Our host, Vercel, doesn't keep old build files on its CDN after a deploy for very long. This means that, after a deploy that changes a page's bundle, existing sessions that attempt to navigate to it for the first time will fail on the dynamic `import`, because the filename hash has changed.
The best fix I'm aware of for this is to just, reload the page when this happens!
To test this, I did the following:
1. Use `yarn build` to build a prod copy of the site.
2. Use `serve -s build` to start serving it on its own port. (API endpoints won't work, and that's okay!)
3. Don't touch the open copy of the site yet.
4. Make a change to `PrivacyPolicyPage.js`, and `yarn build` again. This simulates a deploy under similar circumstances.
5. Open the Console, tick the "Persist Logs" option, and try to navigate to Privacy Policy. Observe that it logs a ChunkLoadError in the console, and smoothly reloads the page to show you the updated Privacy Policy page.
6. Undo your change 😅
My main reason for adding this now is that I'm getting some scattered reports of things not displaying correctly, and I want to start gathering some browser data on that...
I recently confirmed that animations work on iOS (at least one did!), which was going to be my guess of what was breaking...
Still a pretty limited early version, no saving _back_ to the server. But you can click from the Your Outfits page and see the outfit for real! :3 We have a WIPCallout explaining the basics.
This has been bothering me for a long time, but I couldn't really figure out what to do about it. But tweaking the site bg color a smidge has helped us really add texture to the cards I want to have pop out, like the outfit polaroids!
I kinda went all-in in a burst, but tbh I think it looks great :3
I haven't really touched the wardrobe page with it yet though, that'll probably need some tweaking... for now I'm overriding it to keep the old background!
Here, we extract a lean WardrobePageLayout component, so that we can bundle it into the main app as a loading state for WardrobePage.
This means that clicking Start from the homepage will, instead of flashing the screen to white while WardrobePage loads, show the correctly-sized black/white page layout instead.
(the permissioning happens on the backend in the prev change! but yeah we send the auth token in the headers, so the backend knows who you are and whether to show you private data)
(also it is just owned items not in any list!)
Hey wow this was not so hard, just set some global styles, removed some hardcoded colors, and walked through the remaining hardcoded colors to pick a dark mode variant :) neat!!