There are two Neopets NC items named Butterfly Dress! ~owls disambiguates them by calling one of them "Butterfly Dress (from Faerie Festival event)".
It'd be a bit more robust to cooperate with ~owls t o get item IDs served up in this case, but it's not a big deal esp. for only this one case, so like… this is fine!
Hey nice it looks like it's working! :3 "Bright Speckled Parasol" is a nice test case, it has a long text string! And when the NC value is not included in the ~owls list, we indeed don't show the badge!
This isn't a partnership we've actually talked through with the team, I'm just validating whether we could reuse our Waka code if it were to come up! and playing with it for fun 😊
Oops, the new Juppie Swirl color has ID 114, and there's no released color #113 yet. But our `/api/validPetPoses` code, when deciding how large to make the byte array, uses the _number_ of colors in the database.
This meant that, when Juppie Swirl was released, there wasn't a 114th slot allocated, and the loop stopped at color ID #113—so the new Juppie Swirl color #114 wasn't included in the results. This made it impossible to select Juppie Swirl as a starting color. (You could, however, model a Juppie Swirl Chia, and the wardrobe would load it successfully; and you would see the color/species picker with the correct options selected, but in a red "invalid" state.)
Now, we instead use the largest ID in the database to determine the size of the array. This means Juppie Swirl is now included correctly!
There would be network perf implications if the color IDs were a sparser space, but it's dense enough to be totally fine in practice. (But let's not release an April Fools color #9999 or anything!)
Well, instrumentation seems to be working fine again! The bug we ran into during commit e5081dab7e is gone. Cool!
I want to be able to see what's making the new box slow. My hypothesis was (and it seems to be right) that communication with the database on the Classic DTI server is slow.
But now that they're on the same Linode account and region, I think I can set up a private VLAN to make them muuuch faster. We'll try it out!
Yeah ok, let's just run one browser instance and one pool.
I feel like I observed that, when I killed chromium in prod, pm2 noticed the abrupt loss of a child process and restarted the whole app process? which is rad? so maybe let's just trying relying on that and see how it goes
We used Playwright in the first place to try to work around a Vercel deploy issue, and I'm not sure it really ended up mattering lol :p
But yeah, I'm putting the new Puppeteer code through the same prod stress test, and it just doesn't seem to be getting into the same broken state that Playwright was. I'm guessing it's just that Puppeteer has more investment in edge-case handling? (There's also the fact that we're no longer running things as root, which could have been a fucky problem, too?)
The motivation is that I want VERCEL_URL and local net requests outta here :p and we were doing some cutesiness with leveraging the CDN cache to back the GQL fields. No more of that, folks! lol
Previously we were using HTTP queries to keep individual function bundle sizes small, but that doesn't matter in a server where all the code is shared!
The immediate motivation is that I want /api/outfitImage requesting against the same server, not For other stuff I'm probably gonna fix this by replacing VERCEL_URL with something else, but here I figured this was a change worth making anyway.
Now that we're not on Vercel's AWS Lambda deployment, we can switch to something a bit more standard!
I also tweaked up our version of Playwright, because, hey, why not?
Getting the package list was a bit tricky, but we got there! Left a comment to explain where it's from.
I noticed this when Playwright was trying to draw cute ASCII art and it wasn't showing up right! Not a big deal, but it's a bit more correct to do this, so let's do it!
Things seemed to mostly work at first glance! I haven't tested outfitPageSSR because we'll need to redo it though, and also the outfit image routes aren't working anymore (vercel.json isn't how next.js works)
I'm interested in ejecting from Vercel, so I'm trying to get off their proprietary-ish create-react-app + Vercel API thing, and onto Nextjs, which is very similar in shape, but more portable.
I had to disable `craCompat` in `next.config.js` to stop us from crashing on their webpack config, see
The frontend seems to work at a basic level, but network requests fail, and images don't seem to be working. I'll work on those next!
Note that this commit was forced through despite failing lint checks. We'll need to fix that up too!
Also, after the codemod, I moved `src/pages` to the more canonical location `pages`. Lint tooling seemed surprised to not find a `pages` directory, and I didn't see a config that was making it work correctly in the other location, so I figured it's that Next is willing to check `pages` or `src/pages`? But this is more canonical so yeah!