): [PetAppearance!]! outfit(id: ID!): Outfit petOnNeopetsDotCom(petName: String!): Outfit } `; const resolvers = { Item: { name: async (item, _, { itemTranslationLoader }) => { // Search queries pre-fill this! if ( return; const translation = await itemTranslationLoader.load(; return; }, description: async (item, _, { itemTranslationLoader }) => { const translation = await itemTranslationLoader.load(; return translation.description; }, isNc: (item) => item.rarityIndex === 500 || item.rarityIndex === 0, appearanceOn: async ( item, { speciesId, colorId }, { petTypeBySpeciesAndColorLoader, itemSwfAssetLoader } ) => { const petType = await petTypeBySpeciesAndColorLoader.load({ speciesId: speciesId, colorId: colorId, }); const allSwfAssets = await itemSwfAssetLoader.load({ itemId:, bodyId: petType.bodyId, }); if (allSwfAssets.length === 0) { // If there's no assets at all, treat it as non-fitting: no appearance. // (If there are assets but they're non-SWF, we'll treat this as // fitting, but with an *empty* appearance.) return null; } const swfAssets = allSwfAssets.filter((sa) => sa.url.endsWith(".swf")); const restrictedZones = []; for (const [i, bit] of Array.from(item.zonesRestrict).entries()) { if (bit === "1") { const zone = { id: i + 1 }; restrictedZones.push(zone); } } return { layers: swfAssets, restrictedZones }; }, }, PetAppearance: { id: async ({ petStateId }, _, { petStateLoader, petTypeLoader }) => { const petState = await petStateLoader.load(petStateId); const petType = await petTypeLoader.load(petState.petTypeId); const pose = getPoseFromPetState(petState); return `${petType.speciesId}-${petType.colorId}-${pose}`; }, color: async ({ petStateId }, _, { petStateLoader, petTypeLoader }) => { const petState = await petStateLoader.load(petStateId); const petType = await petTypeLoader.load(petState.petTypeId); return { id: petType.colorId }; }, species: async ({ petStateId }, _, { petStateLoader, petTypeLoader }) => { const petState = await petStateLoader.load(petStateId); const petType = await petTypeLoader.load(petState.petTypeId); return { id: petType.speciesId }; }, bodyId: async ({ petStateId }, _, { petStateLoader, petTypeLoader }) => { const petState = await petStateLoader.load(petStateId); const petType = await petTypeLoader.load(petState.petTypeId); return petType.bodyId; }, pose: async ({ petStateId }, _, { petStateLoader }) => { const petState = await petStateLoader.load(petStateId); return getPoseFromPetState(petState); }, layers: async ({ petStateId }, _, { petSwfAssetLoader }) => { const swfAssets = await petSwfAssetLoader.load(petStateId); return swfAssets; }, }, AppearanceLayer: { zone: async (layer, _, { zoneLoader }) => { const zone = await zoneLoader.load(layer.zoneId); return zone; }, imageUrl: (layer, { size }) => { if (!layer.hasImage) { return null; } const sizeNum = size.split("_")[1]; const rid = layer.remoteId; const paddedId = rid.padStart(12, "0"); const rid1 = paddedId.slice(0, 3); const rid2 = paddedId.slice(3, 6); const rid3 = paddedId.slice(6, 9); const time = Number(new Date(layer.convertedAt)); return ( `${layer.type}` + `/${rid1}/${rid2}/${rid3}/${rid}/${sizeNum}x${sizeNum}.png?v2-${time}` ); }, svgUrl: async (layer, _, { svgLogger }) => { const manifest = await neopets.loadAssetManifest(layer.url); if (!manifest) { svgLogger.log("no-manifest"); return null; } if (manifest.assets.length !== 1) { svgLogger.log(`wrong-asset-count:${manifest.assets.length}!=1`); return null; } const asset = manifest.assets[0]; if (asset.format !== "vector") { svgLogger.log(`wrong-asset-format:${asset.format}`); return null; } if (asset.assetData.length !== 1) { svgLogger.log(`wrong-assetData-length:${asset.assetData.length}!=1`); return null; } svgLogger.log("success"); const assetDatum = asset.assetData[0]; const url = new URL(assetDatum.path, ""); return url.toString(); }, }, Zone: { depth: async ({ id }, _, { zoneLoader }) => { // TODO: Should we extend this loader-in-field pattern elsewhere? I like // that we avoid the fetch in cases where we only want the zone ID, // but it adds complexity 🤔 const zone = await zoneLoader.load(id); return zone.depth; }, label: async ({ id }, _, { zoneTranslationLoader }) => { const zoneTranslation = await zoneTranslationLoader.load(id); return zoneTranslation.label; }, }, Color: { name: async ({ id }, _, { colorTranslationLoader }) => { const colorTranslation = await colorTranslationLoader.load(id); return capitalize(; }, }, Species: { name: async ({ id }, _, { speciesTranslationLoader }) => { const speciesTranslation = await speciesTranslationLoader.load(id); return capitalize(; }, }, Outfit: { name: async ({ id }, _, { outfitLoader }) => { const outfit = await outfitLoader.load(id); return; }, petAppearance: async ({ id }, _, { outfitLoader }) => { const outfit = await outfitLoader.load(id); return { petStateId: outfit.petStateId }; }, wornItems: async ({ id }, _, { itemOutfitRelationshipsLoader }) => { const relationships = await itemOutfitRelationshipsLoader.load(id); return relationships .filter((oir) => oir.isWorn) .map((oir) => ({ id: oir.itemId })); }, closetedItems: async ({ id }, _, { itemOutfitRelationshipsLoader }) => { const relationships = await itemOutfitRelationshipsLoader.load(id); return relationships .filter((oir) => !oir.isWorn) .map((oir) => ({ id: oir.itemId })); }, }, Query: { allColors: async (_, { ids }, { loadAllColors }) => { const allColors = await loadAllColors(); return allColors; }, allSpecies: async (_, { ids }, { loadAllSpecies }) => { const allSpecies = await loadAllSpecies(); return allSpecies; }, allValidSpeciesColorPairs: async (_, __, { loadAllPetTypes }) => { const allPetTypes = await loadAllPetTypes(); const allPairs = => ({ color: { id: pt.colorId }, species: { id: pt.speciesId }, })); return allPairs; }, items: async (_, { ids }, { itemLoader }) => { const items = await itemLoader.loadMany(ids); return items; }, itemSearch: async (_, { query }, { itemSearchLoader }) => { const items = await itemSearchLoader.load(query.trim()); return { query, items }; }, itemSearchToFit: async ( _, { query, speciesId, colorId, offset, limit }, { petTypeBySpeciesAndColorLoader, itemSearchToFitLoader } ) => { const petType = await petTypeBySpeciesAndColorLoader.load({ speciesId, colorId, }); const { bodyId } = petType; const items = await itemSearchToFitLoader.load({ query: query.trim(), bodyId, offset, limit, }); return { query, items }; }, petAppearance: async ( _, { speciesId, colorId, pose }, { petTypeBySpeciesAndColorLoader, petStatesForPetTypeLoader } ) => { const petType = await petTypeBySpeciesAndColorLoader.load({ speciesId, colorId, }); const petStates = await petStatesForPetTypeLoader.load(; // TODO: This could be optimized into the query condition 🤔 const petState = petStates.find((ps) => getPoseFromPetState(ps) === pose); if (!petState) { return null; } return { petStateId: }; }, petAppearances: async ( _, { speciesId, colorId }, { petTypeBySpeciesAndColorLoader, petStatesForPetTypeLoader } ) => { const petType = await petTypeBySpeciesAndColorLoader.load({ speciesId, colorId, }); const petStates = await petStatesForPetTypeLoader.load(; return => ({ petStateId: })); }, outfit: (_, { id }) => ({ id }), petOnNeopetsDotCom: async (_, { petName }) => { const [petMetaData, customPetData] = await Promise.all([ neopets.loadPetMetaData(petName), neopets.loadCustomPetData(petName), ]); const outfit = { // TODO: This isn't a fully-working Outfit object. It works for the // client as currently implemented, but we'll probably want to // move the client and this onto our more generic fields! species: { id: customPetData.custom_pet.species_id }, color: { id: customPetData.custom_pet.color_id }, pose: getPoseFromPetData(petMetaData, customPetData), items: Object.values(customPetData.object_info_registry).map((o) => ({ id: o.obj_info_id, })), }; return outfit; }, }, }; let lastSvgLogger = null; const svgLogging = { requestDidStart() { return { willSendResponse({ operationName }) { const logEntries = lastSvgLogger.entries; if (logEntries.length === 0) { return; } console.log(`[svgLogger] Operation: ${operationName}`); const logEntryCounts = {}; for (const logEntry of logEntries) { logEntryCounts[logEntry] = (logEntryCounts[logEntry] || 0) + 1; } const logEntriesSortedByCount = Object.entries(logEntryCounts).sort( (a, b) => b[1] - a[1] ); for (const [logEntry, count] of logEntriesSortedByCount) { console.log(`[svgLogger] - ${logEntry}: ${count}`); } }, }; }, }; const config = { typeDefs, resolvers, context: async () => { const db = await connectToDb(); const svgLogger = { entries: [], log(entry) { this.entries.push(entry); }, }; lastSvgLogger = svgLogger; return { svgLogger, ...buildLoaders(db), }; }, plugins: [svgLogging], // Enable Playground in production :) introspection: true, playground: { endpoint: "/api/graphql", }, }; if (require.main === module) { const { ApolloServer } = require("apollo-server"); const server = new ApolloServer(config); server.listen().then(({ url }) => { console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`); }); } module.exports = { config };