import React from "react"; import { Box, VStack } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { WarningTwoIcon } from "@chakra-ui/icons"; import { FaBug } from "react-icons/fa"; import { GlitchBadgeLayout, layerUsesHTML5 } from "../components/HTML5Badge"; function OutfitKnownGlitchesBadge({ appearance }) { const glitchMessages = []; const { petAppearance, items } = appearance; // Look for UC/Invisible/etc incompatibilities that we hid, that we should // just mark Incompatible someday instead. // // HACK: Most of this logic is copy-pasted from `useOutfitAppearance`. const petOccupiedZoneIds = new Set( petAppearance? => ); const petRestrictedZoneIds = new Set( petAppearance? => ); const petOccupiedOrRestrictedZoneIds = new Set([ ...petOccupiedZoneIds, ...petRestrictedZoneIds, ]); for (const item of items) { const itemHasZoneRestrictedByPet = item.appearance.layers.some( (layer) => layer.bodyId !== "0" && petOccupiedOrRestrictedZoneIds.has( ); if (itemHasZoneRestrictedByPet) { glitchMessages.push( {} isn't actually compatible with this special pet. We're still showing the old behavior, which is to hide the item. Fixing this is in our todo list, sorry for the confusing UI! ); } } // Look for items with the OFFICIAL_SVG_IS_INCORRECT glitch. for (const item of items) { const itemHasOfficialSvgIsIncorrect = item.appearance.layers.some((l) => (l.knownGlitches || []).includes("OFFICIAL_SVG_IS_INCORRECT") ); if (itemHasOfficialSvgIsIncorrect) { glitchMessages.push( There's a glitch in the art for {} that prevents us from showing the full-scale SVG version of the image. Instead, we're showing a PNG, which might look a bit blurry on larger screens. ); } } // Look for Dyeworks items that aren't converted yet. for (const item of items) { const itemIsDyeworks ="Dyeworks"); const itemIsConverted = item.appearance.layers.every(layerUsesHTML5); if (itemIsDyeworks && !itemIsConverted) { glitchMessages.push( {} isn't converted to HTML5 yet, and our Classic DTI code often shows old Dyeworks items in the wrong color. Once it's converted, we'll display it correctly! ); } } // Check whether the pet has OFFICIAL_SVG_IS_INCORRECT. const petLayers = petAppearance?.layers || []; for (const layer of petLayers) { const layerHasOfficialSvgIsIncorrect = (layer.knownGlitches || []).includes( "OFFICIAL_SVG_IS_INCORRECT" ); if (layerHasOfficialSvgIsIncorrect) { glitchMessages.push( There's a glitch in the art for this pet's {}{" "} zone that prevents us from showing the full-scale SVG version of the image. Instead, we're showing a PNG, which might look a bit blurry on larger screens. ); } } if (glitchMessages.length === 0) { return null; } return ( Known glitches {glitchMessages} } > ); } export default OutfitKnownGlitchesBadge;