This has been bothering me for a long time, but I couldn't really figure out what to do about it. But tweaking the site bg color a smidge has helped us really add texture to the cards I want to have pop out, like the outfit polaroids!
I kinda went all-in in a burst, but tbh I think it looks great :3
I haven't really touched the wardrobe page with it yet though, that'll probably need some tweaking... for now I'm overriding it to keep the old background!
Looks like there was some kind of runtime conflict when running @emotion/css and @emotion/react at the same time in this app? Some styles would just get clobbered, making things look all weird.
Here, I've removed our @emotion/css dependency, and use the `<ClassNames>` utility element from `@emotion/react` instead. I'm not thrilled about the solution, but it seems okay for now... other thing I tried was passing a `css` prop to Chakra elements, which seemed to work, but to clobber the element's own Emotion-based styles. I assumed that the Babel macro wouldn't help us, and wouldn't convert css props to className props for non-HTML elements... but I suppose I'm not sure!
Anyway, I don't love this syntax... but I'm happy for the site to be working again. I wonder if we can find something better.
Oops, creating a new `SpeciesColorPicker` fn on each render meant that React treated it as a whole new dropdown each time. I've extracted it out into a stable component class, and just pass in the extra props now!
This bug caused changes to kick you out of focus for the dropdown, because it had unmounted and remounted.
This query was very slow! I added an index, and now it's fast!
This code change doesn't actually affect anything, but the comment helps explain what happened, since the index isn't stored in code. (Todo: should I start defining some indexes in our setup files?)