The first page moved over! Note that this broke navigation on the rest of the app, so don't deploy this until we're done!
The reason it broke was that we had to migrate GlobalHeader and GlobalFooter to the Next.js link & router stuff too, or else it crashed because it wasn't in a react-router-dom context.
Just sorta idly poking at what it would take to make our Next setup a bit more normal. To start, I'm putting things in more of the normal place, and eyeing what it would take to switch to Next's built-in routing! So now `App.js` is pretty much entirely a routing file, potentially to be deleted once we move 🤔
Idk why Next made me these files in a way that created React errors but ok! Maybe it was because we didn't have `pages` in the `includes`, so my editor was using the default tsconfig instead of this one?
I'm interested in ejecting from Vercel, so I'm trying to get off their proprietary-ish create-react-app + Vercel API thing, and onto Nextjs, which is very similar in shape, but more portable.
I had to disable `craCompat` in `next.config.js` to stop us from crashing on their webpack config, see
The frontend seems to work at a basic level, but network requests fail, and images don't seem to be working. I'll work on those next!
Note that this commit was forced through despite failing lint checks. We'll need to fix that up too!
Also, after the codemod, I moved `src/pages` to the more canonical location `pages`. Lint tooling seemed surprised to not find a `pages` directory, and I didn't see a config that was making it work correctly in the other location, so I figured it's that Next is willing to check `pages` or `src/pages`? But this is more canonical so yeah!