Just a little display bug on the homepage. For an item like the "Evil Coconut Half Mask", which was specifically drawn for the standard _and_ major special colors, our previous logic would have said "Baby only" or "Maraquan only" or whatever special color it happened to find first.
Now, we only show the case "Baby only" if it _doesn't_ fit standard pets too.
Note that the Maraquan case is tricky, because the Blue Mynci can also wear Maraquan items lol! For this reason, we check for two standard bodies before declaring that it's meant for standard pets.
I wasn't sure how to fill the space for items that are fully modeled, then realized some basic at-a-glance "who does this fit" would help!
The load time isn't great, I think I need to break out that dependent subquery, but maybe the stale-while-revalidate will cover it well enough at first.
Add a skeleton stripe for the modeling data! Won't show up in most cases because we load fast, but it helps things a lot when it does. (Also, will we keep loading fast with the cache changes on this query?)
To make this fast, I had to tweak the GraphQL resolver a bit to run a filtered version of the query for `newestItems` instead of scanning the full database! But yeah, looking good!
I think I'm gonna want to swap out "Fully modeled" for some insight about who it fits
Oh right, adding user data to this query makes it uncacheable!
Split the query into the main public data, which will cache; and the user data, which will load in later.
Boom, cute owns/wants badges on "Latest items", and the item search page, and trade matches!
I'm gonna add some additional flair to the trade match case, too!
This has been bugging me for a while lol, the background was leaking out of the corners!
I had applied the styles to the `InputGroup` because I didn't realize how Chakra implements this… I had assumed that the left/right elements wouldn't also get the background.
But it turns out, `InputGroup` uses `position: absolute` stuff, and uses padding to create visual space in the `Input` below them! So, this works perfect!
Oh right, labeling PB items as NP is confusing! Here, we add a "PB" case to the lil badge on the corner of the item thumbnail, in item search page & homepage Newest Items.
Boom, pulled some stuff out into util! Now we also have error boundaries in both panels of the wardrobe page.
You can test this one by visiting `/outfits/new?send-test-error-for-sentry`, just like on the home page! Util component for fake errors owo
I've been getting more Sentry errors about JS chunk errors after deploys, and finally looked into it!
Turns out that, our try/catch handling was working great, and the page was reloading correctly for users as expected. But in these scenarios we would _also_ throw and log two uncaught errors!
The first is that, because we're a single-page app, unrecognized routes fall back to the index.html by default (to power our custom client-side routes, like /outfits/123 etc). So this meant that missing JS files, which _should_ be returning a 404, were instead returning 200 OK and an HTML file, which failed to parse. (And running the script isn't included in the catchable part of the `import` promise!)
Now, in our `vercel.json` config, we catch those paths specifically and 404 them. (The exact choice of path is important: on dev, all these routes run _before_ the dev server, which is responsible for serving the static files - but dev doesn't include hashes in the JS file names, so this 404 route only matches built prod JS files, not local dev JS files.)
The second is that we failed to return anything to `@loadable/component` in the error case, so it would try to render `undefined` as if it were a component class. Now, we return a trivial component class that returns null!
I switched from my `_NoAuthRequired` opname hack, to a more robust `context` argument, and it's opt-in!
This should make queries without user data faster by default. We'll need to remember to specify this in order to get user data, but it shouldn't be something we'd like, ship without remembering—the feature just won't work until we do!
Not really sure how to scale these over time, I feel like some amount of history + blog cuteness could be fun? And like, the ability to catch up if you come back after a couple weeks could be nice. But this seems like a really useful at-a-glancer for folks!
Woo, it's looking pretty good, I think!
I didn't bother with pagination yet, since I feel like that'll be a bit of a design and eng lift unto itself... but I figured people would appreciate the ability to look up individual items, even if the rest isn't ready yet 😅
When building the code to await auth before sending _any_ GraphQL queries, I didn't realize that auth might be kinda slow. So, I've added a hack to let me mark queries with no user-specific data to skip auth, and applied that to the main queries on the homepage.
I think this is a hint that we might want to change our strategy - e.g. to flip it to hackily mark that auth _is_ required, or to create wrappers or option-builder helpers for logged-in queries, etc.
I also notice that SSR would have resolved this particular case...
This UI generally loads very fast, thanks to the CDN cache, so the flash of skeleton content is more distracting than anything else! We still show it quickly after 300ms, but good network connections should reliably get it loaded before then.
I haven't seen anything come in from prod yet, and it's hard to trigger one, maybe because the integration is React-specific? Or maybe it's... not working :p
I can send errors from dev! But just haven't _seeeen_ a prod error come in yet.
Maybe we're just squeaky clean tho :3
This has been bothering me for a long time, but I couldn't really figure out what to do about it. But tweaking the site bg color a smidge has helped us really add texture to the cards I want to have pop out, like the outfit polaroids!
I kinda went all-in in a burst, but tbh I think it looks great :3
I haven't really touched the wardrobe page with it yet though, that'll probably need some tweaking... for now I'm overriding it to keep the old background!
Looks like there was some kind of runtime conflict when running @emotion/css and @emotion/react at the same time in this app? Some styles would just get clobbered, making things look all weird.
Here, I've removed our @emotion/css dependency, and use the `<ClassNames>` utility element from `@emotion/react` instead. I'm not thrilled about the solution, but it seems okay for now...
...one other thing I tried was passing a `css` prop to Chakra elements, which seemed to work, but to clobber the element's own Emotion-based styles. I assumed that the Babel macro wouldn't help us, and wouldn't convert css props to className props for non-HTML elements... but I suppose I'm not sure!
Anyway, I don't love this syntax... but I'm happy for the site to be working again. I wonder if we can find something better.
I noticed that, if you're _reading_ the beta callout it's obviously a feedback link, but it's easy to glaze over "Tell us what you think". Here, I've added the word "feedback" to make it stand out on scanning the page, while adding "Got ideas?" to keep it feeling colloquial.
Oops, I shipped with the images.neopets.com TODO undone! Also, the white background was intersecting with the close X for the feedback form.
In this change, we move the xwee image into our bundle instead of depending on images.neopets.com, and we edit it to have a transparent background, which looks nicer for dark mode. (And we do a srcset!)
Not 100% sure on the copy, but I like that it's a bit clearer about the value prop. I tried to work in customization for SEO, but it feels too clunky in a sentence, might need to put it elsewhere in the copy!
Fading the whole preview to a black overlay for the loading state was feeling aggressive, especially since loading delay wasn't working correctly!
In this change, I fix loading delay, and I add a nice subtle "corner" variant for outfit preview spinners :)