import React from "react"; import { ClassNames } from "@emotion/react"; import gql from "graphql-tag"; import { Box, Button, Center, Flex, HStack, IconButton, Input, InputGroup, InputLeftElement, InputRightElement, Link, ListItem, Skeleton, Textarea, UnorderedList, useColorModeValue, useTheme, useToast, VStack, } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { ArrowForwardIcon, SearchIcon } from "@chakra-ui/icons"; import { useHistory, useLocation } from "react-router-dom"; import { useLazyQuery, useQuery } from "@apollo/client"; import { Delay, ErrorMessage, Heading1, Heading2, TestErrorSender, useCommonStyles, useLocalStorage, usePageTitle, } from "./util"; import OutfitPreview from "./components/OutfitPreview"; import SpeciesColorPicker from "./components/SpeciesColorPicker"; import SquareItemCard, { SquareItemCardSkeleton, } from "./components/SquareItemCard"; import WIPCallout from "./components/WIPCallout"; import HomepageSplashImg from "./images/homepage-splash.png"; import HomepageSplashImg2x from "./images/homepage-splash@2x.png"; import FeedbackXweeImg from "./images/feedback-xwee.png"; import FeedbackXweeImg2x from "./images/feedback-xwee@2x.png"; function HomePage() { usePageTitle(null); useSupportSetup(); const [previewState, setPreviewState] = React.useState(null); return ( } /> Dress to Impress Design and share your Neopets outfits! or Maybe we'll rename it to Impress 2021… or maybe not! 🤔 ); } function StartOutfitForm({ onChange }) { const history = useHistory(); const idealPose = React.useMemo( () => (Math.random() > 0.5 ? "HAPPY_FEM" : "HAPPY_MASC"), [] ); const [speciesId, setSpeciesId] = React.useState("1"); const [colorId, setColorId] = React.useState("8"); const [isValid, setIsValid] = React.useState(true); const [closestPose, setClosestPose] = React.useState(idealPose); const onSubmit = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (!isValid) { return; } const params = new URLSearchParams({ species: speciesId, color: colorId, pose: closestPose, }); history.push(`/outfits/new?${params}`); }; const buttonBgColor = useColorModeValue("green.600", "green.300"); const buttonBgColorHover = useColorModeValue("green.700", "green.200"); return (
{ setSpeciesId(; setColorId(; setIsValid(isValid); setClosestPose(closestPose); if (isValid) { onChange({ speciesId:, colorId:, pose: closestPose, }); } }} />
); } function SubmitPetForm() { const history = useHistory(); const theme = useTheme(); const toast = useToast(); const location = useLocation(); const [petName, setPetName] = React.useState(""); const [loadPetQuery, { loading }] = useLazyQuery( gql` query SubmitPetForm($petName: String!) { petOnNeopetsDotCom(petName: $petName) { color { id } species { id } pose items { id } } } `, { fetchPolicy: "network-only", onCompleted: (data) => { if (!data) return; const { species, color, pose, items } = data.petOnNeopetsDotCom; const params = new URLSearchParams({ name: petName, species:, color:, pose, }); for (const item of items) { params.append("objects[]",; } history.push(`/outfits/new?${params}`); }, onError: () => { toast({ title: "We couldn't load that pet, sorry 😓", description: "Is it spelled correctly?", status: "error", }); }, } ); const loadPet = React.useCallback( (petName) => { loadPetQuery({ variables: { petName } }); // Start preloading the WardrobePage, too! // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions import("./WardrobePage").catch((e) => { // Let's just let this slide, because it's a preload error. Critical // failures will happen elsewhere, and trigger reloads! console.error(e); }); }, [loadPetQuery] ); // If the ?loadPet= query param is provided, auto-load the pet immediately. // This isn't used in-app, but is a helpful hook for things like link-ins and // custom search engines. (I feel like a route or a different UX would be // better, but I don't really know enough to commit to one… let's just keep // this simple for now, I think. We might change this someday!) React.useEffect(() => { const params = new URLSearchParams(; const petName = params.get("loadPet"); if (petName) { setPetName(petName); loadPet(petName); } }, [location, loadPet]); const { brightBackground } = useCommonStyles(); const inputBorderColor = useColorModeValue("green.600", "green.500"); const inputBorderColorHover = useColorModeValue("green.400", "green.300"); const buttonBgColor = useColorModeValue("green.600", "green.300"); const buttonBgColorHover = useColorModeValue("green.700", "green.200"); return ( {({ css }) => (
{ e.preventDefault(); loadPet(petName); }} > setPetName(} isDisabled={loading} placeholder="Enter a pet's name" aria-label="Enter a pet's name" borderColor={inputBorderColor} _hover={{ borderColor: inputBorderColorHover }} background={brightBackground} boxShadow="md" width="14em" className={css` &::placeholder { color: ${theme.colors.gray["500"]}; } `} />
