import React from "react"; import gql from "graphql-tag"; import { useQuery } from "@apollo/react-hooks"; import { css, cx } from "emotion"; import { Box, Button, Flex, Image, Popover, PopoverArrow, PopoverContent, PopoverTrigger, VisuallyHidden, useTheme, } from "@chakra-ui/core"; import { getVisibleLayers, petAppearanceFragment } from "./useOutfitAppearance"; // From, thank you! import twemojiSmile from "../images/twemoji/smile.svg"; import twemojiCry from "../images/twemoji/cry.svg"; import twemojiSick from "../images/twemoji/sick.svg"; import twemojiMasc from "../images/twemoji/masc.svg"; import twemojiFem from "../images/twemoji/fem.svg"; import { OutfitLayers } from "./OutfitPreview"; function PosePicker({ outfitState, dispatchToOutfit, onLockFocus, onUnlockFocus, }) { const theme = useTheme(); const checkedInputRef = React.useRef(); const { loading, error, poses } = usePoses(outfitState); if (loading) { return null; } // This is a low-stakes enough control, where enough pairs don't have data // anyway, that I think I want to just not draw attention to failures. if (error) { return null; } // If there's only one pose anyway, don't bother showing a picker! const numAvailablePoses = Object.values(poses).filter((p) => p.isAvailable) .length; if (numAvailablePoses <= 1) { return null; } const onChange = (e) => { const [emotion, genderPresentation] ="-"); dispatchToOutfit({ type: "setPose", emotion, genderPresentation, }); }; return ( {({ isOpen }) => ( <>
); } function Cell({ children, as }) { const Tag = as; return ( {children} ); } const EMOTION_STRINGS = { HAPPY: "Happy", SAD: "Sad", SICK: "Sick", }; const GENDER_PRESENTATION_STRINGS = { MASCULINE: "Masculine", FEMININE: "Feminine", }; function PoseButton({ pose, onChange, inputRef }) { const theme = useTheme(); const genderPresentationStr = GENDER_PRESENTATION_STRINGS[pose.genderPresentation]; const emotionStr = EMOTION_STRINGS[pose.emotion]; let label = `${emotionStr} and ${genderPresentationStr}`; if (!pose.isAvailable) { label += ` (not modeled yet)`; } return ( { // HACK: We need the timeout to beat the popover's focus stealing! const input = e.currentTarget.querySelector("input"); setTimeout(() => input.focus(), 0); }} > {pose.isAvailable ? ( ) : ( ? )} ); } function EmojiImage({ src, "aria-label": ariaLabel }) { return ; } function usePoses(outfitState) { const { speciesId, colorId } = outfitState; const { loading, error, data } = useQuery( gql` query PosePicker($speciesId: ID!, $colorId: ID!) { petAppearances(speciesId: $speciesId, colorId: $colorId) { id petStateId genderPresentation emotion approximateThumbnailUrl ...PetAppearanceForOutfitPreview } } ${petAppearanceFragment} `, { variables: { speciesId, colorId } } ); const petAppearances = data?.petAppearances || []; const buildPose = (e, gp) => { const appearance = petAppearances.find( (pa) => pa.emotion === e && pa.genderPresentation === gp ); return { ...appearance, speciesId, isAvailable: Boolean(appearance), isSelected: outfitState.emotion === e && outfitState.genderPresentation === gp, }; }; const poses = { happyMasc: buildPose("HAPPY", "MASCULINE"), sadMasc: buildPose("SAD", "MASCULINE"), sickMasc: buildPose("SICK", "MASCULINE"), happyFem: buildPose("HAPPY", "FEMININE"), sadFem: buildPose("SAD", "FEMININE"), sickFem: buildPose("SICK", "FEMININE"), }; return { loading, error, poses }; } const transformsBySpeciesId = { "1": "translate(-5px, 10px) scale(2.8)", "2": "translate(-8px, 8px) scale(2.9)", "3": "translate(-1px, 17px) scale(3)", "4": "translate(-21px, 22px) scale(3.2)", "5": "translate(2px, 15px) scale(3.3)", "6": "translate(-14px, 28px) scale(3.4)", "7": "translate(-4px, 8px) scale(2.9)", "8": "translate(-26px, 30px) scale(3.0)", "9": "translate(-4px, 8px) scale(3.1)", "10": "translate(-14px, 18px) scale(3.0)", "11": "translate(-7px, 24px) scale(2.9)", "12": "translate(-16px, 20px) scale(3.5)", "13": "translate(-11px, 18px) scale(3.0)", "14": "translate(-14px, 26px) scale(3.5)", "15": "translate(-13px, 24px) scale(3.1)", "16": "translate(-6px, 29px) scale(3.1)", "17": "translate(3px, 13px) scale(3.1)", "18": "translate(2px, 27px) scale(3.4)", "19": "translate(-7px, 16px) scale(3.1)", "20": "translate(-2px, 15px) scale(3.0)", "21": "translate(-2px, -17px) scale(3.0)", "22": "translate(-14px, 16px) scale(3.6)", "23": "translate(-16px, 16px) scale(3.2)", "24": "translate(-2px, 6px) scale(3.2)", "25": "translate(-3px, 6px) scale(3.7)", "26": "translate(-7px, 19px) scale(5.2)", "27": "translate(-16px, 20px) scale(3.5)", "28": "translate(-3px, 24px) scale(3.2)", "29": "translate(-9px, 15px) scale(3.4)", "30": "translate(3px, 57px) scale(4.4)", "31": "translate(-28px, 35px) scale(3.8)", "32": "translate(-8px, 33px) scale(3.5)", "33": "translate(-8px, -6px) scale(3.2)", "34": "translate(-14px, 14px) scale(3.1)", "35": "translate(-12px, 0px) scale(3.4)", "36": "translate(6px, 23px) scale(3.3)", "37": "translate(-20px, 25px) scale(3.6)", "38": "translate(-16px, 28px) scale(4.0)", "39": "translate(-8px, 11px) scale(3.0)", "40": "translate(2px, 12px) scale(3.5)", "41": "translate(-3px, 18px) scale(3.0)", "42": "translate(-18px, 46px) scale(4.4)", "43": "translate(-6px, 22px) scale(3.2)", "44": "translate(-2px, 19px) scale(3.4)", "45": "translate(-11px, 32px) scale(3.3)", "46": "translate(-13px, 23px) scale(3.3)", "47": "translate(-14px, 4px) scale(3.1)", "48": "translate(-9px, 24px) scale(3.5)", "49": "translate(-14px, 25px) scale(3.4)", "50": "translate(-7px, 4px) scale(3.6)", "51": "translate(-13px, 16px) scale(3.2)", "52": "translate(-2px, 13px) scale(3.2)", "53": "translate(-6px, 4px) scale(3.1)", "54": "translate(-15px, 22px) scale(3.6)", "55": "translate(1px, 14px) scale(3.1)", default: "scale(2.5)", }; export default PosePicker;