import React from "react"; import { loadImage, safeImageUrl } from "../util"; function OutfitMovieLayer({ libraryUrl, width, height, isPaused = false, onLoad = null, }) { const [stage, setStage] = React.useState(null); const [library, setLibrary] = React.useState(null); const [movieClip, setMovieClip] = React.useState(null); const canvasRef = React.useRef(null); const loadingDeps = useEaselDependenciesLoader(); // Set the canvas's internal dimensions to be higher, if the device has high // DPI like retina. But we'll keep the layout width/height as expected! const internalWidth = width * window.devicePixelRatio; const internalHeight = height * window.devicePixelRatio; // This effect gives us a `stage` corresponding to the canvas element. React.useLayoutEffect(() => { if (loadingDeps || !canvasRef.current) { return; } setStage((stage) => { if (stage && stage.canvas === canvasRef.current) { return stage; } return new window.createjs.Stage(canvasRef.current); }); return () => setStage(null); }, [loadingDeps]); // This effect gives us the `library` and `movieClip`, based on the incoming // `libraryUrl`. React.useEffect(() => { if (loadingDeps) { return; } let canceled = false; loadMovieLibrary(libraryUrl) .then((library) => { if (canceled) { return; } setLibrary(library); const movieClip = buildMovieClip(library, libraryUrl); setMovieClip(movieClip); }) .catch((e) => { console.error("Error loading outfit movie layer", e); }); return () => { canceled = true; setLibrary(null); setMovieClip(null); }; }, [loadingDeps, libraryUrl]); // This effect puts the `movieClip` on the `stage`, when both are ready. React.useEffect(() => { if (!stage || !movieClip) { return; } stage.addChild(movieClip); // Render the movie's first frame. If it's animated and we're not paused, // then another effect will perform subsequent updates. stage.update(); // This is when we trigger `onLoad`: once we're actually showing it! if (onLoad) { onLoad(); } return () => stage.removeChild(movieClip); }, [stage, movieClip, onLoad]); // This effect updates the `stage` according to the `library`'s framerate, // but only if there's actual animation to do - i.e., there's more than one // frame to show, and we're not paused. React.useEffect(() => { if (!stage || !movieClip || !library) { return; } if (isPaused || !hasAnimations(movieClip)) { return; } const intervalId = setInterval( () => stage.update(), 1000 / ); return () => clearInterval(intervalId); }, [stage, movieClip, library, isPaused]); // This effect keeps the `movieClip` scaled correctly, based on the canvas // size and the `library`'s natural size declaration. (If the canvas size // changes on window resize, then this will keep us responsive, so long as // the parent updates our width/height props on window resize!) React.useEffect(() => { if (!stage || !movieClip || !library) { return; } movieClip.scaleX = internalWidth /; movieClip.scaleY = internalHeight /; // Redraw the stage with the new dimensions - but with `tickOnUpdate` set // to `false`, so that we don't advance by a frame. This keeps us // really-paused if we're paused, and avoids skipping ahead by a frame if // we're playing. stage.tickOnUpdate = false; stage.update(); stage.tickOnUpdate = true; }, [stage, library, movieClip, internalWidth, internalHeight]); return ( ); } /** * useEaselDependenciesLoader loads the CreateJS scripts we use in OutfitCanvas. * We load it as part of OutfitCanvas, but callers can also use this to preload * the scripts and track loading progress. */ export function useEaselDependenciesLoader() { // NOTE: I couldn't find an official NPM source for this that worked with // Webpack, and I didn't want to rely on random people's ports, and I // couldn't get a bundled version to work quite right. So we load // createjs async! const loadingEaselJS = useScriptTag( "" ); const loadingTweenJS = useScriptTag( "" ); const loadingDeps = loadingEaselJS || loadingTweenJS; return loadingDeps; } function useScriptTag(src) { const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(true); React.useEffect(() => { const existingScript = document.querySelector( `script[src=${CSS.escape(src)}]` ); if (existingScript) { setLoading(false); return; } let canceled = false; loadScriptTag(src).then(() => { if (!canceled) { setLoading(false); } }); return () => { canceled = true; setLoading(true); }; }, [src, setLoading]); return loading; } function loadScriptTag(src) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const script = document.createElement("script"); script.onload = () => resolve(script); script.onerror = (e) => reject(e); script.src = src; document.body.appendChild(script); }); } export async function loadMovieLibrary(librarySrc) { // These library JS files are interesting in their operation. It seems like // the idea is, it pushes an object to a global array, and you need to snap // it up and see it at the end of the array! And I don't really see a way to // like, get by a name or ID that we know by this point. So, here we go, just // try to grab it once it arrives! // // I'm not _sure_ this method is reliable, but it seems to be stable so far // in Firefox for me. The things I think I'm observing are: // - Script execution order should match insert order, // - Onload execution order should match insert order, // - BUT, script executions might be batched before onloads. // - So, each script grabs the _first_ composition from the list, and // deletes it after grabbing. That way, it serves as a FIFO queue! // I'm not suuure this is happening as I'm expecting, vs I'm just not seeing // the race anymore? But fingers crossed! await loadScriptTag(safeImageUrl(librarySrc)); const [compositionId, composition] = Object.entries( window.AdobeAn.compositions )[0]; if (Object.keys(window.AdobeAn.compositions).length > 1) { console.warn( `Grabbing composition ${compositionId}, but there are >1 here: `, Object.keys(window.AdobeAn.compositions).length ); } delete window.AdobeAn.compositions[compositionId]; const library = composition.getLibrary(); // One more loading step as part of loading this library is loading the // images it uses for sprites. // // TODO: I guess the manifest has these too, so if we could use our DB cache // to get the manifest to us faster, then we could avoid a network RTT // on the critical path by preloading these images before the JS file // even gets to us? const librarySrcDir = librarySrc.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/"); const manifestImages = new Map({ id, src }) => [ id, loadImage({ src: safeImageUrl(librarySrcDir + "/" + src) }), ]) ); await Promise.all(manifestImages.values()); // Finally, once we have the images loaded, the library object expects us to // mutate it (!) to give it the actual sprite sheet objects based on the // loaded images. That's how the MovieClip's objects will access the loaded // versions! const spriteSheets = composition.getSpriteSheet(); for (const { name, frames } of library.ssMetadata) { const image = await manifestImages.get(name); spriteSheets[name] = new window.createjs.SpriteSheet({ images: [image], frames, }); } return library; } export function buildMovieClip(library, libraryUrl) { let constructorName; try { const fileName = libraryUrl.split("/").pop(); const fileNameWithoutExtension = fileName.split(".")[0]; constructorName = fileNameWithoutExtension.replace(/[ -]/g, ""); if (constructorName.match(/^[0-9]/)) { constructorName = "_" + constructorName; } } catch (e) { throw new Error( `Movie libraryUrl ${JSON.stringify( libraryUrl )} did not match expected format: ${e.message}` ); } const LibraryMovieClipConstructor = library[constructorName]; if (!LibraryMovieClipConstructor) { throw new Error( `Expected JS movie library ${libraryUrl} to contain a constructor ` + `named ${constructorName}, but it did not: ${Object.keys(library)}` ); } const movieClip = new LibraryMovieClipConstructor(); return movieClip; } /** * Recursively scans the given MovieClip (or child createjs node), to see if * there are any animated areas. */ export function hasAnimations(createjsNode) { return ( createjsNode.totalFrames > 1 || (createjsNode.children || []).some(hasAnimations) ); } export default OutfitMovieLayer;