USE openneo_impress; -- Public data tables: read GRANT SELECT ON colors TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT ON color_translations TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT ON items TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT ON item_translations TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT ON modeling_logs TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT ON parents_swf_assets TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT ON pet_types TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT ON pet_states TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT ON species TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT ON species_translations TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT ON swf_assets TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT ON zones TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT ON zone_translations TO impress2020; -- Public data tables: write. Used in modeling and support tools. GRANT INSERT, UPDATE ON items TO impress2020; GRANT INSERT, UPDATE ON item_translations TO impress2020; GRANT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON parents_swf_assets TO impress2020; GRANT INSERT, UPDATE ON pet_types TO impress2020; GRANT INSERT, UPDATE ON pet_states TO impress2020; GRANT INSERT, UPDATE ON swf_assets TO impress2020; GRANT INSERT ON modeling_logs TO impress2020; -- User data tables GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE ON closet_hangers TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT ON closet_lists TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT ON item_outfit_relationships TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT ON neopets_connections TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT ON outfits TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON users TO impress2020; GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON openneo_id.users TO impress2020; -- mysqldump GRANT LOCK TABLES ON * TO impress2020; -- Procedures used in the application DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS GetItemsThatNeedModelsV2$$ CREATE PROCEDURE GetItemsThatNeedModelsV2() BEGIN SELECT pet_types.color_id AS color_id, AS item_id, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT pet_types.species_id ORDER BY pet_types.species_id) AS modeled_species_ids, -- Vandagyre was added on 2014-11-14, so we add some buffer here. -- TODO: Some later Dyeworks items don't support Vandagyre. -- Add a manual db flag? items.created_at >= "2014-12-01" AS supports_vandagyre FROM items INNER JOIN parents_swf_assets psa ON psa.parent_type = "Item" AND psa.parent_id = INNER JOIN swf_assets ON = psa.swf_asset_id INNER JOIN pet_types ON pet_types.body_id = swf_assets.body_id WHERE pet_types.color_id IN ( 8, -- Blue (Standard) 6, -- Baby 44, -- Maraquan 46 -- Mutant ) AND items.modeling_status_hint IS NULL GROUP BY color_id, item_id HAVING NOT ( -- No species (either an All Bodies item, or a Capsule type thing) count(DISTINCT pet_types.species_id) = 0 -- Single species (probably just their item) OR count(DISTINCT pet_types.species_id) = 1 -- All species modeled OR count(DISTINCT pet_types.species_id) = 55 -- All species modeled except Vandagyre, for items that don't support it OR (NOT supports_vandagyre AND modeled_species_ids = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54") ) ORDER BY color_id, item_id; END$$ GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE GetItemsThatNeedModelsV2 TO impress2020$$ -- This procedure is a performance optimization! We want the page to always be -- up-to-date, but we want to avoid re-running this query if modeling data -- hasn't changed. So, we use the last contribution timestamp as a cache hint -- for whether the data has expired. But in this environment, sequential -- queries are a bottleneck, so I bundled up that logic into this single -- procedure that can run on the database! That way, it's just one network -- round-trip instead of two, which makes a noticeable difference in our stack. DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS GetItemsThatNeedModelsIfNotCachedV2$$ CREATE PROCEDURE GetItemsThatNeedModelsIfNotCachedV2( IN last_known_update TIMESTAMP, OUT last_actual_update TIMESTAMP ) BEGIN SET last_actual_update = (SELECT created_at FROM contributions ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1); IF last_known_update < last_actual_update THEN CALL GetItemsThatNeedModelsV2(); END IF; END$$ GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE GetItemsThatNeedModelsIfNotCachedV2 TO impress2020$$ DELIMITER ;