import React from "react"; import { Box, Flex, Wrap, WrapItem } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import gql from "graphql-tag"; import { useQuery } from "@apollo/client"; import { useHistory, useLocation, useParams } from "react-router-dom"; import SearchToolbar, { emptySearchQuery, searchQueryIsEmpty, } from "./WardrobePage/SearchToolbar"; import SquareItemCard, { SquareItemCardSkeleton, } from "./components/SquareItemCard"; import WIPCallout from "./components/WIPCallout"; import { Delay, ErrorMessage, useCommonStyles, useDebounce } from "./util"; function ItemSearchPage() { const [query, setQuery] = useSearchQueryInUrl(); const { brightBackground } = useCommonStyles(); return ( ); } /** * useSearchQueryInUrl provides an API like useState, but stores the search * query in the URL! */ function useSearchQueryInUrl() { const history = useHistory(); const { query: value } = useParams(); const { search } = useLocation(); const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(search); const query = { value: value || "", filterToZoneLabel: searchParams.get("zone") || null, filterToItemKind: searchParams.get("kind") || null, filterToCurrentUserOwnsOrWants: searchParams.get("user") || null, }; const setQuery = React.useCallback( (newQuery) => { let url = `/items/search`; if (newQuery.value) { url += "/" + encodeURIComponent(newQuery.value); } const newParams = new URLSearchParams(); if (newQuery.filterToItemKind) { newParams.append("kind", newQuery.filterToItemKind); } if (newQuery.filterToZoneLabel) { newParams.append("zone", newQuery.filterToZoneLabel); } if (newQuery.filterToCurrentUserOwnsOrWants) { newParams.append("user", newQuery.filterToCurrentUserOwnsOrWants); } const search = newParams.toString(); if (search) { url += "?" + search; } history.replace(url); }, [history] ); return [query, setQuery]; } function ItemSearchPageResults({ query: latestQuery }) { // NOTE: Some of this is copied from SearchPanel... but all of this is messy // enough that I'm not comfy code-sharing yet, esp since I feel like // SearchPanel pagination is a bit of a mess and will need refactoring. // We debounce the search query, so that we don't resend a new query whenever // the user types anything. const query = useDebounce(latestQuery, 300, { waitForFirstPause: true, initialValue: emptySearchQuery, }); // We'll skip all this if the query is empty. We also check the latest query // for this, without waiting for the debounce, in order to get fast feedback // when clearing the query. But we _do_ still check the debounced query too, // which gives us _slow_ feedback when moving from empty to _non_-empty. const skipSearchResults = searchQueryIsEmpty(query) || searchQueryIsEmpty(latestQuery); // NOTE: This query should always load ~instantly, from the client cache. const { data: zoneData } = useQuery(gql` query SearchPanelZones { allZones { id label } } `); const allZones = zoneData?.allZones || []; const filterToZones = query.filterToZoneLabel ? allZones.filter((z) => z.label === query.filterToZoneLabel) : []; const filterToZoneIds = =>; const { loading, error, data } = useQuery( gql` query ItemSearchPageResults( $query: String! $itemKind: ItemKindSearchFilter $currentUserOwnsOrWants: OwnsOrWants $zoneIds: [ID!]! ) { itemSearch( query: $query itemKind: $itemKind currentUserOwnsOrWants: $currentUserOwnsOrWants zoneIds: $zoneIds offset: 0 limit: 30 ) { items { id name thumbnailUrl } } } `, { variables: { query: query.value, itemKind: query.filterToItemKind, currentUserOwnsOrWants: query.filterToCurrentUserOwnsOrWants, zoneIds: filterToZoneIds, }, context: { sendAuth: true }, skip: skipSearchResults, } ); if (skipSearchResults) { return null; } if (loading) { return ( ); } if (error) { return ( Oops, we couldn't load the search results. Check your connection and try again! ); } return ( { => ( ))} {data.itemSearch.items.length >= 30 && ( We only show the first 30 results for now! 😅 )} ); } function ItemSearchPageResultsLoading() { return ( ); } export default ItemSearchPage;