); } function NewItemsSection() { return ( Latest items ); } function ItemsSearchField() { const [query, setQuery] = React.useState(""); const { brightBackground } = useCommonStyles(); const history = useHistory(); return (
{ if (query) { history.push(`/items/search/${encodeURIComponent(query)}`); } }} > setQuery(} placeholder="Search all items…" borderRadius="full" /> } aria-label="Search" minWidth="1.5rem" minHeight="1.5rem" width="1.5rem" height="1.5rem" borderRadius="full" opacity={query ? 1 : 0} transition="opacity 0.2s" aria-hidden={query ? "false" : "true"} />
); } function NewItemsSectionContent() { const { loading, error, data } = useQuery( gql` query NewItemsSection { newestItems: items( ids: [ "81546" "35082" "75149" "81797" "58741" "78953" "82427" "82727" "82726" ] ) { id name thumbnailUrl isNc isPb speciesThatNeedModels { id name } compatibleBodiesAndTheirZones { body { id representsAllBodies species { id name } canonicalAppearance { id color { id name isStandard } } } } } } ` ); const { data: userData } = useQuery( gql` query NewItemsSection_UserData { newestItems { id currentUserOwnsThis currentUserWantsThis } } `, { context: { sendAuth: true }, onError: (e) => console.error("Error loading NewItemsSection_UserData, skipping:", e), } ); if (loading) { const footer = (
); return ( ); } if (error) { return ( Couldn't load new items. Check your connection and try again! ); } // Merge in the results from the user data query, if available. const newestItems = => { const itemUserData = (userData?.newestItems || []).find((i) => === || {}; return { ...item, ...itemUserData }; }); return ( { => ( } /> ))} ); } function ItemModelingSummary({ item }) { // NOTE: To test this logic, I like to swap out `newestItems` in the query: // `newestItems: items(ids: ["81546", "35082", "75149", "81797", "58741", "78953", "82427", "82727", "82726"])` if (item.speciesThatNeedModels.length > 0) { return ( Need {item.speciesThatNeedModels.length} models ); } const bodies = => bz.body); const fitsAllPets = bodies.some((b) => b.representsAllBodies); if (fitsAllPets) { return ( For all pets ); } // HACK: The Maraquan Mynci and the Blue Mynci have the same body, so to test // whether something is *meant* for standard colors, we check for more // than const standardBodies = bodies.filter( (b) => b.canonicalAppearance.color.isStandard ); const isMeantForStandardBodies = standardBodies.length >= 2; const colors = => b.canonicalAppearance.color); const specialColor = colors.find((c) => !c.isStandard); const hasSpecialColorOnly = !isMeantForStandardBodies && specialColor != null; if (hasSpecialColorOnly && bodies.length === 1) { return ( {} {bodies[0]} only ); } if (bodies.length === 1) { return ( {bodies[0]} only ); } if (hasSpecialColorOnly) { return ( {} only ); } return ( For all species ); } function ItemCardHStack({ children }) { return ( // HACK: I wanted to just have an HStack with overflow:auto and internal // paddingX, but the right-hand-side padding didn't seem to work // during overflow. This was the best I could come up with... {children} ); } function FeedbackFormSection() { const { brightBackground } = useCommonStyles(); const pitchBorderColor = useColorModeValue("gray.300", "green.400"); const formBorderColor = useColorModeValue("gray.300", "blue.400"); return ( } > ); } function FeedbackFormContainer({ background, borderColor, children }) { return ( {children} ); } function FeedbackFormPitch() { return ( Hi friends! Welcome to the beta! This is the new Dress to Impress! It's ready for the future, and it even works great on mobile! More coming soon! New updates (June 21) Faster outfit editing Better item list pages Outfit saving! Try it out!! See more on Twitter! Coming soon Better outfit editing on large screens Item list editing …a lot of little things{" "} 😅 ↓ Got ideas? Send them to us, please!{" "} 💖 ); } function FeedbackForm() { const [content, setContent] = React.useState(""); const [email, setEmail] = useLocalStorage("DTIFeedbackFormEmail", ""); const [isSending, setIsSending] = React.useState(false); const toast = useToast(); const onSubmit = React.useCallback( (e) => { e.preventDefault(); fetch("/api/sendFeedback", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ content, email }), }) .then((res) => { if (!res.ok) { throw new Error(`/api/sendFeedback returned status ${res.status}`); } setIsSending(false); setContent(""); toast({ status: "success", title: "Got it! We'll take a look soon.", description: "Thanks for helping us get better! Best wishes to you and your " + "pets!!", }); }) .catch((e) => { setIsSending(false); console.error(e); toast({ status: "warning", title: "Oops, we had an error sending this, sorry!", description: "We'd still love to hear from you! Please reach out to " + " with whatever's on your mind. Thanks and " + "enjoy the site!", duration: null, isClosable: true, }); }); setIsSending(true); }, [content, email, toast] ); const { brightBackground } = useCommonStyles(); return ( setEmail(} background={brightBackground} />