Pulled MarkdownAndSafeHTML into a shared component, and use it on the single list page now too!
I also simplified some of the logic for the item list, because I figure we'll have to give the trade matching stuff its own pass, y'know?
I refactor the hide-badge thing into 3 "trade matching modes". Then, the logic for whether to hide specific badges moves into the component, and we use that same flag to decide whether to show the big word "match"!
Boom, cute owns/wants badges on "Latest items", and the item search page, and trade matches!
I'm gonna add some additional flair to the trade match case, too!
I wanted the ability to clear out closet list text for Support users, and figured I should just build the UI for end users too, and grant Support users the same access!
Huh, I'm not sure why Apollo is returning `data: undefined`, when the server is definitely returning the correct no-user-found data in the shape I expect... suspicious :/ well, let's at least stop crashing!
I switched from my `_NoAuthRequired` opname hack, to a more robust `context` argument, and it's opt-in!
This should make queries without user data faster by default. We'll need to remember to specify this in order to get user data, but it shouldn't be something we'd like, ship without remembering—the feature just won't work until we do!
I took out virtualization for now too, I wanna see how this non-Chakra UI version, with fewer nodes and no tooltips etc, performs on large lists in production.
Looks like there was some kind of runtime conflict when running @emotion/css and @emotion/react at the same time in this app? Some styles would just get clobbered, making things look all weird.
Here, I've removed our @emotion/css dependency, and use the `<ClassNames>` utility element from `@emotion/react` instead. I'm not thrilled about the solution, but it seems okay for now...
...one other thing I tried was passing a `css` prop to Chakra elements, which seemed to work, but to clobber the element's own Emotion-based styles. I assumed that the Babel macro wouldn't help us, and wouldn't convert css props to className props for non-HTML elements... but I suppose I'm not sure!
Anyway, I don't love this syntax... but I'm happy for the site to be working again. I wonder if we can find something better.
In a previous change, I moved the margin for item badges onto an ItemBadge element… but I didn't think through how that would break the spacing for the loading state of ItemPage. Now, the loading skeleton items _contained_ the badge margin, and so the spacing between badges was shiny skeleton-y.
Here, I replace ZoneBadgesList with a function that just returns the elements, and go back to using Chakra's Wrap component. That will apply the margin to direct children, and the zone badges are direct children now.
One option I'm thinking of in hindsight is an idea I had earlier: Chakra hacks the margin onto _React_ children, but could we use CSS direct child selector instead? A bit trickier to resolve the margin size to the theme's value, but plenty doable… something to consider!
That is, if you're browsing a trade list and you go "oh actually, I _do_ want that!", and click the item page to mark it, then click Back, we'll now update the matching stuff on the trade list page to reflect that it's now a match.
This was just a matter of simplifying the GraphQL query, I think the `currentUserOwnsThis` and `currentUserWantsThis` fields just didn't exist at the time?
We _don't_ yet update your _own_ trade list, if you click through to an item to remove it or something like that. The cache update function isn't too tricky, but it's a bit verbose to implement in Apollo, so I'm not bothering right now!